UFC is winning the Fedor vs UFC battle and they continue to pull away it seems. At first I wasn't sure how it would play out, whether:
A) Fedor would continue to dominate and gain in popularity while the UFC HW division continued to struggle, forcing the UFC to give into Fedor after fans demand Fedor.
B) UFC would be just fine and the public would begin to say "blah forget about Fedor"
So far it has been steering heavily towards B. The UFC heavyweight division has pulled a 180 and is looking great as it turns out Brock is the real deal. Heck it even worked out perfectly with Mir improving and looking awsome against Nog, then Brock handily beating Mir. Now the UFC doesn't need Fedor nearly as much, they have Brock and a bunch of contenders to take him on for a while.
Meanwhile even if Fedor continues to win people will care less and less. They will be more interested in the UFC HW situation then who Fedor is fighting in these scond rate promotions.
It doesnt matter how Fedor beats now or his illustrious past, eventually people will think "get in the UFC and fight those fighters or just go away"
Maybe that is a little harsh but they will certainly lose some interest in him.
Just from a reputation standpoint I think Fedor needs UFC a whole lot more then UFC needs Fedor.