you're doing a disservice by bitching about jury selection not being televised. when's the last time you watched a fn jury selection? NEVERA huge major court case n we’re still getting court sketches like this ? Surely it’s becoming suspect to everyone at this point?
Does she survive that long? Lolyou're doing a disservice by bitching about jury selection not being televised. when's the last time you watched a fn jury selection? NEVER
wait til the trial actually STARTS before you whine about the lack of coverage, as it will be plentiful. damn, you act like witnesses have been called to the stand...we're IN JURY SELECTION!
All of these people are militant anti-Trump. Shocker!I know many havent seen this even though many have since its been around a little while now.
These names come directly from the Epstien flight logs to his Pedo Island. Many on this list have been multiple times.
While being on his island is not direct proof that they were pedos, I think that if you just wanted to go swimming and lay out in the sun there were quite a few other spots one could go.