Getting the wife drunk?


" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
goodcall said:

Proof that you can literally Google anything these days.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004

Yes Mikeyboi, I find beating the shit out of women very humorous and entertaining. And as you have undoubtedly noticed in other posts, I also feel the same way about necrophylia, AIDS, and premature ejaculation, among other things.

Tesco hit it right on the head, did Joeyfitz. Although in my defense, I have an abnormal amount of hides my abnormally small penis pretty well.

There is nothing more entertaining than a post that you can just tell is filled with intense anger, rage, passion, just sheer emotion. The fact that I influenced Mikey's emotions so strongly is hilarious.

Almost as hilarious as me beating the shit out of his wife, which I am definitely going to do now. Hopefully he'll understand why I find it funny after I force him to sit in the corner and watch while masturbating, Chappelle's Show style.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
Get a fifth of malibu rum and pour it into a pitcher. Add two glasses of cranberry juice and one glass of pineapple juice, mix and chill.

It is a girly type drink that tastes fruity and hardly has any kind of alcohol bite to it. Serve with ice. After she drinks the whole pitcher, she should have a nice buzz. It is fairly weak, therefore the whole pitcher.

Or you could get a pint of tanquerray gin in the green bottle and a 2 liter of root beer. Pass the bottle back and forth taking large shot like chugs and chase with the root beer. That will get you both messed up quickly then you can say things that you probably shouldnt be saying and feel bad about the next day.

New member
Jul 24, 2006
shit. slip her a mickey in a drink and do what you want with her the rest of the night. just make sure HER drink has the mickey in it. you dont need to wake up in the morning with a dildo half way up your ass or some shit like that...or like skinsraj said just hit her in the head with a brick.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:

Yes Mikeyboi, I find beating the shit out of women very humorous and entertaining. And as you have undoubtedly noticed in other posts, I also feel the same way about necrophylia, AIDS, and premature ejaculation, among other things.

Tesco hit it right on the head, did Joeyfitz. Although in my defense, I have an abnormal amount of hides my abnormally small penis pretty well.

There is nothing more entertaining than a post that you can just tell is filled with intense anger, rage, passion, just sheer emotion. The fact that I influenced Mikey's emotions so strongly is hilarious.

Almost as hilarious as me beating the shit out of his wife, which I am definitely going to do now. Hopefully he'll understand why I find it funny after I force him to sit in the corner and watch while masturbating, Chappelle's Show style.


-And Mojitos are where its at.

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Not a matter of anger dude haha, trust me ur lame humour on beating the shit out of human isn't worth any emotion on my end maybe if I read this for the first time but unfortunately I must of read your women joke for like months now, it seem that is all you know, I'm just curious as to why you are in such hatetred for women haha, someday try a women again maybe this one won't break ur heart, take your money and sleep with your buddy...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Your post doesn't make any sense to me. You acknowledge my "lame humor on beating the shit out of women," but then you wonder why I have such a strong hatred of women?

Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that if one is joking about a topic, that they actually feel that way about it? Hence why it is a JOKE?

In other news, 2 + 2 = 4.

Your wife better sleep with one eye open. Bitch is gonna die.

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Die just like how u already killed your mom and your sisters? Keep killing the women in your world... hahaha you are a true badass for being able to beat them up...

I don't get why you are so confuse, let me break down my post... yes I acknowledge your lame joke and how its not that funny, all I'm wondering is what trigger you to post these joke? In other word I mean if you crack a joke on beating a wife once a while sure I can see its a joke but man dude every single post... so is that your only way of humour? Someday just craking a normal joke is ok... you will still be a badazz lmao in our book don't need to show ur power by cracking beating women joke haha... and if u do feel that way and hate women why the heck u kept begging ppl to give you porn pass? I don't get it, unless you want gay porn but from my recall you show or want to have the impression you hate women but you want porn... hmmm... what the heck is wrong with u?

oh ya I sense some emotion in your post... cool down dude, appreciate the math lesson as well hahaha

Serious what did ur father did to you in your childhood while your mom watched that made you hate her so much along with your sisters that you killed them?

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Wow, you really don't get it. Sad.

But ok, for the record, I hate women, I beat them up all the time (my mom and non-existent sisters included), but I still watch porn because I'm just trying to act like a badass on here when I talk about hitting women, but I really love them. But I hit them anyway because I have to maintain my badass image online.

That about cover it? Cool.

Tell your wife I said hi.

New member
Oct 6, 2004
What is there not to get, but again I see what you are trying to do, make me look like the confuse one... hey monkey folllow this please...

1) You hate women so I asked why and what did ur father did to you when ur young, sure it wasn't pretty haha


2) You don't hate women its a joke but I am not sure why all your joke only involves some sort of beating on women? I then invited you to make some normal joke because it will actually will be funny for once... just try once

Oh ya by the way I will help you say hi to my non-existence wife right now haha nice assumption clown

Better Than Most
Nov 12, 2004
Mikey...get back to class, your english teacher is looking for you

New member
Oct 6, 2004
At least use good english if you are going to criticize my englsh haha every post one donkey will use grammer or some sort of spelling error to get back at someone haha, u got me good clown next time I will prove read like you before I post haha donkey

Better Than Most
Nov 12, 2004
Dear Mikey,

I was implying that you need to GET back to class because:

1.) Your grammar is that of a 10 year old


2.) Apparently your spelling is even worse (You would be proofreading not prove reading)

If you are out of middle school and actually went to college you should give them a call and request your money back. Apparently they dont teach a little thing called sarcasm in Toronto.

Have a good day.

New member
Oct 6, 2004
Dude this is a freggin forum I am not like some monkey who will prove read my postmsss (sorry I spelled that wrong) hahaha, seem like the women beater had no problem getting my post, why don't you go sick on the homo's cock and he will explain to you what I meant in my post haha,

The more I read it the more I fucking choke on laughter... you make a post base on my spelling hahahha, you are almost as pathetic as the monkey

Dude that provereading was joke but ya thx nerd for correcting me with the right spelling hahha can't beleive you even bother posting based on teh merits of my spelling haha

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