Favorite Gambling Stories to Tell


New member
May 20, 2007
What are some of your favorite short stories, or anecdotes, that revolve around gambling? Funny, sad, whatever - there are a few that are sort of go-to for me, if I realize they have some kind of interest in sports, horses, or gambling in general... Some of them are true stories that have happened to me, some are fictional, or based partially on other people's stories.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Was playing 4-card poker at Motor City in Detroit for bout 5 hrs one night.. 3 of us at table.. 1st/3rd/5th seats.. no other seats filled in. I was in seat 3

wasnt going up very high or down.. but was just waiting for one big hand to make my night.

If you don't understand or ever played the game.. cards are given to you 5 in a row from right person (1st seat) to left (seat 6).. only 3 of us were there as explained though.

best 4 card hand that beats the dealers hand (he gets 6 cards) wins. (you are not playing against anyone but him) and the payouts have odds of 1/1 all the way to 50/1 for four of a kind.

Four of a Kind50-1
Straight Flush30-1
Three of a Kind 7-1
Flush 6-1
Straight 5-1
Two Pairs 2-1
Pair of Aces 1-1


Anyway, guy walks up and sits in seat 2 (which means he will get my cards and i will get the guy in seat 5's cards now).... he sits down 1st hand into QUAD 10's (highest hand possible 50-1 payout).. FML

his payout was around 8k.
..of course i was betting double his bet.


guy felt bad and threw me a $25 chip and said he would buy a round of drinks....funny thing is that it was after 3am and we could only get pop or hot chocolate for free. :lolBIG:

Sep 21, 2004
Each and everyone revolve around me being drunk out of my mind and at a casino.....

Once I played at the Carnival bar at harrahs (love that place) and ended up cashing out up about 3k and happy as shit only to find out from a buddy who was with me that I had tipped out over 5k to the dealers and cocktail girls....

Had a guy drop dead to me while playing craps once on the gambling boat out of Fort Myers Florida....

My favorite was at the Hard Rock and we were playing in the high rollers place (can not remember the name of it there). There was 5 of us and one other guy who we ended up finding out was the guy who ran Jenna Jamisons website. We killed the table and combined ending up cashing out well over 50k. We left there and the guy joined us at Rum Jungle and then at Drais in the barbary coast. This was the start of a 3 day coke fueled bender that included multiple porn stars and debauchery.

Go Grizz!!!
Oct 8, 2005
Met a few friends at the sports bar and casino to have some drinks and watch the game a few years ago. Showed up a little early so I threw 20 bucks in a video poker machine and played 25 cent draw poker. After 5 draws, I hit a royal flush for $800. Lost a few hands and cashed out for $800 even.

I made a joke to a few people in the casino that this machine was open and no one wanted to touch it after I had won. I put another 20 into the same machine and switched to nickels. My very first hand, I drew another royal flush for $800. Cashed out.

In less then 5 minutes, I made 1600 dollars.

New member
May 5, 2012
i was playing craps at the Horseshoe in Tunica and drinking the hell out of some jack and cokes. At some point I took a break to get a bite to eat at their snack bar and ended up passing out while waiting for the food.

The next thing I remember is being on a table and having this medic guy looking over me as Im trying to get better, ie puking my guts out, shivering and all that other really drunk stuff. After about an hour of this they deem I am okay to go back into the casino, not sure how much time passed between passing out and waking up at first.

I was in the back security area as they had to take me to the main office to get my keys that they took off me. They gave me food comp and said get sober before driving, no more drinking, but you can still gamble.
How nice of them, they wanted the paltry $150 or so I had left and I surely gave it to them.

While eating I ran into some people who I had fun with at the craps table earlier and they wondered what happened to me. They said they werent surprised and wondered how I lasted that long considering how many and how fast I was downing the Jack and cokes.

Another time in Vegas and this was at either Bellagio or MGM grand, one of those really big casinos. I was playing craps and drinking and needed to use the restroom so I left my chips at the table. NOt worried as I had been playing a while, the dealers told me to go ahead and they would look out for it.
Well this was the first time at this casino and on my way back I end up getting lost. In my drunken state I did not recognize anything and there were multiple banks of table gaming areas. I mean I walked my ass off trying to find my game.

I dont know how long I was gone but it was long enough that the dealers thought I had forgot and they actually locked up my chips.

