Freeh Report


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I just finished reading the Freeh Report. If you have read the the 144 page report I would like to see your reaction on Paterno. I can understand why his family is upset.

Although he could have done more because of his status and am surprised that he was included in this report. The Penn State administration fucked up by not reporting this to child welfare.(obvious especially in hindsight).

I have been teaching in a Pennsylvania high school for 13 years. I was always told that I must report any abuse or suspected abuse to a counselor, social worker or administration or I could lose my job.(Similar to Clery Act) I was told once I reported this to one of these people that I have met my obligation. I also could lose my job if I did not follow chain of command and called child welfare myself.

I know that I am not Joe Paterno and I do not have the power that he had but to me it seems that he told his administration what McQueery reported to him. When he reported to Tim Curley, the AD and Paterno's boss he met his obligation under the Clery Act.

As Paterno said he regretted that he did not do more. Morally he should have done more but I still find it hard to believe that he was knowingly protecting a pedofile. From 1966 until 2011 we have been told how he stressed honor and integrity and doing things the right way. Protecting a pedofile, one of if not the worst crime imaginable, would make you the scum of the earth and almost as bad as the perpetrator. Unfortunately we may never know what Paterno knew unless he kept files or wrote a journal.

New member
Nov 4, 2005
I still find it hard to believe that he was knowingly protecting a pedofile.

Paterno knew in 1998 that Sandusky was under investigation for child molestation. That's made clear in the Freeh report, where references are made to Paterno wanting to know the disposition of the investigation. Already knowing this, Paterno was then informed in 2001 about Sandusky being caught raping a child in the football showers. The Freeh report makes it clear that the original plan was to bring in child welfare authorities until a request from "Joe" not to do so. Even after all that Paterno still allowed Sandusky to bring children to Penn State facilities.

That's about as clear a case of covering up as you're likely to find.

The Paterno family is desperately trying to convince themselves otherwise, and that's, in a way, understandable. They don't want to believe that the patriarch who seemed so upstanding was, in fact, a giant POS who valued winning football games over even the welfare of children. But that's exactly who he was.

Oct 16, 2004
I think the problem with Paterno is the timeline (13 years) and the repeated offenses by Sandusky after he was reported. Common sense says if the first person you tell continues to not do anything about a pedophile who is blantantly breaking the law, you find somebody who will. Child rape is the next step down from murder. And offenders are punished as such. PSU is lucky they are getting to play football this year. The Death Penalty was definitely on the table according to Emmert.

New member
Dec 13, 2005
I understand if the "crime" a person is committing is harmless, you want to get the person help before going to authorities, but when you talk about a young child being raped and pimped out to penn state donors that is just gross! That you take to the authorities immediately! I don't care if its your grandma or uncle joe! The fact that it happened repeatedly meant that sandusky felt secure. He knew paterno and others would turn a blind eye, so their image and that of penn state's wouldn't be tarnished, all for securing wins and raking in more money from donors which in turn had a direct effect on their performance on the field. Just glad sandusky is behind bars and getting what he deserves. He will be released to the general population one day. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a bounty on his head already.

Jul 13, 2008
Tokens answer your question, Child Welfare was contacted in 1998 and elected to do nothing. I guess it is alright to shower with and grope young boys. It seems to me that if some other people did their jobs in 1998 we wouldn't be at this point right now. The below is copy and pasted from an article that has been proven factual.

In 1998, the Penn State campus police and local law enforcement authorities investigated an allegation that Jerry Sandusky, then a prominent coach with the university’s football team, had engaged in inappropriate and perhaps sexual conduct with a boy in the football facility’s showers. A lengthy police report was generated, state prosecutors said. The boy was interviewed. A second potential victim was identified. Child welfare authorities were brought in. Sandusky confessed to showering with one or both of the children. The local district attorney was given material to consider prosecution. In the end, no prosecution was undertaken. The child welfare agency did not take action. And, according to prosecutors, the commander of the university’s campus police force told his detective, Ronald Schreffler, to close the case.

“Sandusky admitted showering naked with Victim 6, admitted to hugging Victim 6 while in the shower and admitted that it was wrong,” said the report issued last weekend by the Pennsylvania attorney general. “Detective Schreffler advised Sandusky not to shower with any child again and Sandusky said that he would not.”

