Gay Rights Trump Religious Freedom

Aug 7, 2008
I do understand that society has cancer in several areas, including the esophagus, but I disagree with you on the solution. Forcing hard-working intelligent types into a corner by pointing guns at them and telling them who they should be serving, taking money from them in the form of taxation, and imposing more and more bureaucracy on them is resulting in them having fewer babies. That can't be good for the future.

OTOH the people who get free handouts from the money stolen from the worker bees are having lots of babies and are learning that it's cool to be lazy and irresponsible because you can get free stuff if worse comes to worst.

Believe it or not I actually think the latter group is the smarter group because the former group are a bunch of suckers, letting their own fertility rates suffer because of a bunch of dumb bureaucrats and sheepish voters.

Still, I'm never going to accept that anyone has a God-given right to be a beneficiary of my labor. Thank God it's still legal for me to channel my energies towards people of my own choosing, provided I don't accept money for it. It's a hard constraint but not impossible so I do appreciate you guys not putting me in jail since you do outnumber me, no question about that. We'll see who has the last laugh, though, because economic collapse is just over yonder [sinister laugh with big teeth and and evil sneer]

You are correct, it's not a "god" given right for anyone to receive anything. Nothing is an inherent right if you think about it. As humans we have chosen to live in a society with each other. We should have an interest in the well being of others since it could directly or indirectly effect us. The good of a nation is the good is the good of the individual. The problem is that the greedy people, ie: conservatives want it all for themselves. You guys chose capatilism and that has in turn stepped on the majority for the minority to rise. It is in the best interest of the rich for a good portion of the population to stay poor. This gives them cheap labor. If everyone was making a lot of money there would be nobody to exploit therefore bottom lines would be effected. Your system has put people into poverty so it is up to your system to help those people that have been stepped on.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
You are correct, it's not a "god" given right for anyone to receive anything. Nothing is an inherent right if you think about it. As humans we have chosen to live in a society with each other. We should have an interest in the well being of others since it could directly or indirectly effect us. The good of a nation is the good is the good of the individual. The problem is that the greedy people, ie: conservatives want it all for themselves. You guys chose capatilism and that has in turn stepped on the majority for the minority to rise. It is in the best interest of the rich for a good portion of the population to stay poor. This gives them cheap labor. If everyone was making a lot of money there would be nobody to exploit therefore bottom lines would be effected. Your system has put people into poverty so it is up to your system to help those people that have been stepped on.

I agree we should have an interest in others, although I disagree that it should be on an all or nothing basis, ie. no one or everyone, like today's laws heavily encourage us to do. I also disagree on what it means to help someone.

For example, I think can be a great act of generosity to give someone a job. To be sure it can also be exploitation, but interesting enough, companies that exploit people tend do worse than those who treat their employees with respect and dignity.

As for the level of wages, there is a market for that. Wal-Mart can't all of a sudden say they're going to pay $2 per hour (assuming there was no minimum wage) because no one would work there anymore. And if you legislate a $20 minimum wage then Wal-Mart would go out of business and those people still wouldn't have a job. Unemployment would skyrocket all across the board. Market forces are bigger than you, me and even the government, although a lot of lefties like to think otherwise, usually out of emotion and not rational thought unfortunately.

The same principle applies to using force to make people pay more taxes or basically do anything they don't want to do. They will find a way to carve out their niche and market forces will rule the day again.

You might look at the result of market forces and say they are evil. But market forces are none other than humans acting voluntarily so you would essentially be saying that humanity is evil. That might even be true, but in that case I'd hope you can excuse those who believe it isn't.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Fascism is wanting everyone to be just like yourself and fit a uniform mold. I don't want a uniform mold. I want everyone to be who they are until they infringe on others. You seem to feel like you have the "right" to not have "their perverted morals shoved on you". According to you there are no rights. Rights is a word that leftists have made up. Pure semantics. You have no substance to your views so you have to play games with words to make yourself look smart. Like I told the Hank Hill guy, someone that is oppressed and seeks freedom from oppression are not the ones shoving any morals down anybodies throats. If you're not smart enough to understand this then you have more problems than I can help you with.


