Oh you found a .com site that disputes the survey of scientists. Please tell me more!! Haha
Normal people are laughing at you and your messiah climate fraud dunderhead John Cook!
"University of Mainz in Germany. Senja Post told SPIEGEL ONLINE that “123 of 292 climate scientists asked participated in the study“. The result (warmists may want to sit down before reading):
Only 5% of those responding believed natural factors played the main role in the warming. However, Post then asked about the extent of the man-made warming. The result looked very different. Only 59% of the scientists said the ‘climate development of the last 50 years was mostly influenced by man’s activity. One quarter of those surveyed said that human and natural factors played an equal role’.”
Only 10% of German scientists say computer models are sufficiently accurate
Bojanowski then writes that skepticism is even far more widespread when it comes to the reliability of computer models. “Only 10% said climate models are ‘sufficiently accurate’ and only 15% said that ‘climatic processes are understood enough’ to allow climate to be calculated.”
"I believe a 97% web survey!" - fratfraud
Here's the survey he is referencing. You can't even understand it yet you believe it?? Hahahahaha. What a fucking clown you are. And you got this from the NoTricksZone(.)com site. Unfucking real comedy!!
They're not. And posting some blogosphere article is not relevant to prove that, lol.
Originally Posted by akphidelt
So you believe a German survey of German scientists over an American survey? Interesting. I guess if Zimbabwe took a survey that claimed global warming didn't exist you would quote them also, lol.
John Cook is Australian.
You lose - again!
You are so fucking dumb!
Originally Posted by akphidelt
So you believe a German survey of German scientists over an American survey? Interesting. I guess if Zimbabwe took a survey that claimed global warming didn't exist you would quote them also, lol.
John Cook is Australian.
You lose - again!
You are dumber than paint!
Loser!@#0 face)(*^%
Notice how laughable and pathetic these responses are.
An "American survey" is somehow better than a German survey.
Or something.
You're a laughable idiot.
Uh, except I never commented on whether or not I "believe" the survey.
But you're so "smart" that you are constantly typing dumb shit responses to things nobody said.
Well we know you don't believe American surveys. So I just made the assumption you believed the German one even though you couldn't read it. You are that dumb to do that, lol.
There are no "American surveys" - at least not the ones you keep harping on.
John Cook is your "97%" guy and he's Australian - and a total fraud.
Modern liberalism is an incurable ideology.