Jan 19, 2005
The fraud that is the Freeh report
Many people, like media blowhard Keith Olbermann and disgruntled class action lawyer, Michael Boni , are still clinging to the myth that Louis Freeh's credentials are impeccable and he conducted a legitimate investigation at Penn State. I suspect few have ever read the full Freeh Report and are unaware of the reports glaring inaccuracies. A prime example is Freeh's mangling of the janitor's testimony, which revealed just how shoddy and lazy his PSU investigation and report really was.

Ray Blehar

At his press conference on July 12, 2012, Louis Freeh called the incident witnessed by the janitor as "the most horrific rape" that was described in the Sandusky case.

Apparently, the former FBI Director, with impeccable credentials, decided the trial verdicts were irrelevant to his press conference remarks and his report.

Many who continue to criticize PSU would likely be surprised to learn the most incendiary charge in the case -- that McQueary had witnessed Sandusky anally raping a boy -- resulted in a not guilty verdict. Just as importantly, there was not a single victim who credibly accused Sandusky of attempting to rape them while they were on the campus. Obviously, if there were no credible allegations of rapes, there weren't any rape convictions.

So how did Freeh come up with his wild claim of a "horrific rape" in the janitor incident?

Simply put, Louis Freeh appears to be a pathological liar (see here also).

Oct 16, 2004
The fraud that is the Freeh report
Many people, like media blowhard Keith Olbermann and disgruntled class action lawyer, Michael Boni , are still clinging to the myth that Louis Freeh's credentials are impeccable and he conducted a legitimate investigation at Penn State. I suspect few have ever read the full Freeh Report and are unaware of the reports glaring inaccuracies. A prime example is Freeh's mangling of the janitor's testimony, which revealed just how shoddy and lazy his PSU investigation and report really was.

Ray Blehar

At his press conference on July 12, 2012, Louis Freeh called the incident witnessed by the janitor as "the most horrific rape" that was described in the Sandusky case.

Apparently, the former FBI Director, with impeccable credentials, decided the trial verdicts were irrelevant to his press conference remarks and his report.

Many who continue to criticize PSU would likely be surprised to learn the most incendiary charge in the case -- that McQueary had witnessed Sandusky anally raping a boy -- resulted in a not guilty verdict. Just as importantly, there was not a single victim who credibly accused Sandusky of attempting to rape them while they were on the campus. Obviously, if there were no credible allegations of rapes, there weren't any rape convictions.

So how did Freeh come up with his wild claim of a "horrific rape" in the janitor incident?

Simply put, Louis Freeh appears to be a pathological liar (see here also).
When Sandusky gets out of jail maybe you can invite him over to babysit the kids.

New member
Feb 8, 2010
The fraud that is the Freeh report
Many people, like media blowhard Keith Olbermann and disgruntled class action lawyer, Michael Boni , are still clinging to the myth that Louis Freeh's credentials are impeccable and he conducted a legitimate investigation at Penn State. I suspect few have ever read the full Freeh Report and are unaware of the reports glaring inaccuracies. A prime example is Freeh's mangling of the janitor's testimony, which revealed just how shoddy and lazy his PSU investigation and report really was.

Ray Blehar

At his press conference on July 12, 2012, Louis Freeh called the incident witnessed by the janitor as "the most horrific rape" that was described in the Sandusky case.

Apparently, the former FBI Director, with impeccable credentials, decided the trial verdicts were irrelevant to his press conference remarks and his report.

Many who continue to criticize PSU would likely be surprised to learn the most incendiary charge in the case -- that McQueary had witnessed Sandusky anally raping a boy -- resulted in a not guilty verdict. Just as importantly, there was not a single victim who credibly accused Sandusky of attempting to rape them while they were on the campus. Obviously, if there were no credible allegations of rapes, there weren't any rape convictions.

So how did Freeh come up with his wild claim of a "horrific rape" in the janitor incident?

Simply put, Louis Freeh appears to be a pathological liar (see here also).
I believe omg is in favor of having child rapists on the street. People at Psu knew and had previous info Sandusky was a molester. Jopa who basically ran the university was one of these people. They all did nothing including Jopa. Omg will keep defending him. I bet he'd have a different opinion of Jopa if it was his kid that got raped. What loser defends people who knowingly allow a child molester on campus and continue to run a child organization program. Omg is that loser

Feb 28, 2005
Meanwhile, another sex scandal at the great Penn State University breaks....

New member
Mar 27, 2009
Great timing on the bump. Their isnt a big enough mirror to do them any good.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Tired old stuff for me.....

Come on guys........spring practice....lot's of CFB news that may give the forum an angle for winning a dollar.

