In Libtardville, you have to let transvestites with penisis into girls' restrooms because we don't want to insult or humiliate them. But you can insult and humiliate veterans and law enforcement and first responders all you want because it's your right to do so.
What's wrong with these people? Who the fuck do they think they are? How on earth did such a fringe demographic get such a loud voice?
They're not well, we need to find a cure, we need a pill people
We need to fix their genetics
They got such a Loud Voice due to American Media, the injection of Social Media into the equation giving every bonehead a soapbox upon which to whine and the fact that so many people are deathly afraid of being perceived as "Racist" or one of those "Deplorable People" that Hillary said "half of all Trump Supporters are"
If you demand the issue of Black Crime be addressed, you are "Deplorable".
If you object to Men getting allowed into girl's bathrooms, you are "Deplorable".
Kaepernick should have been a one-day story that said what he did, described how the '9ers immediately escorted him from the field and Cut Him from the team on Morals Clause Violation re: behaving in a manner contrary to the good of the organization.
Media takes these stories though and uses them to fan the fires of discontent, for ratings and to be on the non-"Deplorable" side of the debate.
Social Media does what it does, gives a Megaphone to every malcontent wanting something to be outraged about, so that they can have a "cause" in life and so that they can appear to be such Good, Kind, Tolerant Advanced Thinkers.
They disrespect The Warriors bcuz they take those who protect them, those to whom they owe everything, for Granted.