Ok, might as well throw in My Take of the Movie.
First off, I believe ( or think ) that Moss wasn't Killed !!
And I'll tell you why....LOL
You Never Saw the Body ! I think it was Moss's Wife's Mother that got killed from the Guy that was helping with the Bags.
They were the one's going to meet up with Moss.
Which brings me to the Motel .....What you saw is when in the film, Moss saw that his room certains were moved and that someone was in that Room.
( this is the part where Moss takes another Room ) to get the Suitcase of Money that he put in the Vent.
( which is why, when TLJ goes into the Motel room and looks around and see's the Vent cover on the floor, with the coin. )
TLJ get's there after the fact. and Much later.... The Other Bodies that you see are the ones that A.ton finds in the motel room waiting on Moss
Which A.ton killed !
He then took a Coin out and opened the Vent.
This is why You do Not see A.ton with the Money. ( Yes someone in this thread said, well he paid the kid for his shirt with a $100 Bill )
But that doesn't mean anything. ( The guy can't have a Benj in his pocket )
If he had the Money, after getting into the Car crash. Don't you think that he would be Carrying the suitcase ?? He's not leaving that Cash behind.
Now of course I might be leaving things out, but I would have to see the Movie again.
That's my 2 cents :drink: