Good thing Jimfeistsucks left


New member
Sep 25, 2004
JimFiestSux said:
You are a complete f Ucking moron. Yes I'll say it to your face too as shole. You need to get a life . I'll keep posting and posting just to piss as sholes like you off. You need a reality check. I'll meet you in Vegas in August and we'll settle this s hit then. Bring your friends you'll need them! Have a great evening. I hope you hit all your plays.


I take honor in being one of the first to call you out like I saw it early on

You're a moron and always will be...Tell "DOC" I said hi...Lately he has been grabbing your nuts and making you cough like a true "DOC" :lolBIG: :dancefool

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
JimFiestSux said:
You are a complete f Ucking moron. Yes I'll say it to your face too as shole. You need to get a life . I'll keep posting and posting just to piss as sholes like you off. You need a reality check. I'll meet you in Vegas in August and we'll settle this s hit then. Bring your friends you'll need them! Have a great evening. I hope you hit all your plays.

I dont really care where u post your plays, or if they are "made up" or not, thats your business, but DO NOT come into our forum threatening anyone, about our Bash, or your posting rights will be removed......

That is not cool....

New member
Oct 20, 2002

i do not think jim was threatening ZZ-topster , because in reality if both parties were to meet, which scenario would happen

a) JFS fighting with zzz speedster
b) JFS& all of his made up friends blowing zzz speedster & casinoman to bit in VEGAS

C) jfs & ZZZ SPEEDSTER shaking hands and having an ADULT BEVERAGE,

watching some baseball games

give me C for the limit..


Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002

i do not think jim was threatening ZZ-topster , because in reality if both parties were to meet, which scenario would happen

a) JFS fighting with zzz speedster
b) JFS& all of his made up friends blowing zzz speedster & casinoman to bit in VEGAS

C) jfs & ZZZ SPEEDSTER shaking hands and having an ADULT BEVERAGE,

watching some baseball games

give me C for the limit..


that might very well happen, and would be the grown up thing to do...

But i see no reason to come here and threaten people about showing up in Vegas......all over "forum picks"

Our vegas bash is a great time for all.....Ridiculous for people to use it as a chance to try to threaten or scare someone over the internet, cuz they dont "like their picks" or disagree over picks......see fault on both sides here....

Just dont like the threats to our posters...

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
JimFiestSux said:
You are a complete f Ucking moron. Yes I'll say it to your face too as shole. You need to get a life . I'll keep posting and posting just to piss as sholes like you off. You need a reality check. I'll meet you in Vegas in August and we'll settle this s hit then. Bring your friends you'll need them! Have a great evening. I hope you hit all your plays.

didnt know you jfs but this isnt cool.i dont agree with this thread either.i got no problem with u defending yourself but there is no need to threaten anyone.hope alls well ends well.good luck to ev1

Sep 20, 2004
You are right KidSlick!! I'd by him dinner and drinks all night. I'm not threatening him. What pissed me off was BUCSFAN says that the baseball forum is for picking and discussing games,lol. THEN WHY DID THIS THREAD STAY UP IN THE BASES FORUM TILL I POSTED,LOL?????? Thats what pissed me off. Honestly all I know is I'm making it OK this year. Not comparing to anyone else but myself! Hey ZZZSpeedster, keep posting my plays thats cool, I'll be on a streak very soon and then by posting my plays (ALL NOT JUST THE LOSERS LIKE SOME ONLY POST) then more will find me. GOOD LUCK!!

Sep 20, 2004
Ok I just went back and read these posts on this thread. IDIOTS, if you think this guy doesn't exist then its your right to think so. Maybe you are living in a cage ,lol. It shows that all that posted this has NO KNOWLEDGE or is close to any knowing of anybody who bets for certain people. I guess there are no movements either to even off bets too,lol. You guys need to unlock that cage you are in and get out, you might meet someone important. Believe me or not these plays were and are Doc's. You see you morons keep putting a guy down when he loses thats why this forum lost MANY GREAT CAPPERS, and I'm not one but know of some. ChopTalk keep up the hot streak cause these ????? will spit you up and chew you out in a NY minute. Man these are people who only post negative bout people and its the same people all the time with ghost names,lol. I HOPE ALL YOU BASHERS LOSE EVERY GAME YOU PLAY FROM HERE ON IN. PLEASE FADE ALL MY PLAYS GUYS!!