Negative vs positive rights.

A positive right imposes a moral obligation on a person to do something for someone, while a negative right merely obliges others to refrain from interfering with someone's attempt to do something.

For example, a negative right to life would require others to refrain from killing a person. A positive right to life would force others act to save the life of someone who would otherwise die.

By FORCING a doctor to perform a certain procedure against his religious beliefs, you are INFRINGING on that individual's negative rights.

As a doctor, do I have a right to tell you to fuck off when you show up at my door because I don't want to treat for whatever reason? According to you, apparently I shouldn't have that right.

A positive right by it's nature cannot be created out of thin air, it exists at the expense of someone else.

The critical distinction between negative and positive rights is something you can't comprehend because you're an entitlement sheep -- a product of the idiot factories that are producing this "progressive" garbage.
Aug 7, 2008

Negative vs positive rights.

A positive right imposes a moral obligation on a person to do something for someone, while a negative right merely obliges others to refrain from interfering with someone's attempt to do something.

For example, a negative right to life would require others to refrain from killing a person. A positive right to life would force others act to save the life of someone who would otherwise die.

By FORCING a doctor to perform a certain procedure against his religious beliefs, you are INFRINGING on that individual's negative rights.

As a doctor, do I have a right to tell you to fuck off when you show up at my door because I don't want to treat for whatever reason? According to you, apparently I shouldn't have that right.

A positive right by it's nature cannot be created out of thin air, it exists at the expense of someone else.

The critical distinction between negative and positive rights is something you can't comprehend because you're an entitlement sheep -- a product of the idiot factories that are producing this "progressive" garbage.

Just words that have no relation to real life. Man made semantics to justify your fucked up thinking. Playing your game though. Your negetive rights should include religious nut jobs refraining from stepping all over gays. But all you will do is twist all this negative/positive bullshit and make it look like what you want. You'd never understand that because you're a government robot that does what he's told. You are a good little boy, big brother is proud of you.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Just words that have no relation to real life. Man made semantics to justify your fucked up thinking. Playing your game though. Your negetive rights should include religious nut jobs refraining from stepping all over gays. But all you will do is twist all this negative/positive bullshit and make it look like what you want. You'd never understand that because you're a government robot that does what he's told. You are a good little boy, big brother is proud of you.

Like I said, idiot factories that brainwash young gullible, unsuspecting minds with their utopian values...

Negative rights: freedom from violent crime, freedom of worship, freedom from slavery, the right to bear arms.

Positive rights: government education, government health care, government social security, an arbitrary minimum standard of living, gay rights, women's rights, affirmative action, animal rights (denying an individual to build on his private property because of an endangered fly), "transgendered" rights... the list never ends...

Do you not understand that every time you manufacture a positive right you infringe on another person's individual negative rights?

Negative rights: liberty.

Positive rights: wealth-hating Marxist equality.

The further left a government, the more totalitarian it will be in order to preserve it's utopia. That is why almost all totalitarian regimes are of a leftist utopian bent.

Guess which value the United States was founded on?


How many guesses would you like, Waldo? :smashf:

Gay "rights" are part of this new dark age we live in and are a total sham! :puke1:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
religious nut jobs refraining from stepping all over gays.

So now with that little lesson out of the way, explain to our readers how the doctor in this case is "a religious nutjob who steps all over gays."

You are a fraud, heatohio -- an absolute transparent intellectually dishonest FRAUD.

And not a particular good debater either. But then I'm sure you're much better at firebombing animal science labs.

Aug 7, 2008
So now with that little lesson out of the way, explain to our readers how the doctor in this case is "a religious nutjob who steps all over gays."

You are a fraud, heatohio -- an absolute transparent intellectually dishonest FRAUD.

And not a particular good debater either. But then I'm sure you're much better at firebombing animal science labs.



New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey Joe, regarding your heatohio theory, the actual retail price is ...


