Golf at the Bash


Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
ClubmanCoop said:
OK I the rookie :103631605 called Glenda. And she told me she's has someone looking into it, re: a block of tee offs for the Fri Morning. She asked me if i could get a # for her re: how many are serious on playing. I told her 12 was my guess?

Good Job Clubman.....Keep us really doesn't matter where we play, just the chance for some posters to get together is cool .... :103631605

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
ClubmanCoop said:
OK I the rookie :103631605 called Glenda. And she told me she's has someone looking into it, re: a block of tee offs for the Fri Morning. She asked me if i could get a # for her re: how many are serious on playing. I told her 12 was my guess?
Glenda is the best....she will try to do anything for the posters here staying at the Nugget.. To bad Glaken is a bit to Old:sad3: (54 I think he told me) he might like her shes a hottie

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Dante said:
Glenda is the best....she will try to do anything for the posters here staying at the Nugget.. To bad Glaken is a bit to Old:sad3: (54 I think he told me) he might like her shes a hottie
See what happens when you fire your caddy? .... They turn on you .... 54 Eh? .... I believe your more in Wilheim's neighborhood there .... or maybe the General .... I'm still on the south side of 40 - whipper snapper !! :drink:

May 29, 2005
Update from Glenda Re: Golf

Desert Pines

This is close to the Golden Nugget, and this is a preferred customer rate

The prices for this course are as follow:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

From early morning until noon the price is $85<o:p></o:p>

From noon to 2 pm the price is $55<o:p></o:p>

From 2pm on the price is $45<o:p></o:p>

These prices include cart and practice facility. This quote is for Saturday, August 20th. Let me know if this is the correct date you would like to golf. I think this would be a good choice for golf because of the location, and course.

Thank you,

Glenda Tangen

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Good Job Coop .....

Sounds like a plan .... Just have to get a list started who really wants to play ... maybe a scramble is possible ? I would suggest that we get the names here and also have the poster confirm with the course privately with a CC number .... that way the guys that say "I'm in" but are really on the fence or just wishin will be eliminated..... I think the time is up in the air really .... I would vote for the 12-2 PM time allowing for late arrivals from McCarron and time to get back to the GN before the Bash festivs...

But just thinking alound here...everyone share your thoughts


Jan 20, 2000
I'm gonna pass on golf this trip.

However - I think the Poker Tourney is in Saturday as well.

Just a heads up for you guys.

Hit 'em straight and seldom!


Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Jarbo said:
I'm gonna pass on golf this trip.

However - I think the Poker Tourney is in Saturday as well.

Just a heads up for you guys.

Hit 'em straight and seldom!


Yes good point Jarbo....

An option for us non-poker guys (gawd I suck ... I would ask the dealer too many ..... also I think if someone gets with Glenda T they could set up some options for the girls/wifes or the people that just want to hang in the sportsbook ...or spa on Saturday afternoon.

May 29, 2005
The Wife and I are both playing Poker Sat, so golf needs to be early for me. And Im thinking it would be a good idea to be off the track before mid-day sun like Dante said.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
ClubmanCoop said:
Desert Pines

This is close to the Golden Nugget, and this is a preferred customer rate

The prices for this course are as follow:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

From early morning until noon the price is $85<o:p></o:p>

From noon to 2 pm the price is $55<o:p></o:p>

From 2pm on the price is $45<o:p></o:p>

These prices include cart and practice facility. This quote is for Saturday, August 20th. Let me know if this is the correct date you would like to golf. I think this would be a good choice for golf because of the location, and course.

Thank you,

Glenda Tangen

I thought you were planning on golf on Friday? The rates may be cheaper on Friday. These are not bad rates and Desert Pines is a nice facility. I think you should clarify which day you're planning on golf, bearing in mind that the poker tourney is scheduled for Sat.

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Yeah I guess the bottom line is that there may be several groups on the course at different times from Rx ...... hopefully all will get a chance to meet & greet everyone over the two day period...

New member
Jan 30, 2005
Sounds good to me. Kind of ironic that we would be playing at one of BW's courses.

Jan 20, 2000
For all of you guys planning on golf at The Bash - beware of the Billy Waters Golf experience.

Complaint department power: Walters Golf officials admit greens woes at Desert Pines

Golfers tend to be sunny side up, as optimistic as Howard Dean on Iowa caucus night, when it comes to their golf courses. You can find the most ornery, the-world-is-evil character and get him out on a course and he's suddenly gone Willard Scott, waxing poetic about the cut of the rhododendrons.

Sure, the same hacker will rip his own golf game to kingdom come, fling a wedge into the pond. But criticize the course? No way. It's his day, his stage. Golfers are like that. They want to see the good in a course, want to convince themselves how great a track it is (even if it isn't) so they have a great story to tell around the water cooler on Monday morning.

I've had golfers tell me about a problem, a hole with torn-up patches or the fact the workers in the clubhouse made them feel like they were waiting in line at the DMV, and then turn around and tell me, "You don't have to mention this in the story, though." They treat it like a piece of ugly family business, something to be kept in the attic. You almost have to convince them that you actually do want to hear about the good and the bad.

