Standings Updated include 4/20 Games
Mavs 4.5
Heat 3
Wizards 9
Blazers 6
Name (games places) points
murphy8276 (5games) 39 points
packer2012 (4) 31
Cappingtigerz (4) 23.5
Jmoney (3) 22
Choptalk (4) 15.5
tanner12oz (5) 13
DrunkenHorse (3) 12.5
tybounce (5) 19
RudyRuetigger (3) 10
stax (3) 13.5
miklos (3) 12
Akillies (2) 9
patsfan1283 (2) 9
wannabewhale (3) 16.5
5teamparlay (2) 7.5
Motormouth (2) 7.5
Defying (4) 13.5
HarrayCaray (3) 7.5
stevex01 (3) 7
Porcupine (3) 10
LAMatty (1) 5.5
styiez (5) 17.5
slapshot (2) 5.5
patlives (5) 6
MantisToboggan (3) 9
ImgamblinAgain (5) 9
Husker (1) 0
ChrisParadise (2) 0
wiskers1 (2) 0
SECplayer (1) 0
GMoney (1) 0
gskiman (2) 0
colbyson (2) 0
balmybreezes (1) 0
I didn't bother to order them. There's a clear top and a clear bottom, don't know if anyone will hit 0-5