RX Genius
Nov 15, 2007
I was playing in a WSOP tourney in Tunica (500 buy in). I had been playing for 9 hours and the top 30 cashed. There was 31 people remaining and a guy I had played with for multiple hours, who I knew was super aggressive, shoves all in from the small blind with every one behind him folding. I was in the big blind with 20X the blinds remaining with A4 os and instacalled him. He flipped over A2 and said, "nice hand". Long story short, he hit a deuce on the river and I left the table out on the bubble on a 12% outer!

I went downstairs and played slot machines, something I rarely ever did before and put in 100 dollars. I hit it for 900 dollars and turned it into 1000. I then realized that the machine I was at probably wasn't going to hit again so moved to the one exactly next to the one I was at. I put in my 1000 dollars and turned it into 1200. I then started to lose and was getting back down to 1000, when I told myself, "You have 2 hands left, if you don't win you cash out!" The next hand the machine I was at went off like a fucking rabid dog and I just sat there wondering what the hell I had won. A lady from the Casino came up to me and asked to see my ID. I told her I was only 18 and I hoped that that would not be a problem. She looked at me with the most serious face and said, "that will be a very serious problem". I then told her I was kidding and showed her my id, I was 24. I had hit the machine for 15,000!!!

Sep 20, 2004
i was down about 4 k playing blackjack. my entire bankroll at that time. i called my hostess and asked for a cash comp to offset some of my misery. she offered me 300 bucks in chips or slots... I was so pissed about blackjack, i just told her to give it in slots. i had to go into the high roller room to sign off on the comp and... true to being a degenerate... I didn't have the patience to walk 50 feet to get out of the high roller area. I found a video poker machine and played the lowest denom of $2... or $10 a spin. About 5 minutes into the session I was dealt a full house... AAAJJ ... a $90 hand. Well $90 is no 4k... so I dumped the JJ and took a shot. Boom - I draw A2 giving me AAAA2 which is a 4k payout with $2 denom.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
One time I drove 4 hours to a casino in Bossier City, LA and I knew the odds of winning a hand of black jack is about 48%. So, I determined that I would put $2,000 on the bet and win or lose in one hand. I was confident I would win, for some reason. Then, I would be playing with house money!!

I walked in and bought $2,000 in chips, 4 purple and white chips if I remember right. I put them all on my little round circle. They stopped before the deal and called a pit boss. He said, 'Ok' and then I got dealt a six of something first.

It was a long drive home.


RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
Met a few friends at the sports bar and casino to have some drinks and watch the game a few years ago. Showed up a little early so I threw 20 bucks in a video poker machine and played 25 cent draw poker. After 5 draws, I hit a royal flush for $800. Lost a few hands and cashed out for $800 even.

I made a joke to a few people in the casino that this machine was open and no one wanted to touch it after I had won. I put another 20 into the same machine and switched to nickels. My very first hand, I drew another royal flush for $800. Cashed out.

In less then 5 minutes, I made 1600 dollars.

nice hit man :toast:


New member
May 20, 2007
These are great reads - thanks fellas! I have a few I'll post once I'm home tonight. Happy Thanksgiving!

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
I was playing in a WSOP tourney in Tunica (500 buy in). I had been playing for 9 hours and the top 30 cashed. There was 31 people remaining and a guy I had played with for multiple hours, who I knew was super aggressive, shoves all in from the small blind with every one behind him folding. I was in the big blind with 20X the blinds remaining with A4 os and instacalled him. He flipped over A2 and said, "nice hand". Long story short, he hit a deuce on the river and I left the table out on the bubble on a 12% outer!

I went downstairs and played slot machines, something I rarely ever did before and put in 100 dollars. I hit it for 900 dollars and turned it into 1000. I then realized that the machine I was at probably wasn't going to hit again so moved to the one exactly next to the one I was at. I put in my 1000 dollars and turned it into 1200. I then started to lose and was getting back down to 1000, when I told myself, "You have 2 hands left, if you don't win you cash out!" The next hand the machine I was at went off like a fucking rabid dog and I just sat there wondering what the hell I had won. A lady from the Casino came up to me and asked to see my ID. I told her I was only 18 and I hoped that that would not be a problem. She looked at me with the most serious face and said, "that will be a very serious problem". I then told her I was kidding and showed her my id, I was 24. I had hit the machine for 15,000!!!

what a story!!! .. when u said u were 18 u had me going like OMG that would be horrible :ohno:

haha :):)