So when golfers actually do complain about a course, especially in any kind of numbers, you know there's something to it.

The problem is that there are few outlets for golfers to go to, scant avenues to seek any type of solution or even to warn other dedicated duffers. tries to be one of those places where the average golfing voice can be heard. From seeking out the opinion of golfers at the course when we do a review, to offering the chance to post comments on every story, to allowing you the reader to write your own review, we'd like to think we do a good job of offering you a platform.

But Managing Editor Mark Nessmith brings up a good point on the role that complaints to the Better Business Bureau can play as well. By speaking up, you can force golf courses to step up. This isn't an industry that's going to fix itself.

Sometimes you even see the results of the well-placed cries of the wrong. Faced with increasingly vocal golfer complaints, including a Better Business Bureau filing, officials with the Walters Golf group in Las Vegas admitted there are problems with the greens at their Desert Pines Golf Club, including a fungus.

For a company that insisted that even its Stallion Mountain Country Club was in "outstanding condition" despite photo galleries taken March 23 and May 13, stories and a torrent of reader complaints, this is a major allowance.

And all it happened because average golfers refused to let Walters Golf get away with it, even if the company seems to control Vegas with most of the big Strip hotels pushing its substandard, high-priced courses at misleading golf desks.

It's only a start. It's only one company. But it shows the power of the average golfer's voice. You never know what just might trigger a revolution. As always, welcomes your comments

Jan 20, 2000
Here's the rest of the story..........

Oops, they did
it again: Walters
Golf officials admit
conditions not as good
as they've long claimed

By Chris Baldwin,
West Coast Bureau Chief

LAS VEGAS (July 5, 2005) - Faced with increasingly vocal golfer complaints and stories detailing the woeful conditions at some Walters Golf-owned courses, officials from the company are admitting for the first time that everything is far from immaculate at their high-priced Las Vegas tracks.

Walters officials detailed conditioning problems on the greens of their Desert Pines Golf Club that is touted in its advertising as "The Pinehurst of Las Vegas."

<TABLE cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=170 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=53>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width=150 bgColor=#660066 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>• rejected $84,000 deal to shill for Walters
Stallion Mountain: The worst, most overpriced course in Las Vegas
Industry hypocrites bring down Vegas golf by staying silent on Stallion Mountain scam
Vegas hotels continue to recommend Stallion, Desert Pines despite criticism of conditions
A fake concierge sham: Las Vegas golf desks serve Walters Golf, not the customer
Challenge to Billy Walters and his shills: Tee it up with us and let the truth be told
Desert Pines' lack of maps is dangerous and aggravating, says reader
Lousy greens ruin day at Desert Pines Golf Club, reader says
Another sweetheart deal for Las Vegas' Billy Walters</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Andy Anderson, Walters Golf's director of business development, e-mailed a customer with this report on Desert Pines on June 24: "FROM TEE TO GREEN THE GOLF COURSE IS PERFECT RIGHT NOW WE ARE STRUGGLING WITH GREENS 1, 2, 3, 6, AND 10 THEY HAVE A FUNGUS THAT IS BEING TREATED DAILY I AM TOLD BY THE SUPERINTENDENT THEY WILL BE BACK TO 100% BY MID JULY"

This follows an admission from Desert Pines Golf Club General Manager Jim Anderson in a letter to the Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada that the course's greens were "going through a transition period" in mid-April and "They don't look as good as we would like." obtained this letter from Jim Kissick, a Kentucky golfer who filed a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau over Desert Pines' course conditions, prompting Jim Anderson's response letter.

The Andy Anderson e-mail was given to by a regular Las Vegas golfer who e-mailed the Walters official inquiring about Desert Pines' fitness for play.

That's twice in the last three months that a prominent Walters Golf official has admitted problems with Desert Pines' greens. This marks a complete departure from Walters Golf's long-held company line that all its courses are in great condition, a sentiment captured by endorser Jack Sheehan who called Walters' Stallion Mountain Country Club "a golf course in outstanding condition by even the highest standards."

Stallion Mountain is the course whose substandard conditions were documented in photo galleries taken almost two months apart by (March 23 and May 13).

Even faced with that overwhelming visual evidence, Walters Golf continued to deny any course condition problems, insisting there was no validity to's stories or the flood of reader complaints. Only now Walters officials have come out and said there are problems at Desert Pines in two separate written correspondences.

The about-face seems to mark a sudden shift. Some might even construe it as a new customer-service commitment from Walters Golf. Yet, there are inconsistencies in Walters Golf officials' admissions. Golfers who asked about playing Desert Pines immediately and who suggested they were ready to pay the $165 fees, were not told about any course problems. Instead, they were encouraged to make reservations.

For shortly after Andy Anderson's e-mail describing a fungus on five greens that would not be back to 100 percent until mid July, a golfer called and asked about playing Desert Pines' greens now and was told, "It's in excellent shape,'' by Group Sales Coordinator Judy Lasso.

"They're working on it,'' Lasso continued. "But it's coming along real good. The greens are in good shape."

