call for higher prices and taxes.
I dunno maybe you grew up and live under tyranny but THAT is the WRONG way of thinking. If you have a child who say rides his bike in the street when you've told him not to.
Do you fine him and make him buy a more expensive bike or do you take the bike away from him before he kills himself with it???
No but it seems you did grow up under a tyranny for allowing a small group to tell you what you can do and what you can't with your own body.
In case I wasn't clear enough, if you want some people to decide 'whats good for you and make it illegal' look no further than people trying to block internet gaming under any and all scenarios.
In this ridiculous example of taking the bike away from him, do you think he learned ANYTHING? He will simply get his hands on one the minute you look away and kill himself. What you can do is educate him and explain to him why something is not right.......and if he doesn't understand.....well that is too bad. Ah and by the way, the people in here (Despite a vast amount of evidence that suggests the contrary) happen to be adults not kids. So unless its a kid the one we are talking about .............everyone else can have whatever they want (porn/internet gambling/horse racing/casinos/religion/booze/cigars/etc etc)
No more of this nanny state crap PLEASE