RX Local
Jul 10, 2007
i was down about 4 k playing blackjack. my entire bankroll at that time. i called my hostess and asked for a cash comp to offset some of my misery. she offered me 300 bucks in chips or slots... I was so pissed about blackjack, i just told her to give it in slots. i had to go into the high roller room to sign off on the comp and... true to being a degenerate... I didn't have the patience to walk 50 feet to get out of the high roller area. I found a video poker machine and played the lowest denom of $2... or $10 a spin. About 5 minutes into the session I was dealt a full house... AAAJJ ... a $90 hand. Well $90 is no 4k... so I dumped the JJ and took a shot. Boom - I draw A2 giving me AAAA2 which is a 4k payout with $2 denom.

something tells me luck was extremely on your side that day!

nice hit man on a crazy draw.. 99% of people would have took the 90 on that hand and onto the next.. you actually had an advantage being on extreme tilt.. I been there before and it only worked out where I hit up an atm and lost even more to the casino


Feb 10, 2009
I was playing in a WSOP tourney in Tunica (500 buy in). I had been playing for 9 hours and the top 30 cashed. There was 31 people remaining and a guy I had played with for multiple hours, who I knew was super aggressive, shoves all in from the small blind with every one behind him folding. I was in the big blind with 20X the blinds remaining with A4 os and instacalled him. He flipped over A2 and said, "nice hand". Long story short, he hit a deuce on the river and I left the table out on the bubble on a 12% outer!

I went downstairs and played slot machines, something I rarely ever did before and put in 100 dollars. I hit it for 900 dollars and turned it into 1000. I then realized that the machine I was at probably wasn't going to hit again so moved to the one exactly next to the one I was at. I put in my 1000 dollars and turned it into 1200. I then started to lose and was getting back down to 1000, when I told myself, "You have 2 hands left, if you don't win you cash out!" The next hand the machine I was at went off like a fucking rabid dog and I just sat there wondering what the hell I had won. A lady from the Casino came up to me and asked to see my ID. I told her I was only 18 and I hoped that that would not be a problem. She looked at me with the most serious face and said, "that will be a very serious problem". I then told her I was kidding and showed her my id, I was 24. I had hit the machine for 15,000!!!

awesome story

Sep 20, 2004
One time I drove 4 hours to a casino in Bossier City, LA and I knew the odds of winning a hand of black jack is about 48%. So, I determined that I would put $2,000 on the bet and win or lose in one hand. I was confident I would win, for some reason. Then, I would be playing with house money!!

I walked in and bought $2,000 in chips, 4 purple and white chips if I remember right. I put them all on my little round circle. They stopped before the deal and called a pit boss. He said, 'Ok' and then I got dealt a six of something first.

It was a long drive home.


I have often thought of doing this on a timed hand during a good shoe. Bumping from $50 hand to.. all in for one big hand. Of course the issue with this is that you could be dealt AA vs. a dealer 6 in which case you're gonna need $$ to split !

Sep 20, 2004
something tells me luck was extremely on your side that day!

nice hit man on a crazy draw.. 99% of people would have took the 90 on that hand and onto the next.. you actually had an advantage being on extreme tilt.. I been there before and it only worked out where I hit up an atm and lost even more to the casino


You couldn't be more correct. And when that 4th Ace came up I was really in disbelief. I was so relieved to get my money back. walking on air really.

Oct 31, 2004
I have often thought of doing this on a timed hand during a good shoe. Bumping from $50 hand to.. all in for one big hand. Of course the issue with this is that you could be dealt AA vs. a dealer 6 in which case you're gonna need $$ to split !

This happened to me.
literally threw my whole bankroll on one hand and got aa against 6.
instead of using my own money for the split. Several of the players at the table threw there own money on the split so all I had to deal with was the original bet. Everyone won.

New member
Apr 16, 2021
I prefer play in cashming sometimes. But i dont spend a lot of money on the play.

Aug 4, 2013
Attended a San Jose St. vs Isiah Rider and UNLV Rebels with two friends and were giving points as road chalk. The clock running out Rebels rebound the sparse crowd is already starting to exit and my buddy’s yelling FOUL HIM FOUL DAMNIT LOL. People are looking at us like we had two heads. You had to be there. Another story playing poker and my friends father n law Dallas played so tight you couldn’t get a toothpick up his ass. Playing Omaha the flop comes a pair hit the board bet comes to Dallas and he bets a dollar and fold fold fold everyone folded. He starts cussing you MF’s he was holding 4 of a kind thought he was slow playing we were holding our sides laughing. Again you had to be there.

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