For The Record
You have seen the last of KlondikeBar.
You guys can help me when posters like Klondikebar show up by reporting him. Every post box has a triangular icon
at the bottom left hand corner. All you have to do is click on it a box will pop up for you to post your reports. You only need to send me a two or three word message such as abusive poster, or agenda driven poster, or just simply please review post, then click on send report at bottom of your report a post box..
I will then get an email with your message and a link to the offending post and be able to deal with the situation immediately instead of coming across the posts like I did this morning about several days after Klondike started posting his abusive posts.
There will be more Klondike's sneaking in here to criticise Rabdizzle14 and I need you help to identify them.
Your assistance will be very much appreciated, wil..
PS. the same goes for other cappers in the sport forums, report the bashers and do everyone a favor.