Here is a quote from heatohio (emphasis mine):

Just got back from seeing him speak. He seems like a genuin guy. I like a lot of what he is saying, troop withdrawl by March of 08, health care for everyone, more money for teachers, more money towards preventive medicine, more stress on early childhood education and so on. I'm an anarchist that may actually vote for the first time. He is not 100% what I'm looking for but he is a damn good start. All we need is to get Hillary out of the damn way. I know that this should be in the political forum but I'm banned from there so this is where I stuck it.
<!-- / message -->

Anarchists and socialists make strange bedfellows.
Aug 7, 2008
Like I said, idiot factories that brainwash young gullible, unsuspecting minds with their utopian values...

Negative rights: freedom from violent crime, freedom of worship, freedom from slavery, the right to bear arms.

Positive rights: government education, government health care, government social security, an arbitrary minimum standard of living, gay rights, women's rights, affirmative action, animal rights (denying an individual to build on his private property because of an endangered fly), "transgendered" rights... the list never ends...

Do you not understand that every time you manufacture a positive right you infringe on another person's individual negative rights?

Negative rights: liberty.

Positive rights: wealth-hating Marxist equality.

The further left a government, the more totalitarian it will be in order to preserve it's utopia. That is why almost all totalitarian regimes are of a leftist utopian bent.

Guess which value the United States was founded on?


How many guesses would you like, Waldo? :smashf:

Gay "rights" are part of this new dark age we live in and are a total sham! :puke1:

I'd guess the value that gives us the right to commit genocide and force out the rightful owners. Then we must have started working on those rights that allow us to enslave a group of people to create a country off the sweat of people that will never see the profit from it.

Like I said sheep boy. This is all mumbo jumbo semantics that has no realation to real life. All this is just using made up terms to justify your actions.

This is a pathetic attempt to sound like you're smart. But we see you for who you really are. An insecure little boy that uses money, religion and other dumb shit to make up for your short comings. Nice try but I'm way to smart for this.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Anarchy and socialism are not too far apart. Socialism is the closest thing we could hope for.

Huh? I'm using definition number 1. Which one are you using?

<DT class=hwrd>Main Entry: <DD class=hwrd>so·cial·ism </DD><DT class=pron>Pronunciation: <DD class=pron>\ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ </DD><DT class=func>Function: <DD class=func>noun </DD><DT class=date>Date: 1837 <DT class=date> </DT>1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Aug 7, 2008

How nice that your sharing what your mom got you for your last birthday. I'm sure she doesn't mean stupid in a bad way. She probably blames the government for brainwashing you. I know that's who I blame. People like you are not smart enough to think on your own. That's why you need bibles, fox news and government institions to teach you what to think.
Aug 7, 2008
Huh? I'm using definition number 1. Which one are you using?

<DT class=hwrd>Main Entry: <DD class=hwrd>so·cial·ism <DT class=pron>Pronunciation: <DD class=pron>\ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ <DT class=func>Function: <DD class=func>noun <DT class=date>Date: 1837 <DT class=date>1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Anarchy is the quest for freedom from institutions. It's the belief that nobody should do anything that infringes on anothers right. That means that nobody should exploit another for personal gain. My rights end where yours begins. Socialism usually leads to a free state that cares about others. Case in point most of the European countries. Anarchists care enough about others not to exploit them, unlike conservative capitalists. They are by no means the same, obviously but most anarchists feel that socialism is an acceptable alternative.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I'd guess the value that gives us the right to commit genocide and force out the rightful owners. Then we must have started working on those rights that allow us to enslave a group of people to create a country off the sweat of people that will never see the profit from it.

This is a common fallacy propagandized by the loony left that is utterly false. (Did you learn this at school, too? :ohno: )

"Well, Joe, c' enlightened could the framers have been? I mean, they advocated slavery, didn't they"?


Some of the framers indeed practiced slavery -- correct. Washington, for example, was the owner of several hundred.

And yet mysteriously, the words 'slavery' and 'slave' do not appear once in the original Constitution.

Now why do you suppose that is?

Because the framers knew it would sully the freedom-enshrining document to acknowledge the repellent practice. (Much like abortion, government health care, animal rights, or forcing a doctor to artificially inseminate a dysfunctional AIDS-carrying transsexual.)

As usual, libs miss the entire point.

What framers created was a document -- a perfect timeless document -- that would later enable the practice of slavery to be outlawed forever.

