Funny hearing the Liberals whine and cry about Matt Lauer


Feb 2, 2010
No, he said that because he thinks he knows more than everyone....about everything.

Did id you see Benghazi hearings? She ran circles around those guys for hours. She was a senator, sec of state.....she knows more about every issue than most anybody.....especially trump.

Only pieces of the hearings. Any sane person could see Hillary was lying through her teeth. She may have known what went down, but instead of taking blame she made up a bunch of BS. She is so corrupt its not even funny.

As I will continue to say.....its takes a man with no balls to back Hillary. Trump has issues, but he has been on his game of late.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
One hell of a slapping down of Hillary. Today.

The slap down of the century.

MR. TRUMP: I want to briefly discuss new revelations about Hillary Clinton’s emails. According to the FBI report:

“The FBI did find that hostile foreign actors gained access to the personal email accounts of individuals with whom Clinton was in regular contact, and, in doing so, obtained emails sent to or received by Clinton on her personal account.” Remember, Hillary Clinton was emailing about the drone program – among many other extremely sensitive matters.

This is yet more evidence that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be commander-in-chief.

By the way, the whole country saw how unfit she was at the Townhall last night, where she refused to take accountability for her failed policies in the Middle East that have produced millions of refugees, unleashed the horror of radical Islamic terrorism, and made us less safe than ever before.

Throughout it all, she put the entire country at risk in order to cover-up her pay-for-play scandals as Secretary of State.

These include scandals like giving up our uranium to Russia, doing favors for UBS bank, and selling contracts to friends and family in Haiti.

It’s all about hiding her criminal enterprise at the Clinton Foundation.

As part of her criminal cover-up, Hillary Clinton’s staff digitally bleached her emails after receiving a Congressional Subpoena.

Her staff also destroyed some of her 13 different phones with a hammer.

Then, when she was interviewed by the FBI, she claimed she couldn’t remember important events 39 times.

She couldn’t even remember whether she was trained on handling classified information.

She even said she didn’t know that the letter “C” stood for confidential classified information.

All the while, as Hillary and Bill raked in millions of dollars from special interests, the world fell apart.


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Hillary Clinton Lied About How Material Is Classified, Showing She Still Lacks An Understanding Of The Classification System
“Hillary Clinton flat-out lied last night about the classification system, showing she is fundamentally unfit to serve as president. Her claims make a mockery of the legally binding non-disclosure agreements she signed after being confirmed as Secretary of State, where she attested she understood how to handle classified information and swore to protect it regardless of whether it was marked (c) or not. The cavalier attitude shown by Hillary Clinton toward our nation’s most valuable secrets renders her completely unfit to hold the role of role of commander-in-chief. I firmly believe a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate this matter, as it is clear to me and other former federal prosecutors that Hillary Clinton demonstrated a clear intent to violate the law.” – Rudy Giuliani, Former New York City Mayor


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Last Night Clinton Said Classified Material Is Designated Via Marked Headers:

Last Night Clinton Said Classified Material “Is Designated” And “Is Marked” Via “A Header.” CLINTON: “First, as I said to Matt, you know and I know classified material is designated. It is marked. There is a header so that there is no dispute at all that what is being communicated to or from someone who has that access is marked classified.” (Secretary Hillary Clinton, Commander-In-Chief Forum, New York, NY, 9/7/16)

But Some Categories Of Information Are Born Classified, Regardless Of Markings:

FBI Director James Comey: “But Even If Information Is Not Marked ‘Classified’ In An E-Mail, Participants Who Know Or Should Know That The Subject Matter Is Classified Are Still Obligated To Protect It.”(James Comey, “Statement By FBI Director James B. Comey On The Investigation Of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use Of A Personal E-Mail System,” Federal Bureau Of Investigation, 7/5/16)

Certain Categories Of Information Are Born Classified. “This sort of information, which the department says Clinton both sent and received in her emails, is the only kind that must be ‘presumed’ classified, in part to protect national security and the integrity of diplomatic interactions, according to U.S. regulations examined by Reuters. ‘It's born classified,’ said J. William Leonard, a former director of the U.S. government's Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). Leonard was director of ISOO, part of the National Archives and Records Administration, from 2002 until 2008, and worked for both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Dozens Of Clinton Emails Were Classified From The Start, U.S. Rules Suggest,” Reuters, 8/21/16)

High Level Correspondence, Including Reports Of Telephone Or Face-To-Face Conversations Involving Cabinet-Level Officials Or Comparable Level Figures Is Presumed To Be Classified. “High Level Correspondence. This includes letters, diplomatic notes or memoranda or other reports of telephone or face-to-face conversations involving foreign chiefs of state or government, cabinet-level officials or comparable level figures, e.g., leaders of opposition parties. It should be presumed that this type of information should be classified at least CONFIDENTIAL, though the actual level of classification will depend upon the sensitivity of the contained information and classification normally assigned by the U.S. to this category of information.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),”Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

