Mac: I've been sports-betting for more than 60 years and still haven't lost the farm, but be advised, I've dealt with my share of bad days. If one is unable roll with losses sandwiched between the wins....stop sports betting, one may survive financially but you won't mentally....It will get to you. I've been following you ever since you started posting here the Rx; You throw in a good mix of logic and good instincts (gut feels) and you are able to get your message across with your ability to communicate why you feel the way you do about a game and pick a lot more winners than you do losers.....
Betting college basketball offers challenges that are different than, say, football but not for obvious reasons. For instance, the season is far too long for 18-19 year old kids to stay focused week-in and week-out (30 plus games including tournament play) Teams (even good ones) reach the "doldrums" stage of the season, one week they are up, the next week they are won't find that information in the injury reports and it drives coaches to a near-stage of insanity. You make comment about second-half turn-arounds (collapses).....There's a reason for that....Often, man of these kids are too damn tired to play two
halves with high intensity especially at this time of the year (Look how Penn and WMU folded in the second half tonight).
You are a good capper Mac; Stir the course and go-get-em.....tomorrow. Thanks for allowing an old man to jump-in.