Win or lose last's over. Really looking forward to a productive and informative lead up to the 2015 season.

Guessing most here agree........

Oct 16, 2004
Meanwhile, another sex scandal at the great Penn State University breaks....
I'm just glad the scandal involved posting pictures of naked women and not children. At least their moving in the right direction...Ha!

Jan 19, 2005
Well, know we know they knew it was fraud as well

  • no-evidence.jpg
Documents indicating that Louis Freeh’s own team did not believe that the highly influential conclusions of the “Freeh Report” were supported by legitimate evidence. As seen here, even one of his own employees wrote "NO EVIDENCE AT ALL!" over the very first paragraph of the Freeh Group's internal work product about the supposed "Penn State Football Culture" causing the "cover up

Jan 19, 2005
[h=2]Friday, November 9[/h][h=3]What is Barron hiding? It's called fraud[/h]

The A7's comprehensive review of the Freeh Report will expose the fraud perpetrated by the inner circle of the PSU BOT, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, and the NCAA

Ray Blehar
November 9, 2018, 7:10 AM EST

For two prior football home game weekends, former Penn State University (PSU) Board of Trustee (BOT) member Anthony Lubrano ran full page advertisements in the Centre Daily Times (CDT) asking PSU President Eric Barron to make public the findings of an exhaustive review of the Freeh Report that was conducted by seven of the alumni elected trustees (a.k.a., the A7).

Just to make sure Barron didn’t somehow overlook his first request in the CDT, Lubrano also used a banner plane to get his message out, asking point blank: “Pres. Barron What Are You Hiding? Release the Report.”

What is Barron hiding?

In January 2015, President Barron provided a glimpse into his review of the Freeh Report and it confirmed that the report was not credible.

“I'm not a fan of the report....Freeh steered everything as if he was a prosecutor trying to convince a court to take the case. Barron added that the report "very clearly paints a picture about every student, every faculty member, every staff member and every alum. And it's absurd. It's unwarranted. So from my viewpoint the Freeh report is not useful to make decisions."

The last line of that passage is likely why we haven’t heard more of Barron’s review of the report. Barron’s statement that it wasn’t useful to make decisions flies in the face of the Trustees and administrators at the top of the University who threw away hundreds of millions of dollars based on Freeh’s faulty conclusions.

To be clear, former President Rodney Erickson, Ken Frazier, and others weren’t bedazzled by Freeh’s bullshit or bullied by the NCAA into agreeing to draconian sanctions. They were in on this fraud from the start.

It's not a stretch at all to call what happened a fraud. Here is the definition from Merriam Webster and, in my opinion, it fits Louis Freeh and his investigation perfectly.

1a: DECEIT, TRICKERY specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right
b: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK
2a: a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTER
also : one who defrauds : CHEAT
one that is not what it seems or is represented to be

Barron, like Erickson before him, serves at the pleasure of the controlling majority of the PSU BOT. The decision to not release the A7's report appears to be nothing more than a cover-up of a multi-million dollar fraud.

Sham investigation

In November 2011, the PSU BOT publicly announced that FSS, headed by former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director, Louis Freeh, was hired to conduct an independent investigation and review into the alleged crimes committed by Jerry Sandusky which occurred on the PSU campus.

For well over two years, Old Main and the inner circle of the PSU BOT misled the public about the independence of the investigation

In 2014, emails and documents obtained by PSU Alumnus Ryan Bagwell and from the McCord/Corman case proved Freeh’s investigation was not independent in the least and was conjoined with the criminal investigation of the PA OAG, as well as investigations by the NCAA and the Big Ten Conference.

But the bigger story here, so far mostly overlooked by the media, is that those documents also exposed that Louis Freeh/FSS wanted to be an investigative arm of the NCAA.

While FSS was hired for the purpose of justifying the removals of former PSU President Graham Spanier and former legendary football coach, Joseph Paterno, the opportunity presented itself for FSS to use the PSU investigation as an audition of sorts, in an attempt to become an investigative arm of the NCAA.

FSS welcomed input from the NCAA on how to proceed with its investigation of PSU officials. Similarly, emails and other documents show that then PSU General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin was provided drafts of documents that were under attorney-client work product (privileged information) to the NCAA for its review.

In short, everyone involved was collaborating with the NCAA from the beginning to “railroad” PSU officials. According to its Engagement Letter, FSS was directed to conclude that PSU officials were enabling Sandusky’s crimes on campus.

