" Soylent green is people " ?Soylent Green - Wikipedia
Great futuristic movie from the 70s whose plot takes place in 2022!!
" Soylent green is people " ?Soylent Green - Wikipedia
Great futuristic movie from the 70s whose plot takes place in 2022!!
Soylent Green was made from dead peopleI am not sure what you mean.
When someone mentioned "Soylent Green," it simply brought back the memory of the movie and I commented on it-nothing more
or less was meant!!
Thanks-I actually forgot the plot of the movie because it was so long ago.Soylent Green was made from dead people
NOT plankton like they claimed early on in the film
The main character discovers this secret & thus one of the most famous movie lines ever uttered in Hollywood
" Soylent Green Is People " ?