Sorry to interrupt another rx klan meeting.....but how many hate blacks and gay threads do you guys need? Go complain at your tea party rally with the rest of the old, angry white dudes.
what's wrong with fighting back ? are we supposed to just take it ?..
Take what?
I'm a 41 year old white guy......I wouldn't change that for anything. I realize the advantages I have because of that. And you feel the need to fight back because black people are angry that some in their community are being shot by white cops....even when they are unarmed or that they complain about not being represented at the Oscars? What exactly are you "taking"?
Maybe taking was the wrong were even arguing with my NBA all star comparison with no white representation. .I don't see the difference but Smith & Lee are boycotting the Oscars because of racial disparity...If they boycotted the All Star game or even said something about it , I could begin to see there point. .but as usual it's all about the mistreatment of blacks and not a eyebrow lifted on the exclusion of white players in the All Star game
Not's not a good comparison. Like I said....blacks can make an argument that a performance like Will Smith is Oscar can't argue TJ McConnel is all star worthy.
I don't agree with the boycott but I understand the view point on some African Americans regarding it. I mean, think about it....the committee picking Oscar nominees are old white don't think they will be more inclined not to choose blacks? Just look at it here.....mostly older white guys and look at their feelings.
Is it racist to wear a T-shirt stating, "White Lives Matter"?
All lives matter, & I know what happened in Maryland last summer, but white people are beat up & hospitalized or murdered by the police as well but we never hear about it........there's a huge agenda by the big corporate media, & George Soros on this black lives matters BS........
The media does such an excellent job pouring gasoline on.the fire.......they want this friction between whites & blacks.......
Beyonce didn't have one single white girl dancing during that militant dance she was doing at halftime SB show.......where was the outrage from the media for that?
You cant refer to them as black....Its African American ....I don't know if it's racist to wear a white lives matter t-shirt but it is pretty fucking dumb. Obviously the black lives matter stuff is a movement because of black people getting killed by white cops....and it doesn't mean other lives don't matter. This shit is pretty easy to figure out if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.
Another knucklehead speaks. Guess the white dudes cant say anything against the black dude or its automatically taken as a racist rant.