Yo Guys, If Bb Loses, He Loses Much Much Much
More Than Any Poster. You Think He Wants To Post
Losers. You Guys Bitchin Are Betting Too Much For
Your Pocketbooks.
Bet Or Not, Win Or Lose, Keep Quiet And Be
Thankful For What You Receive From Bb-
Remember He Asks For Nothing And Gives Up
Alot Of Time For Us, And He Asks Nothing
In Return.
As A Bm He Has Many More Important Tasks To Do
On A Sat Or Sunday Than Give Us Information.
Don't U Get It?????????
although i agree with the "he didnt put a gun to ur head theory of ur post" i do not agree that bb lost ten times as much as anyone..
the reason why a BOOK wins over long run is cause this week all his "followers who do leech off him word for word" went 13-12 or whatever is claimed (
that isnt counting units/goys..the line..etc) but they lost units reguardless.....meanwhile he made money on all this week because of 10% juice all around he made 10-15 units period...so at end of day ...to BB sure he wants a good rep on this forum...but if he is gonna post ANYTHING he needs to expect just as many haters as there is followers.if he doesnt produce......if he didnt get hate or nay-sayers, he would be gettin special treatment unlike any other poster deserves.....im not for or against him at this point..i will remain neutral....i think this information, while useful is also still a wish and a prayer as any other bet u make....
ALL BETS ARE COIN FLIPS literally..that is why vegas (not neccessarily LAS) survives over-time...people keep betting win or lose..and never quit...so even if BB is UP in short term...he will undoubtedly be DOWN in long run...and vice versa (as in this weeks case)...should he make it back??? probably...but based on true law of avgs over a lifetime or even a season if u wanna stretch the truth (
considering no PRIOR seasons predict this one)..he should make money back at some point and approach .500 on the year...wether that is going to help u out is based on when and where u started betting him and how tanked down or up u got at first round...for instance if u won big with him for last two months and now have this two week downswing of start of foots then sure u gotta pay ur own bookie a few times, but uve collected more than enough.....BUT if u just jumped on with love of football and huge promises or atleast touting of prior years experiences...then u were in for a rude awakening and got slammed and paid or ran...i guess that is to each his own....With that being said...u could continue to bet with him...as he puts it..he usually has a big week...BUT keep in mind...nothing is ever guranteed...if it was, everyone would be about to get rich off this quick scheme next week and we both know a free dollar is never there reguardless of prior or past scenerios.....WITH REALITY in play he could go two or 3 more weeks....months....even seasons before he got fully back on track....likely??? no..im sure he will even out...
but in the true answer to sports betting its a long distance race...not a sprint..so a few laps of falling behind coudl bury all the chasers in this thread....
"but once again...he didnt hold a gun to ur head......" hno:
hope everyone makes there money back truthfully...wether its for or agaisnt BB or in another thread...i dont like Rx-ers losing cash...