"Those laws pertain to the sharing of your info by healthcare professionals; that is not what is being proposed.
In the law under consideration, nobody is sharing your info against your wishes. However, if you want to attend a restaurant, concert, etc. you would need to provide proof that you have been vaccinated. It’s up to you; if you don’t want to share this info then you don’t have to- it just means you can’t attend public events.
If I run a restaurant I can insist that you wear a shirt and shoes or else I won’t serve you. Insisting that my patrons are free of a life-threatening illness seems entirely reasonable.
So...to all of the covidiots who insist that they have a right not to wear a mask and that anyone who doesn’t like it should just stay home: time to put the shoe on the other foot. If you don’t want to get the vaccine then YOU can be the one to stay at home!