FSS was a relatively new firm at the time it took on the PSU investigation and was looking to make a big splash to grow its business. The inner circle of the PSU BOT was willing to help make that happen. Emails and documents revealed that much time and effort was spent on developing the public relations strategy that would promote Freeh's work and destroy the University’s reputation -- while making “heroes” of certain BOT members.

Make no mistake, the evidence in this case shows that the Freeh and the NCAA press conferences were done to promote the self-interests of the parties involved, not to serve the best interests of the public or prevent the abuse of children.

The Freeh Report’s deceptions & unsupported conclusions

The Freeh Report was/is a study in deception.

The sensational conclusions in the report’s Executive Summary were actually refuted by the information in the body of the report and by the scant evidence included in the report's appendices. Its 267 pages in volume gave the report the appearance of thoroughness, but much of the report was simply repackaging and repetition of investigative information conducted by the PA Attorney General. Many of its so-called findings were not findings at all, but merely statements of fact that provided no supporting evidence for its conclusions.

What the 267 pages accomplished, however, was to deter most people from diving into the details and, instead, work under the assumption that the details supported the key findings – which they didn’t.

Most people wouldn’t do the deep dive, but most assuredly, some would. Freeh had a plan to prevent that.

As evidence shows, there was a choreographed computer glitch to prevent the media from actually reading the Freeh Report prior to his grandstanding press conference in July 2012. Instead, the media was provided with his press conference transcript (that contained conclusions that were not contained in the Freeh Report).

Without the benefit of reading the report, the media simply took Freeh’s statements that condemned PSU officials and the PSU community as valuing football over the welfare of children at face value (among other conclusions) and reported them as fact.

Later that day, PSU’s former President, Rodney Erickson, and former Trustees Kenneth Frazier and Karen Peetz, publicly praised the Freeh investigation, even though none of them had thoroughly reviewed it. Their unapproved public statements were viewed by the NCAA as approval of the Freeh Report.

Even though Erickson, Frazier, and Peetz knew that the PSU BOT didn't approve the Freeh Report, Erickson went on the record that he accepted it for the purposes of penalizing the football program (even though he knew, and the NCAA knew, the program had committed no NCAA violations).

The NCAA was equally derelict in failing to review the report.

NCAA Counsel, Don Remy, alleged that the NCAA's review of the Freeh Report wasn't necessary because PSU had reviewed and approved it.

Emails and documents also confirmed the NCAA Executive Committee chairman, Ed Ray, did not read the Freeh Report. Instead, Ray advised the NCAA should take action based on his reading of an ESPN column written by Rick Reilly – and the vitriolic comments of Reilly's readers.

NCAA President Mark Emmert, who purportedly read the report three times but failed to notice that many of the evidence exhibits were missing, also (initially) defended the Freeh Report as more thorough than anything his investigators could have done.

Years later, as a defendant in a civil lawsuit and facing discovery that would fully expose the maneuvering that led to illegitimate sanctions against PSU, the NCAA backed off and called its enforcement action an “experiment.” After doing so, it restored football scholarships, repealed the ban on post-season play, and restored Coach Paterno’s victory record, while keeping some other sanctions in place.

If there was any evidence at all that Joe Paterno actually put the football program over the welfare of children, the NCAA would have kept in place the sanction of vacating 111 wins, as it did the $60 million in fines, but it didn’t.

Also, after years of publicly defending the Freeh Report as if it were one of his own children, former Trustee Kenneth Frazier’s December 2015 deposition revealed that he believed the findings “weren’t as irrefutable as some people think they are.”

In the Spanier case, Freeh alleged that 23 of
his conclusions were opinions, not facts.

As surprising as Frazier’s reversal was, it paled in comparison to those made by Louis Freeh.

In May 2016, the former FBI Director argued that 23 of his conclusions about Spanier and other PSU officials were merely opinions. Some of the most damning conclusions that drove public outrage were among those 23, including that Spanier and other PSU officials: exhibited a "total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", exhibited a "striking lack of empathy", and "failed to adequately report and respond to the actions of a serial sexual predator."

As the evidence shows, those who vehemently defended the Freeh Report’s fraudulent conclusions, including Louis Freeh himself, were forced to back down once they were before a court of law and had to offer more than media talking points.

