Rodney King, you just saw the end of the video, when the cops finally got ahold of him.
That was on TV for months, riled up the AAs.
THEN they showed earlier video of Rodney in action, he was fighting hard and he was a large athletic man... so the jury looked at that differently than the narrative set up by the lib media had framed.
IMO there are several things that will come up on the Chauvin/Floyd encounter. They worked together for 17 years, same night club. What was the variable we do not know about? Out of work/broke/desperate? Betrayal? Counterfiting oufit? Infidelity? Old grudge, new grudge? Threats? Hiding evidence?
NO WAY the cops did that for 8+ minutes on camera. And when did Floyd die? At the scene or later? Of what, the original official autopsy said there was no asphyxiation, the privately paid star did an autopsy (though not in person, I think, just saw video & pics) suddenly says yes Floyd died of asphyxiation. Oh.
From what I see Chauvin committed a crime, but maybe not murder.
MEANWHILE, the media/press/Hollywood has already convicted him of MURDER, so billions of damage, thousands injured, several murders, some are AAs.