yeah, you're intelligent. that's why they all look up to him as the leader. if they "hated his guts", this team wouldn't be in the playoffs, because whether they hate him or not - he's the leader. well, looks like they're cruising into a sweep of philly, i'm sure they really hate him that much. and you're not friends with anybody who is an agent of a penguin player, you're just a troll.
your right you have it all figured out man. go back to life in beautiful shitsburgh usa the home of the most deadbeats and poor people around.
LMFAO had to give the team to a player because they couldnt pay him. still a classic in my mind:lol:
The funny thing is you sit there and say that the team hates crosby? Is that right? I interned for the team and I also know someone that works and travels with the team. To make those assumptions is just plain dumb. Crosby and a great leader and has the utmost respect from his teamates. That locker room is one of the tightest in the NHL
my bad it was actually savard he took the visor off for. He had the equip mgr take it off during the game, reguardless sid goes after richards just as much as richards takes runs at it him.
Now go back to hanging out with your buddy phil and your wife thats a cheerleader for the eagles
I don't know why Penguins fans insist on saying Crosby is not a pussy. He is one of the most talented and best players in the league, but he is not tough. Richards would kill him in a fight, and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous. I would never deny the fact that Briere is a huge bitch, so I don't understand why everyone from Pittsburgh acts like Crosby isn't.
I am a Pens fan and...............
#1 Crosby acts like a whiny cry baby while on the ice a lot. He complains often about calls and lack of calls. If he would just casually skate to the ref to discuss this it owuld be no big deal. The problem is he is so dramatic when doing this and overexaggerates it.
#2 He actually ackknowledged that he doesnt like it when other fans chant on him! No idea why he even answers questions and admits stuff about that. That only makes it worse.
#3 He carries himself very well off the ice for his age and acts very professionally off the ice (or at least he projects that). He may be a big phony (I have no idea if so) so that may be why guys dont like him. Nevertheless, he is still one of the best.
i have total respect for you admitting number 1.. the kids is a great talent im not arguing that, and people can say he sucks all they want the dude can play but he is a pussywillow
dude what are you even talking about who called him a thug?
im calling him a loser pussy thats what im saying....and there is no way anyone can dispute it. the dude is scared of his own shadow.