But by then they've had a cardiac arrest or holes in their nose.
What happens when they've had enough and say nomore but after a break they want it again which they probably will.
*Cardiac arrest extremely unlikely. Holes in the septum certainly possible with longer term use
*That was my point in my admittedly long-winded explanation above. It's honestly unusual for someone who has had the chance for heavy and/or extended use of cocaine to pick it up again once they've been through a reasonable period of detox and recovery. Especially if that recovery includes their gaining some insight - via personal and interaction with others in active recovery - as to what parts of their psyche may have contributed to their choosing to use a strong drug like this to excess for an extended period.
My proscription for "give them all they want" was only slightly tongue in cheek. In a more sensible society, cocaine possession would not be illegal for adults and commercial distribution would be legal in controlled settings (much like alcohol). The user would then be able for themselves to pretty much - if they chose - get As Much As They Want.
The uninitiated, like yourself, quite reasonably raise your eyebrows and think, "Oh No! Why they'll just use and use and use until they drop dead!"
But those of us with more personal knowledge (and with no offense intended towards you or anyone else) know that with cocaine, in nearly all cases it would be, They use and use and use and then they say Fuck..No More
A rough analogy, but not too far off, would be to imagine if you will, a person who likes the effects of alcohol, but all he has access to is 151proof (everclear etc).
He might get drunk and like it. And then get drunk again tomorrow and still like it. And this could go on for a while...maybe a few weeks or even into a couple months.
But it wouldn't be long before his body and brain would rebel and he would seek to cease use.