RUSH likes to play like he's an Economist on the radio, but get him alone and even he would admit it's 90% schtick founded wholly on just disagreeing with whatever the leading Democratic policy makers are promoting and Bingo! - he's satisfied his core radio audience.
He knows full well that the two highest spikes in federal government spending during his lifetime occurred during the Reagan years and during the GW Bush years.
And Nixon? Nixon promoted and backed a fucking government mandated wage and price freeze nationally while also running for office (succesfully) on a platform of raising the federal income tax for high earners.
I agree with this Barman. Its all about ratings and if your audience is into gay sex then you better tlak about it. If your audience is into partisan politics and are people that aren't too bright, then you better play the part. Rush isnt about Republicanism....hes about Rush making cheddar.