Something is going onthis is wild
a FBI whistleblower has come forward alleging the FBI covered up a case in February that happened in Hamlet, NC. They said Chinese nationals were spotted by railway police next to a railroad track with "tools and torches made to cut through steel railroad tracks". They were held until the FBI could get down there and then the FBI took the two Chinese nationals into custody along with their tools and blowtorches. Then the NTSC was sent to investigate and, along with the FBI, told the railroad employees that this was a whole lot of nothing and to remain silent.
a month later a train derailed in Wilmington, NC 100 miles from Hamlet
can't say I trust either the Chinese or FBI but we are absolutely catching Chinese Nationals coming through the Southern border and paying folks to get them here large sums of cash, many more thousands per head than the Latin American illegals.Something is going on