George Zimmerman should win that case for 100million!

Feb 6, 2007
Says the one who is constantly spinning the kkk merry-go-round

From the looks of it the mods and I are finally putting an end to it. Lot of you are in hiding right now- boycotting/silently protesting. Which is a bit embarrassing on your parts but a good thing. Now only if we could bring back all the people the kkk klan and enflameos arguing ran off. And of course Bruce and Varkeys nonsense. We’re talking about hundreds of posters who have left due to you guys.
Feb 6, 2007
Ironically it is established Trayvon said the only racist thing which was to call him a creepy ass cracker.
Zimmerman was a bit of a control freak but he did it because they had issues with criminals on the propoerty. He should have let it go but he wasnt doing anything illegal. Trayvon decided he was a tough guy and attacked Zimmerman leading to him shooting Trayvon in self defense. Zimmerman is wacky. Maybe most of it came from what happened afterward the incident. Almost all his issue in general and with black people came after Trayvon. Maybe that had something to do with black people threatening and wishing death to him. Regardless, Mob you are doing what the left has done for a long time.....associate people with negative terms to make the idea of them or agreeing with them on anything horrible bigotry. You have used the term KKK I would gather 20-50 times in the past week. Seriously get ahold of yourself

Are you implying George wasn’t racist? Even in 2016 when he called a police officer a “n*gger lover.”

Not sure how much more racist you can get than that man.

Sep 21, 2004
The KKK was founded by Democrats,wise up MOB ,and you and Marge ruined the form,no one else
Feb 6, 2007
The KKK was founded by Democrats,wise up MOB ,and you and Marge ruined the form,no one else

I don’t give a fuck about democrats and I don’t give a fuck about republicans. Shut the fuck up already weirdo

Literally nobody is talking about Democrats and Republicans but you. How surprising
Feb 6, 2007
2016 was after the Trayvon incident

I’m aware.

So are you suggesting killing Trayvon made him a racist?

Lol I think it’s a bit more plausible to assume he was already a racist. That would be the logical thing.

Sep 20, 2017
I’m aware.

So are you suggesting killing Trayvon made him a racist?

Lol I think it’s a bit more plausible to assume he was already a racist. That would be the logical thing.

Wow!!! Did you even read what I posted? You quoted it but obviously didn't read it. I am suggesting after the backlash of black people threatening to kill him and hating on him because of the Trayvon incident he may have had some different feelings about black people. But maybe Trayvon attacked George because he thought he was white. Much more suggests that than the opposite. You can't go around justyelling racist at everything like seem to without proof
Most so called racism is tribalism at worst anyway. Racism is soooooo overused
Feb 6, 2007
Wow!!! Did you even read what I posted? You quoted it but obviously didn't read it. I am suggesting after the backlash of black people threatening to kill him and hating on him because of the Trayvon incident he may have had some different feelings about black people. But maybe Trayvon attacked George because he thought he was white. Much more suggests that than the opposite. You can't go around justyelling racist at everything like seem to without proof
Most so called racism is tribalism at worst anyway. Racism is soooooo overused

Lmfao I don’t think so. He killed a black kid who was 3x smaller than him. And he had to use a gun....what do you expect people’s reaction to be? Lmfao. To respect some pussy ass loser bitch wannabe pig?

You’re right. I must not be following you. Lol. Cmon man this is common sense. You’re better than this
Feb 6, 2007
I don’t care if the kid was the color of a oomph loompah. George Zimmerman still a pussy ass loser bitch wannabe pig.

Sep 20, 2017
Lmfao I don’t think so. He killed a black kid who was 3x smaller than him. And he had to use a gun....what do you expect people’s reaction to be? Lmfao. To respect some pussy ass loser bitch wannabe pig?

You’re right. I must not be following you. Lol. Cmon man this is common sense. You’re better than this

3 x his size?
Martin was 4 inches taller but 15 pounds lighter. Basically similar
Trayvon I believe had MMA training. Here is the thing with self defense. If someone attacks means they can't control themselves. If you can't control yourself you are capable of anything. Such as....oh...I don't know.....smashing someones head into the cement. You don't play tough guy and fight hand to hand to the death. Do what you gotta do
Feb 6, 2007
3 x his size?
Martin was 4 inches taller but 15 pounds lighter. Basically similar
Trayvon I believe had MMA training. Here is the thing with self defense. If someone attacks means they can't control themselves. If you can't control yourself you are capable of anything. Such as....oh...I don't know.....smashing someones head into the cement. You don't play tough guy and fight hand to hand to the death. Do what you gotta do

He got fat after the shooting didn’t he?

