Frankie's Boss' 100K insider Plays on FIRE!

Feb 4, 2019
Another WINNER Drake +5 1/2. Final = Drake 80 Kansas State 70 . Frankie's Boss KNOWS his stuff but it helps when you have the connections that he has. In this business it's all about what have you done for me lately. WELL Frankie's BOSS 100K Insider Plays 14-3 and 20-4 ats that's what he has done for his customers lately. He has a total going at 7pm et tonight. You can still get on his winner. Email me at .
Feb 4, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving! With this Covid all around us, it's causing problems with the games getting played. Today Frankie's Boss went 1-1. He has 2 for tomorrow one side and one total. Email to get them FREE with No Strings Attached! Just when you email me if you want these text to your cell just include your cell #. 2-0 Turkey Day guaranteed. Now on a 15-4 and 21-5 run, still very respectable.
Feb 4, 2019
Hey peeps, what has your service done for you lately? The one main guy I text for has given his customers a nice run of 15-4 and 21-5. His customers who only play his Insider Play 100K have collected each week from their bookies for the last 9 weeks and 14 out of the last 15 weeks respectively. Will he win EVERY game absolutely NOT, NOBODY does. BUT he wins at a clip that is mind blowing. I have seen him go on 15-0 runs, 11-1 runs and 12-3 runs many times in the few years I have been with him. Any service would charge THOUSANDS for his 100K Inside Info Plays. He doesn't charge as he bets his own and Frankie makes coin off his Boss' input. Just yesterday Frankie's Boss bet $75K on Drake +5 1/2 and all Frankie's customer was told that with the play that was text to them.
Now listen, NO PLAYER IS TO LARGE , NO PLAYER IS TO SMALL FRANKIE'S BOSS CATERS TO THEM ALL. Maybe you want to pay off your car, house, boat etc. Or maybe you just some extra spending money. Frankie guarantees a complete refund if you join long term and are not happy. But right here if you email me at there are NO Obligations to purchase anything UNTIL you see what he can do for you. Even then his prices are very very reasonable.
Today he has a side and total going. Now this out of control covid can disrupt any game at anytime. Frankie's Boss is an ex-bookie with many contacts and gets inside info on many games ESPECIALLY in college hoops and college football. His contacts in Pro Football are mainly ref oriented. IF you think for one minute there are no refs or college players going nowhere that aren't betting you are wrong. Only problem is there are up to 100 games on a college board and you need to be on the ones that make you money and NOBODY can give you a bigger edge than Frankie's Boss. kickoff at 12:30pm et today.

