Nah man. Teflon Don has been dodging bullets pretty well. He should definitely cut out being so thin skinned and the low level tweet insults but he definitely doesn't live by the set of PC rules other politicians do. We saw this after his McCain comments.
He has a real shot. But it is the 1st inning, long way to go.
explain? you're running around defending Obama in every thread Obama is mentioned
and I'm nothing about the man, I rarely even cite anybody, I'm 1,000% policy
I think the entire media is biased, you think only Fox News is and you want to silence them (or you applaud people who try to)
I don't think politicians are the solution to anything, you think they're solution for everything
I want term limits, I bet you'd take Obama for life
I want smaller government, fewer regulations and more freedoms. I never waiver from my core values
I defend Brady, I also defended Tyson & Rice & Peterson & Tiger for very similar reasons (well Tiger is a different story all together)
elections, LMFAO
the people think the economy sucks, the people think everything is heading in the wrong direction, the people tend to despise Congress...............................
yet incumbents win reelection 90% + of the time
it's about name recognition and money and buying votes, the voters have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt we're not capable of making intelligent choices
career politicians are a cancer on society
and everything I said is the truth, it's what I do