How exactly would Gore and Rockefeller profit from a global carbon tax and how would this tax lead to a micromanagment of every facet of life?
Al Gore is just a political prostitute. He is another puppet in a suit, who is funded by the bankers. In turn, they provide him with a very lucrative lifestyle for pushing their agendas. He literally sold his soul for a few dollars. There is a reason Al Gore uses 10x more energy than the average american, eats meat, flies frequently etc. It's all about "Do as I say, not as I do" with him and the main men pushing this agenda.
Under the "carbon credit program" the central banks would issue the carbon credits. Who owns the central banks? The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts, and other elites. It's all about them having complete control over you. This is just one of the ways they are doing this.
It's all a big joke.