“Some Subjects, Such As Cooperation On Matters Affecting Third Countries, Or Negotiation Of Secret Agreements, Would Merit Original Classification For Up To 25 Years.” “Some subjects, such as cooperation on matters affecting third countries, or negotiation of secret agreements, would merit original classification for up to 25 years.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

“When Negotiations Or Other Diplomatic Exchanges Are Conducted In A Nonpublic, Off The Record, Channel, Details Should Be Classified.” “As a general rule, therefore, when negotiations or other diplomatic exchanges are conducted in a nonpublic, off the record, channel, details should be classified.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 17)

Information Obtained From Other Governments Or International Organizations Of Governments In Non-Public, Confidential Exchanges Should Be Classified.“Information obtained from (and in some contexts, shared with) other governments or international organizations of governments in a non-public, confidential exchange should be treated as Foreign Government Information (FGI) and classified for as long as necessary, taking into account both the inherent sensitivity of the information and the expectations of that party.” (“Department Of State Classification Guide (DSCG 05-01),” Department of State, 1/05, p. 11)

Derivative Classification Is Done By Reproducing Or Summarizing Already Classified Information, Or As Directed By A Classification Guide. “Information may be classified derivatively in two ways: (1) By reproducing, extracting, or summarizing classified information and applying classification markings derived from the source material, or (2) As directed by a classification guide (see 5 FAM 482.3, below).” (“5 FAM 482 Classification Of National Security Information,” U.S. Department Of State Foreign Affairs Manual, 6/6/11; Web Archive, 1/13/13)

Clinton Signed An Agreement Noting Classified Information Can Also Be Unmarked

As Part Of Clinton’s Agreement Clinton Acknowledged That Classified Information Includes “Marked Or Unmarked Classified Information.” (Hillary Clinton, Sensitive Compartmented Information Non-Disclosure Agreement, 1/22/09, State Department Release, FOIA # F-2015-05069, 11/5/15)

FLASHBACK – Clinton Did Not Know What Classified Markings Meant:
Clinton Did Not Know That The “Letter ‘C’ Stood For Confidential In Official E-Mails.” “Hillary Clinton was so cavalier about security at the State Department that she told FBI agents she had no idea that the letter ‘C’ stood for confidential in official e-mails.” (Carl Campanile, Daniel Halper And Linda Massarella, “Clinton Claims She Didn’t Know Emails Marked ‘C’ Were Confidential,” New York Post, 9/2/16)


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Only pieces of the hearings. Any sane person could see Hillary was lying through her teeth. She may have known what went down, but instead of taking blame she made up a bunch of BS. She is so corrupt its not even funny.

As I will continue to say.....its takes a man with no balls to back Hillary. Trump has issues, but he has been on his game of late.

His campaign has been better because it was imploding a few weeks ago. They fired a bunch of people and hired some that have a clue.

it has nothing to do with no balls.....some want a person in there that has a grasp of issues and doesn't haven't an idiotic temperment everytime somebody says something negative about them.

If Trump wins.....who will be people after an attack, who will people blame when riots occur after a racial incident.....because all this is supposed to stop under him. Generally, he's a pretty clueless guy.....hopefully he surrounds himself with good people if he wins and not the usual kiss ass chorus of yes men he usually has around him

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Crooked Granny's camp pissing and moaning about the pro-Clinton Foundation moderator so you know the witch had a horrible night...


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lmao.....Joe falling for another conspiracy. The earpiece conspiracy!!!

Nbc news says no.....Clinton campaign says no......but right wing conspiracy theories say yes!!:missingte

Apr 14, 2006
No, he said that because he thinks he knows more than everyone....about everything.

Did id you see Benghazi hearings? She ran circles around those guys for hours. She was a senator, sec of state.....she knows more about every issue than most anybody.....especially trump.

Uh no...Elijah Cummings blocked just about every line of sensitive questioning that came up.

Vit and the Libs consider this a win.

Why did Hillary destroy emails again?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Uh no...Elijah Cummings blocked just about every line of sensitive questioning that came up.

Vit and the Libs consider this a win.

Why did Hillary destroy emails again?

It was beyond a win.....Fox ran from it and Gowdy needed surgery to get the Hilldog stamp removed from his ass. It was worse than the beatings I give Joe here.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Clinton: We “Didn’t Lose A Single Person” In Libya

<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;">

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

New member
Oct 29, 2010
'We wired it': Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions

NEW EMAILS reveal Hillary conspired with Democrat to MANIPULATE Benghazi hearing

Read more:


Killed it!


The right scoop has another conspiracy for Joe!!!face)(*^%

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Crooked Granny WITHOUT her puppet masters whispering into her earpiece:

Here’s All 40 Times Hillary Clinton Told the FBI She Couldn’t Remember Something


But she totally knows policy and stuff!


How would you like to be the person on the other end of the ear piece?

"Tell them you don't remember"
"Tell them you don't remember"
"Tell them you don't remember"


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