Nothing compares to crossfit in terms of combining weight lifting, cardiovascular and over all conditioning in 1 hour a day 4-5 days a week - not even close - diet is still pivotal though
brussell sprouts that have a balsamic glaze. I never ate a brussell sprout in my life before this, they are fucking amazing!
Same with mashed "califlower" with scallions! I never had that in my life, I would eat them every single fucking day!!! Better than regular mashed tatos!!!!
Nothing compares to crossfit in terms of combining weight lifting, cardiovascular and over all conditioning in 1 hour a day 4-5 days a week - not even close
There is this thing called exercise that is equally good.
Never heard of these TRX things before. Checked out some videos. They seem ... weird. Not for me, but if you like them then that's all that matters. Despite what some people may claim unless you are a professional athlete or bikini model, exercise is just a hobby. Hopefully one you can enjoy.
mom hanging with the little guy...........dagone.......