Jan 19, 2005
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J R Snedden (@JRSnedden)
2/11/19, 6:34 PM
"The Report Penn State Doesn’t Want You To See” (Part 1)


[h=2]Monday, February 11, 2019[/h][FONT=&quot][h=3]Penn State Cover Up Ends With Leak Of Louis Freeh's Top-Secret Report Card; He Flunked And Penn State Wants Their $8.3 Million Back[/h]


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Jan 19, 2005
[h=2]hursday, February 14[/h][h=3]Freeh: No Evidence of Protecting "JP or the Football Program"[/h]

The alumni-elected trustees report confirmed that Freeh and his team knew their findings were on shaky ground -- but they chose to align with the prevailing narrative instead of following the evidence

Ray Blehar
February 14, 2019, 11:40 AM EST

After WJAC's report on leaked alumni-elected trustees critique of the Freeh Report, the true "deniers" quickly appeared on the scene to denounce and criticize the report.

Mark Dambly and Eric Barron stated the report merely reflects the opinions of its authors, while Louis Freeh's statement accused the authors of "blindly disregarding the incontrovertible facts."

Given the speed of the response from key "denier" Freeh, it was obvious he responded without reading the alumni report. In fact, his rebuttal states he hadn't obtained a copy of it.

As it turns out, Freeh will be surprised to learn he is the alumni report's star witness.

No Evidence of Protecting "JP or the Football Program"

Page 29 of the alumni report refers to a late June 2012 discussion of the draft Freeh Report, where Freeh commented:

"I understand -- there is a stronger case to be made for "protecting the university" than JP or the 'Football Program' -- which is never really articulated in any of the evidence I've seen."

As history shows, the (unsupported) finding of a "culture of reverence to the football program" smashed the University's reputation, resulted in sanctioning by the NCAA, and cost PSU hundreds of millions of dollars in fines, legal fees, and settlement claims.

How did that happen?

The alumni-elected trustee report shows that former trustee, Ken Frazier, who was overseeing the Freeh investigation as co-chair of the PSU Board of Trustees Special Investigations Task Force, sent a July 23, 2012 ESPN column to the Freeh team that may have had undue influence on shifting the focus to football. The column, written by Howard Bryant, speculated that PSU and others didn't report Sandusky to protect Paterno and the football program.

Freeh and his team discussed the ESPN column and how it fit with public expectations to put the focus on Paterno and the football program for enabling Sandusky crimes.

However, there was push back from within the ranks about assigning motivations to the actions of PSU officials "since only the principals truly know" (and they hadn't been interviewed). Another team member added, "I still maintain we should not say anything that we can't support."

Focus on Scant Evidence, Not Fact Checking

Apparently, the time frame from the end of the trial (when Bryant's column was published) and the release of the Freeh Report was used to put emphasis on highlighting the scant information to indict Paterno and the football program instead of verifying that the information in the draft report was accurate.

You know, things like making sure the report accurately reflected what just transpired at the trial.

At Freeh's press conference in July 2012, he commented that the football culture existed from the top to bottom, citing the janitors "were afraid of being fired for reporting a powerful football coach." And amazingly, Freeh doubled down on the janitor incident in his rebuttal to the alumni report, stating that it demonstrated the culture problem.

The alumni elected trustees' report simply blows the janitor incident out of the water.

It reveals that 8 janitors were interviewed by Freeh's team including the three that were present during the incident. All three who were present that night were consistent in that they encouraged Janitor A (Calhoun) to report the incident.

As it turns out, the Freeh Report's theme "of fear of being fired" relied on a single statement from a janitor -- who was not even present that evening.

As demonstrated, the Freeh Report's version of the janitor incident was not consistent with facts provided during the Sandusky trial.

Nor were his inflammatory press conference statements regarding it.

“The janitors, that’s the tone on the bottom. Ok. These are the employees of Penn State who clean the locker rooms in the Lasch building where young boys are being raped. They witness, what is probably, in the report, the most horrific rape, that’s described.”

The testimony and verdicts from the Sandusky trial were clear that no one was anally raped in the Lasch Building. Moreover, there was no evidence presented at the trial that any victim alleged being subjected to an anal rape on the PSU campus, let alone the football facilities.

The evidence surrounding the janitor incident exemplifies that it was Freeh who was, and still is, "blindly ignoring" the facts.

Next: Fact-Checking Freeh's Rebuttal

Posted by Ray Blehar at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" itemprop="url" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link" style="text-decoration-line: none; color: rgb(206, 25, 6);"><abbr class="published" itemprop="datePublished" title="2019-02-14T11:39:00-05:00" style="border: none;">11:39 AM</abbr> Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest


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