In response to all of your replies just now GG:
No, you don't impress me at all because of the way you go about your business. No I don't care about whatever you're claiming about Chuck, and no I don't care about what he claims about you. Clearly you're both under the idea that anything you post about someone else on here means anything to anyone. You got faded and others won money, big fucking deal. You acted like someone came in to your house and stole your life savings, meanwhile nobody did a fucking thing to you so get the fuck over it. All I've seen from you is crying about someone else's reputation and how fading you can be dangerous to my bankroll. Guess what? You've made people a lot of money the past two nights because they faded you, and again who the fuck cares? You get hot, you get cold. When you get hot people will wait for you to get cold and fade the fuck out of you, when you get hot people will follow you for a while. Stop being such a bitch about it all and come to grips with the fact that you are never going to win every game and that when you look like you're winning every game you're about to take a nose dive. I don't care what your overall record is because you weren't faded every day, you were faded when you were due to lose, and guess what the fuck happened? You lost. Big deal, I've lost, you've lost, the best in the world lost. Get over yourself and your childish feud because nobody but you and Chuck give a fuck any more. I can't wait to see what you post in response because inevitably it will matter to everyone as much as your last post, and will likely include "cunt" or "your friend" or some shit about how you're better than everyone. News for you: You're posting on a fucking forum, not changing the world or saving anyone from anything. By all means keep acting like a child and whine about someone else's business, but until you can handle yourself with any dignity and respect, by all means fuck off.