​Happy Thanksgiving to ALL the Rx people and the guests viewing this thread!!
Feb 4, 2019
OK Frankie just called me and stated for me to post only here at the Rx to Anyone who wants his Boss' total play for today, that includes all that are getting his plays NOW via text not signed up yet, you can have his TOTAL as a GUARANTEE for his package. That package is a ONE YEAR PACKAGE and the price is very very reasonable. He has customers texting and emailing saying these plays are worth much much more than you charge. REMEMBER if you get or got his play for today you already know his total, you can have it as a guarantee to cover his package. Email me at remember 15-4 and 21-5 runs are nothing to pass up. Many more runs coming your way. BUT of course if you are just looking for a few winners to help bail you out or just make you some holiday money then Frankie's Boss 100K Insider plays will do just that with NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
Feb 4, 2019
Winner Houston -3 (Houston 41 Detroit 25). Now runs of 16-4 and 22-5 respectively. He has a total going tonight that he guaranteed to those who emailed today and wanted that deal. He is no longer guaranteeing that play as the line changed 3 points. I can tell you that you need to bet Frankie's boss' 100K Insider Plays as soon as you get them because his games that he gives the lines move 90% of the time. Not saying he is a line mover BUT he is well respected and knows his shit! You can still get his 100K Insider Plays by emailing His Players have been and will continue to bury their bookies following Frankie's Boss. Soon you will be on your bookies most hated list instead of a vip customer.
Feb 4, 2019
OK after a 1-1 day yesterday his runs are still respectable at 16-5 and 22-6. Today he has ONE solid play that Frankie's Boss is betting huge today. Say's line is off by 5 points. He says his play will cover by 5+ points easily. His 100K Insider Black Friday Play will make your bookie think hey this guy knew something I didn't. Get his 100K Insider Play WINNER FREE by emailing me at . He told Frankie that he expects another huge winning run starting today. Last time he said that he went 8-0. He did say that 1-1 is absolutely unacceptable.
Feb 4, 2019
OK guys yesterday was a loss. Runs now at 16-6 and 22-7 respectively. Like I said NOBODY wins 100% of the time BUT Frankie's Boss' 100K Insider Plays are money in the bank. He says that his play for today will cash for all followers. He bets all his plays himself. Doesn't sell, Frankie sells them. IF you are looking for a service who gives out 3-5 plays with units on each one THIS IS NOT A SERVICE THAT DOES THAT. Frankie's Boss gives out only ONE maybe 2 plays per day (Has been giving 2 out this week more so than ever before because of college hoops starting). Those who started the last 3 days haven't seen what Frankie's Boss is capable of doing. I personally have seen him on runs of 15-0 ats and smaller runs as well. I would say in the last few years I have known Frankie and he has been selling his Boss' 100K Insider plays I've NEVER seen him lose more than 3 or 4 in a row. That's impressive for over 1095+ days of service. IF he gives 2 out my advice is BET BOTH INDIVIDUALLY. If you are a parlay/teaser player his service is not for you. IF you are a flat bettor he is your future broker. LIKE I said before NOBODY WINS 100%. Every capper goes on streaks and bad runs at times. It's part of the business. Sometimes he gets bad info. Most times NOT! So I am willing to work with you and show you he is the real deal long term all you have to so is email me at .His best sport is college hoops and the NBA. Many graduates who played D1 gamble and have friends on the college teams so wink wink, you get what I mean. Also every college campus has a college bookie, if there are any sports that are rigged it's college hoops. Guys there are literally 100's of games on any given day in college basketball, can you cap every game. Many times there are 4-5 lines off by as many as 5 points. Frankie's Boss relies on his contacts to provide late info on certain games. You will at least have the edge over most cappers who throw darts at a paper at sells to you. Like I said in the past 4 days I have seen him on this roller coaster type week only to win BIG on the weekend and make his followers finish the week ahead. Gets his plays for today and tomorrow just email me NO STRINGS ATTACHED! His prices are very low compared to all other services. I would match Frankie's Boss up against ANY other service out there easily! His CBB game tips at 4pm et today GET ON BOARD!
Feb 4, 2019
It's amazing 95% of all games Frankie's Boss gives out as his 100K Insider Plays, his lines move. You ALWAYS get the best line possible on all of his selections. Now don't get me wrong he's no line mover and not all games win according to line moves BUT on his plays you'll get the best line on his game as long as you bet it as soon as you get the text message. ​Very STRONG Insider play tipping off today in college basketball.
Feb 4, 2019
After an off week Frankie's boss closed out last night with a 2-0 night. BOTH Green Bay -8 (Easy winner) and Rhode Island -2 (13 point winner). He lost on the Giants -6 (Horrible officiating late in the game). Today Frankie's boss has a 100K Insider Play CBB that he is GUARANTEEING towards a 1 year package from him. Take this guarantee and ask for his pricing that is very reasonable. All his customers say he should be getting 5X what he charges for his plays. His play is a college hoop game going today. You can have it FREE if you like. Now not sugar coating anything, he did lose for the week last week. BUT killed it the 5 weeks prior. He expects to go on a nice run so jump on board now. I have been texting for him for 2 years now and NEVER seen him lose 2 weeks in a row. SO NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ON BOARD THIS LOCOMOTIVE! Email me at to either get this play FREE or if you want this play as a guarantee where IF it doesn't cover, a push is a no play, you get ONE YEAR FREE. When Frankie's Boss gave out CFB Penn State -PK Over the weekend some of the new customers said he is crazy lol no way they win. BOOM!
Feb 4, 2019
Last night was a winner for some, a push for some and a loss for some. His game he guaranteed his deal on was Bowling Green -1.5. He gave it out early in the day but the line moved as does all his games he gives out for some reason. Some got the 1.5 some got -2 others were not lucky enough to get it in early enough at got -2.5. Bowling Green won by 2 and had a chance to win by 3 missing a free throw with a second remaining. Anyhow he has 2 plays going today one at 2:30pm and the other at 7pm. Frankie is guaranteeing once again his Boss' 100K Insider play for 7pm et. like I've said his boss has had MANY great runs his best a 15-0 ats run and many smaller runs. Lost last week and NEVER lost 2 weeks in a row. Key is get on board today and be on that run that starts today. Email me at for his guaranteed winner to cover ONE YEAR of his 100K insider Plays. That includes all Tournament games and bowl games and playoffs. OR just email for his 2 plays today FREE OF CHARGE. No strings attached.
Feb 4, 2019
This place isn't like it used to be. For any further assistance with Frankie's Boss 100K Insider plays you need to email Frankie himself @ . He'll set you up with his boss's selection. Major run is coming.
Feb 4, 2019
OK guys Frankie's Boss' college basketball run start's today. Get on board right here for FREE by emailing me at OR directly to Frankie @ . Either email address you can get Frankie's Boss 100K Insider for today Friday. His boss hinted he has a mind blowing game for tomorrow Saturday with info that the lines makers will not be aware of. Lines are not out yet for that game but he anticipates the line will be off by 5 points easily. BUT get todays free by emailing. Looking for a 5-0 run but Frankie's Boss says 8-0 run. We'll see. On a 5-0 run a $100 player who keeps doubling up can make $1600. When it reaches 8-0 a $100 player doubling up can cash in for $12,800 minus the vigs. He's done this for his customers many times. Last week and a half has been not so good but those who have been with him KNOWS who's the BOSS! 5-0 or 8-0 ats BEGINS TODAY!
Feb 4, 2019
Actually Frankie's Boss' 100K Insider Plays have been in a funk lately for some reason. Well every capper hits a snag once in a while but with Inside Info it's not suppose to happen. Anyhow I will be posting his plays here FREE for all to see for a while. Tonight he is on a CBB game. Let the run start. Lets Roll over 5 in a row starting tonight!

Ball State -7 1/2 (#805) Tip time @ 7pm et
Feb 4, 2019
Ball State = WINNER last night. Lets see if Frankie's Boss 100K Insider Plays can get you a 5-0 or 8-0 run. Take what you won and roll it over onto tonight's game. Stay with me on this. If he can roll over 5-0 a $100 player would win $1600 minus vigs. A $500 player would win 8K minus vigs all on a 5-0 run. Here is his play for tonight:

T.C.U. -3.5 (#610) Tip time @ 5pm et
Feb 4, 2019
Ball State = WINNER last night. Lets see if Frankie's Boss 100K Insider Plays can get you a 5-0 or 8-0 run. Take what you won and roll it over onto tonight's game. Stay with me on this. If he can roll over 5-0 a $100 player would win $1600 minus vigs. A $500 player would win 8K minus vigs all on a 5-0 run. Here is his play for tonight:

T.C.U. -3.5 (#610) Tip time @ 5pm et

This line is widely available at shops for -1. If you got the -3.5 earlier in the day don't worry he says they win by 7+.

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