Must of had a lot of commissary in jail.

regardless he’s 28 years old against a 17 year old. And the 28 year old has a gun looking for trouble. Maybe Trayvon was planning to skittle Zimmerman to death. Can we get rolling on tide detergents opinion on that? I still want to know about this planned attack by Trayvon

Jan 15, 2010
George Zimmerman has proven over the years that he's a POS. Is he a murderer though? Maybe? Was there enough evidence to convict? Not even close. Should have never went to trial, if we're being completely unbiased about it.

Dec 29, 2006
George Zimmerman likely prevented much agony and loss for future crime victims along with millions of dollars to incarcerate Trayvon Martin.

Outside his immediate family and friends, TM's death wasn't anything to mourn.

GZ also as proven he has his own defects and shortcomings.

Jan 20, 2002
Trayvon didnt plan the attack but what grounds did he have to kick Zimmermans ass? That is where everything went wrong for Trayvon. This has nothing to do with racism or the kkk. Did Zimmerman attack Trayvon or did Trayvon attack Zimmerman to deliver an ass beating? The jury thought Trayvon was the aggressor, even with what appears to be the phony girlfriend which was why the jury found Zimmerman acted in self defense. Mob, you have to stop calling everyone racist and kkk. Those are all the facts you need in this case. Give me a legitimate justification for Trayvon to physically touch Zimmerman, let along beat the shit out of him?
Feb 6, 2007
I read he fractured Zimmermans nose. Sounded like Zimmerman didnt want to get beat up by a 17 year old and pulled out his gun. What a fucking loser bahahhahahahahahhahahaha. This is who you guys are defending bahahahahhahaha. Imagine if this kid was Macually culkin or some shit. Or better yet, imagine if he was your kid.

Obviously they had prior interactions if he was just walking home...saw Zimmerman and decided to fight him.

Plus with Zimmerman playing cops and robbers all night all the time, I’m sure he knew Trayvon was a young kid and not a person you would need to shoot.

But that’s what happens when some pussy ass scared bitch tries to be a cop.

There are incidents sort of like these that I condone. Like when Joe horn ignored dispatch and shot two burglars breaking into his neighbors home. I got no problem with that. Especially in Texas, you know what you’re getting yourself into.

This though? A 17 year old kid walking home and wants to scrap? And you are 11 years older with prior issues with him and you pull out your gun and shoot him after getting your ass beaten?

Lmfao. I don’t even care who is in the right or what you morons think because it’s clear anything a black person does is wrong. George Zimmerman I would smack the fucking shit out of and when he tried to reach for his gun I would take it from him and blow his brains out. How about that? That’s how much of a piece of shit loser this guy was and is. Fucking punk. Trayvon sounded like a real mother fucker to me.
Feb 6, 2007
Oh Trayvon didn’t plan the attack now? So he was just walking home eating skittles and saw some beef and wanted to address it? Honestly. That’s how grown men handle business. Honestly. If you want the real that’s how grown men handle business. That’s a fact of life on this planet.

I know a lot of you guys like to run to the police or go into hiding and start snitching. That’s not grown men business. That’s not how you handle your shit

Sep 20, 2004
This Zimmerman case is a great example of how shitty race relations were under Obama.

The fake "facts" so many people have grabbed on to are just embarrassing.

Agree with this. I believe this was the unofficial beginning as well. Most of the media tried to portray Treyvon as this innocent kid showing that picture of him from years ago where he wasn't posing as a thug. Despite all his more recent photos being not nearly as innocent looking. It was flat out deception to try to make him look like a victim.

Zimmerman may not have been in the right either, but Trayvon was no innocent victim.

Even more ridiculous then the Martin/Zimmerman thing was the Furgeson, MO thing. This black teen who was an absolute piece of shit gets shot and killed. There is video of this huge POS both stealing then putting his hands on and threatening the store employee. Then the POS attacks a cop. The cop kills him as he runs away and somehow the POS is a victim. Then they riot because of the shooting. Mindboggling stuff.

Incidents like these in Obama's last few years are the reason Trump was voted into office. It was just sickening, and Hillary paid the price for Obama's actions/inactions. There are plenty of people who voted for Obama twice, myself included who switched to the other side because of the race stuff the last four years under Obama. Not only did he do nothing to quell the situation but his inaction and downright refusal to ever denounce anything ever done by a minority was sickening.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
So Trayvon Family Lawyer Crumb coaches some hood rat supposed girlfriend to testify against Zimmerman saying she was girlfriend and was live on phone to discredit George as a person, turns out no phone records match story or timeline, in fact real girlfriend did not want to be witness. Love how the media villafied the heck out of George “unarmed black youth”

Seriously, why did his lawyer do this? The million $ question that’s getting over looked

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