hahahaha, so uneducated it's not even funny, wait yes it is. It's funny how liberals all assume that all conservatives are racists, bigots, and homophobs, but then go ape shit when all muslims get linked to terrorism... I also find it amusing how you you believe in separation of church and state, but do not mind when govt takes over businesses, tell them what they can and cant do, what to charge consumers, and strong arm US citizens...and your false wars claim contradicts itself, the democratic congress voted to go to war in Iraq, they all approved but 1, how come you don't mention that? But let me guess, your gonna say Bush lied right? It's all Bush's fault right? Grow up and see the facts, Pelosi and all those other libs just let you idiots feed at the trough, and you love it...
tell me, when the govt gives all these lazy fucks your hard earned tax dollars, that doesn't upset you? These leaches just take and take, then when its voting time, of course they are gonna vote for democrats, because thats how they live, they depend on the govt to live, if you truly believe that democratic politicians are really looking out for you and not for votes than I feel that much more sorry for you. Please educate yourself, reading headlines of the new york and la times and just watching msnbc and cnn will continue to get you no where. Didn't you get tired of every day of every minute of the last 8 years the media complaining and bashing Bush just to get headlines and readers?