Lasso was the third Walters official to admit that Desert Pines' required work, though what Andy Anderson described as "fungus" became her "the greens are in good shape."

Then again, Kissick -- the Kentucky golfer who contacted the Better Business Bureau -- paints a picture that leads you to believe Walters Golf simply did not have a choice but to admit at least a little something.

For Kissick and other golfers who recently played Desert Pines say its greens were that bad.

"We got up to the first green or second green and there wasn't any grass on it,"Kissick said." I'm not kidding. They had overseeded it and put on some of that holding seal on to make sure the seeds didn't blow away and that was it. You were putting on concrete."

Kissick said that Desert Pines' greens were like this throughout the front nine of his mid-April round. After reaching the turn, Kissick and Richardson went to the clubhouse and asked for a refund. A refund was refused, prompting Kissick's dealings with the Better Business Bureau.

As a result of the BBB inquiry, Desert Pines issued the 18-hole rain checks (good for one year) it had originally offered Kissick and Richardson in lieu of a refund. Kissick still feels, however, that a complete refund is warranted considering the shape the greens were in.

Another golfer who played Desert Pines Golf Club in May nearly echoed Kissick's comments on the green.

"Once on the course I was impressed with the fairways,'' Michael Ledet wrote to about Desert Pines. "The grass was rich, thick and well manicured. Divots were mostly filled. The greens, however, were another story. The 'patched' areas looked more like construction zones with poorly fitting bricks of new grass that had been recently set in.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=240 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=20> </TD><TD width=220><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width=220 bgColor=#660066 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width=234 bgColor=#ffffff><A href=""" rel=nofollow>Southern Nevada BBB
Feel you've been wronged by a golf course in Las Vegas? The Better Business Bureau may be able to help. Submit an online complaint <A href="" rel=nofollow>here or contact the BBB by phone at (702) 320-4500, by fax at (702) 320-4560 or by e-mail at </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
"These areas were totally unplayable. The aeration had also been so recent that on many greens it was nearly impossible to get a true roll. On one occasion I watched as my downhill four-foot putt zigzagged towards the hole, its path bouncing from one aeration hole to the next.

"I would estimate about 1/3 of the greens were in good shape, 1/3 were acceptable and 1/3 were unplayable," Ledet continued. "I might expect these kind of conditions at a local municipal course, but not at a resort destination charging $165 and I would almost certainly expect them to warn me of the conditions BEFORE I made the tee time."

In his letter to the Better Business Bureau in response to the agency's inquiry on Kissick's complaint, Desert Pines General Manager Jim Anderson wrote that even though the greens "didn't look as good as we would have liked" they were "putting/rolling fine."

"With the exception of those few greens on the first 9 that had been seeded,'' Jim Anderson continued in his letter, "the majority of the greens are excellent, especially those on the back nine."

The month after this letter, in an e-mail to another golfer, Walters Golf's director of business development, Andy Anderson, named five specific greens at Desert Pines Golf Club that have "a fungus."

Remember, this is the course advertised in Walters Golf literature as being known as "The Pinehurst of Las Vegas." That's Pinehurst, the course world renowned for its greens.

Of course, Walters Golf still charged its full regular rates for Desert Pines, even as two company officials admitted greens problems. Kissick paid $135 to play it, Ledet put down $165.

Some things apparently never change.

National Golf Editor Tim McDonald contributed to this story.

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Listen we r all here to give and take! does it mat
Apr 28, 2005
Golf play matchup John Deere Classic

-160 D toms becuz he won in the year 1997 or something like that noway S.Cink would beat him in the matchup cant tell last i saw him in a John Classic so i am plcing big betts on the matchup between the two guys

Jan 20, 2000
I just had an IM from one of the Mod's that will be planning on playing golf at The Bash. He also sent along a picture with his new Golf attire he will be wearing for the outing.

I am sworn to secrecy as to the identity of the Mod, but pictures are worth a 1000 words!


New member
Oct 15, 2004
ClubmanCoop said:
Wow Nice post Jarbo
We have alot of options, I found this Course, looks sweet.

My vote is for early morning Friday. Looking like we only need 1 or 2 tee offs lol.

From your link...

"Friday - Sunday $150"...count me out at those prices!

I said this last year to the Shrink and he conveniently ignored it, and I believe his main reason for leaving this site was to avoid having to answer this question again this year, but supposedly he is still attending the bash as part of his poster recruitment tour for his new site, so here goes again this year.

Dear Shrink,
You are a dear friend and admirer of Billy Walters; you have raved on and on about his philanthropic virtues. You know he owns 5 courses there in Vegas, Wildhorse, Stallion, Royal Links, Desert Pines, and his best course...Bali Hai. As a favor to you, Shrink, BW should comp the group's greens fees at Bali Hai, or failing to do that, you could always extort those same fees?
Have J-man or Xpanda respond to this thread, and I look forward to playing with you.

May 29, 2005


#1 Cheater
DougStewart (if we find something cheaper)

Dante you in? And hate to bring up a touchy topic but would Shrink still play? I would hope so.

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