A large percentage of people at that age in the USA have at least "one serious underlying medical condition"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"According to research done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, it is estimated that around 40% of Americans are considered obese..."
Harvard's research was retracted back in June and is no longer valid.
Harvard admitted they could not verify the medical information provided and this was the reason for the retraction.
In other words, they were fed false, misleading or unverifiable information.
Again, you should to spend more time really understanding what you are posting.
a 1 in 200 chance of dying from COVID is no different than the "flu" or pneumonia.
If you are afraid of those odds then I feel sorry for you.
And if you are afraid then maybe you, like all of those obese people, need to re-evaluate your lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.
Optimal health comes from making good choices and treating your body like the Temple that it is.
Health is a CONSCIOUS CHOICE and not a "condition" or "genetics".
Obese people are obese because they make poor choices and lack self-control and discipline.
And as a result they are at higher risk for EVERYTHING, not just dying of COVID if they get it.