Sep 20, 2004

I'm hearing alot bout you lately!! Care to explain why this thread was left up over 12 hours in the bases forum before being moved within seconds after I posted in it???

Oct 31, 2004
Hey JFS, im one of the few people on this thread who did not bash you, or even say that DOC was a fake. I said " I dont know if DOC is real or fake" maybe hes real, maybe hes not, thats something I cant prove one way or the other. The only thing I brought up was your MM skills, and your lack of ability to handle a losing streak. I even gave you credit for being a good capper. which is something very few in here have done. It may not have been a your the greatest ive ever seen post, but compared to what the others have written, why are you picking on me of all the people?

As for your BS contest, I could not care less who the best capper is. I just want to have a winning season. You keep bringing up my spring traning record, like that is some great record that misrepresents my season totals.
I was (7-3) +3 units. whop t do. Like that makes a big difference.

Oct 31, 2004
One more thing JFS, Im telling you this as truthfully as can be, I wish you and Madcapper all the luck in the world. Did not mean to sound harsh. I think your a good baseball capper. I have never said otherwise. I just hate to see people chase it all away because of a small losing streak. There is no such thing as a money management expert like you said I was. Its called self control and comman sense. Have a good one, and I hope you win all your plays.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
JFS, maybe you can shoot me an email and we can discuss some of the problems on the phone. I'll be happy to speak with you anytime.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
JimFiestSux said:

I'm hearing alot bout you lately!! Care to explain why this thread was left up over 12 hours in the bases forum before being moved within seconds after I posted in it???

I am not the only moderator here JFS.....u might want to ask some of the others.....I moved the thread when i saw it in the morning, before i left for work.....

And if it was moved within "seconds" of u posting in it, then it must have been because u bumped it to the top....I looked on the thread and I moved it at 7:22 a.m., i dont see a post by you within seconds of that...however, its not important.....somehow you will find a way to make it my fault, so be it...

I saw the thread when i checked in the morning before work and i moved it, thats what i am supposed to do....

Sep 20, 2004
Bucs not for nothing but I posted my response and READ IT in the bases forum before you moved this. Come on man don't lie,lol. Also I heard you are a waiter that works nites so how can you leave for work in the AM???

Nov 1, 2004
JimFiestSux said:
Bucs not for nothing but I posted my response and READ IT in the bases forum before you moved this. Come on man don't lie,lol. Also I heard you are a waiter that works nites so how can you leave for work in the AM???

Man dude you are so lame with the way you continually try and shift the focus away from you. Who the **** cares what bucsfan does? Have you looked at his baseball? The guy posts almost every day, never has more than a 3* play (no plays from DOC either), and he is up a lot of units already!! THATS consistency, thats honesty, etc.

Take your fuckin ball and go home.


Sep 20, 2004
I'll gladly take my ball and go the F uck home. But as long as any moron here posts when I lose I'll be here breaking balls so leave my plays on the other forum and I'll never be here again !! Where are the morons when I hit,lol. Hopefully fading me!!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
JimFiestSux said:
Bucs not for nothing but I posted my response and READ IT in the bases forum before you moved this. Come on man don't lie,lol. Also I heard you are a waiter that works nites so how can you leave for work in the AM???

Who said you didnt post in the bases forum?

I said that I SAW THE THREAD before i left in the morning, and moved it....

Thats all i said.....

What does u posting and reading your post have to do with anything?

I moved the thread because i didnt think it was appropriate in the bases forum, would figure I WOULD GET **** from you about that as well.....I would think u would be happy it was moved, instead i get crap for the time of day i moved it.....

My work schedule is absolutely none of your business, however, u might want to get a better source when you are worrying about my career, as i have absolutely no care about yours......But your source of info, obviously doesnt know as much as they think they know.....and i check the boards if i have time, before i leave for work in the morning...

Could give a **** less whether you believe me or not, stupidest thing i have ever seen trying to call someone out over what "shift" they work, or what kind of work they do.......

Any person that works is ok by me, since so many sit on their ass and mooch off other people.......

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
JimFiestSux said:
OK Bucs your are right I'm wrong, sorry for all the problems. Will move on now!


contrary to you personal opinion, i DO wish u luck and hope you are happy at your new posting home....Always hate to see anyone leave, who contributes..

Keep posting winners, and make it a great baseball season...

Stumblin' around, drunk on burgundy wine.
Oct 11, 2004
6 loses in a row for DOC. hasn't happened since the fall of 1953. Down about a quarter million in monopoly money. :hump:

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