I think most states will end up the same place regardless of timing and waves.
As for leadership from the top. I don't disagree with the concept of it. However, we are a country where states make their own laws. So, I don't think Trump was wrong for turning this over to the states. The problem is that there is such a division between the democrats and republicans overall, each state did it differently, and now blue states and red states are pointing fingers and laughing at one another for how they handled this.
And, even if Trump would have guided people, 50% of the states/people wouldn't have listened. Some because he is Trump. Some because he is Republican. Some because he is both. But it would be no different if you took out Trump and put in Obama.
We are a divided country, plain and simple. On everything from Covid to race to how you put on your underwear. Social media, MSM, and posting forums like these are widening the gaps. I believe Civil War is coming sooner than later. Just trying to figure out if it will be blacks versus whites, or Dems versus Republicans.
I agree that we didn’t need to shutdown collectively at first. It was about contact tracing and timing when you should shut down for a particular state. The south is going through the start of the first wave now. The east coast is winding down on the first wave. If we had some competent leadership at the top maybe they would’ve thought this through and had a plan. But nope.