This press conference was an utter disaster. What a complete embarrassment this guy is.
Paris and the Press Put Obama on the Defensive
In his first ex*ten*ded pub*lic dis*cus*sion of the tra*ject*ory of that policy after Par*is, it did not go well for the pres*id*ent at the press con*fer*ence in An*t*a*lya. He was on the de*fens*ive on his over*all strategy, on his ini*tial dis*missal of the en*emy’s strength, on his mil*it*ary re*sponse, on his dip*lomacy, and on his will*ing*ness to ac*cept refugees from Syr*ia. And there was no hid*ing his frus*tra*tion.
There were 11 ques*tions asked, but they all boiled down to two: Why did you un*der*es*tim*ate the po*tency of the Is*lam*ic ter*ror*ists who seized so much ter*rit*ory in Ir*aq and Syr*ia and struck in Par*is with such bru*tal*ity? And why isn’t your strategy work*ing?
Jim Acosta of CNN was the most col*or*ful in pos*ing the ques*tion, ask*ing, “Why can’t we take out these bas*tards?” Obama’s frus*tra*tion was palp*able: “Well, Jim, I just spent the last three ques*tions an*swer*ing that very ques*tion” was his im*me*di*ate re*sponse. He tried again to out*line his policy, only to have Ron Al*len of NBC come back at him with, “
Do you think you really un*der*stand this en*emy well enough to de*feat them and to pro*tect the home*land?” At that, the pres*id*ent com*plained of what he called “an*oth*er vari*ation on the same ques*tion.”
Obama still is pay*ing the price for the way he dis*missed IS*IS in Janu*ary 2014, four days after the ter*ror*ists seized control of the Ir*aqi city of Fal*lu*jah. In an in*ter*view with Dav*id Rem*nick of
The New York*er, the pres*id*ent said, “The ana*logy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bry*ant.” Those words have haunted the White House ever since and were at the heart of the accusatory questions in Turkey.
It is bizarre to watch this man insist over & over he has a strategy
The Muslim apologist was more hostile to reporters than the terrorists.
Show some balls like other world leaders and identify these terrorists for what they are you arrogant prick.