Sorry, libs, gay 'rights' may be something that sounds chique in Paris, Madrid or Amsterdam, but has no place here in the United States of America.

Let this be a hard lesson to those politically apathetic fools who are naive enough to believe what Adam and Steve do behind close doors ain't any of their business.

Folks, this is what happens when we begin to accept a concept as ludicrous and fraudulent as "gay rights."

One minute these perverted social outcasts are stripping in a parade disrupting our quality time with our families, next thing you know the government is FORCING us to include them in our church services, our private clubs and businesses, our medical clinics..... etc.

Our forefathers would have been appalled and our great, great grandchildren will one day look back at this perverted secular humanist dark age (the 1960s and onward) as an age of incredible stupidity and ignorance.

In the meantime, we soldier on to stem the "progressive" tide...

Elections matter.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Anarchy is the quest for freedom from institutions. It's the belief that nobody should do anything that infringes on anothers right. That means that nobody should exploit another for personal gain. My rights end where yours begins. Socialism usually leads to a free state that cares about others. Case in point most of the European countries. Anarchists care enough about others not to exploit them, unlike conservative capitalists. They are by no means the same, obviously but most anarchists feel that socialism is an acceptable alternative.

OK I see what you mean in the case of places like Norway, say. I've argued before that if everyone agreed with everything the gov't did (which isn't THAT much of a stretch in Norway) then it could satisfy the definition of an anarcho-capitalist society despite having something called a government.

But I've also argued that you need homogeneity for that to happen. Do you agree that for anarchy to be similar to socialism you need a homogenous society? I'm talking homogenous in terms of values and culture more than anything.

Second question: are you, or have you considered yourself at some point in the last 2 years, an anarchist? Reason I ask is to hopefully achieve closure on the heatohio theory.
Aug 7, 2008
OK I see what you mean in the case of places like Norway, say. I've argued before that if everyone agreed with everything the gov't did (which isn't THAT much of a stretch in Norway) then it could satisfy the definition of an anarcho-capitalist society despite having something called a government.

But I've also argued that you need homogeneity for that to happen. Do you agree that for anarchy to be similar to socialism you need a homogenous society? I'm talking homogenous in terms of values and culture more than anything.

Second question: are you, or have you considered yourself at some point in the last 2 years, an anarchist? Reason I ask is to hopefully achieve closure on the heatohio theory.

Anarchy has worked throughout history. Different days and different times may have led to the end of dreams of anarchy becoming a reality. If someone wants me to say what I am I'll say an anarchist/socialist. Which means that I'd admit that anarchy may not work (anarcho) but I'd be happy with a socialistic country that took care of its citizens. As for us needing a homogenous society to work? I don't think everyone needs to have the same values or morals. I do think that everyone needs to respect anothers values and morals. So long as it does not impose on another. I may be against something but to actively work to deny those people their own freedom would be wrong. I'm not sure what the heatohio theory is, I've been accused of being about 3 different people during my short time here.
Aug 7, 2008
JoeC, you're just a brainwashed christian that thinks some mythical god told you that gays are immoral. The bible is bullshit and your backwoods beliefs are bullshit. Plain and simple.

You are dumb enough to believe that it was designed for slavery to end. I guess you've never heard of all the fuss over ending slavery. Apperently you should go back in time and tell everyone what they were thinking. You are dumb as shit and have a right wing agenda to rob everyone of their freedoms. Guess what. It's not going to work you freak. I could only hope that your pathetic church burns to the ground.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
JoeC, you're just a brainwashed christian that thinks some mythical god told you that gays are immoral. The bible is bullshit and your backwoods beliefs are bullshit. Plain and simple.

You are dumb enough to believe that it was designed for slavery to end. I guess you've never heard of all the fuss over ending slavery. Apperently you should go back in time and tell everyone what they were thinking. You are dumb as shit and have a right wing agenda to rob everyone of their freedoms. Guess what. It's not going to work you freak. I could only hope that your pathetic church burns to the ground.

Ad hominem attacks and hate, hate, hate and more hate...

That's all the loony left has to offer.

Next time nominate Hillary. :missingte

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