Just to clear this up...
"Nigger" is a derogatory term derived from "negro" refering to the dark skinned, african decent peoples.
"Redneck" does not refer to any race. It is a stereotypical term refering to a type of white person (white, which of course isn't even a race itself, but rather a mix) literally coming from short very short hair that exposes the neck, and the neck becoming red from exposure to the sun, implying that the person in question is a rural farmer type. "Redneck" is also often taken to mean racist, uneducated, conservative.
Nigger is basically always understood as derogatory, excepting "nigga'" used primarily in hip-hop culture (Frank appears to be confusing "nigger" and "nigga'").
"Redneck" is more subject to context. It is not at all uncommon to hear, "I'm proud to be a redneck!" in some parts of the U.S.
Given, I don't think Radio meant it in a nice way.
"Nigger" is a derogatory term derived from "negro" refering to the dark skinned, african decent peoples.
"Redneck" does not refer to any race. It is a stereotypical term refering to a type of white person (white, which of course isn't even a race itself, but rather a mix) literally coming from short very short hair that exposes the neck, and the neck becoming red from exposure to the sun, implying that the person in question is a rural farmer type. "Redneck" is also often taken to mean racist, uneducated, conservative.
Nigger is basically always understood as derogatory, excepting "nigga'" used primarily in hip-hop culture (Frank appears to be confusing "nigger" and "nigga'").
"Redneck" is more subject to context. It is not at all uncommon to hear, "I'm proud to be a redneck!" in some parts of the U.S.
Given, I don't think Radio meant it in a nice way.