False Fears About Iran


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Do you realize you just said a nuclear arms race in the ME would be a good thing?
You also demonstrated great naivete toward the culture of martyrdom. Haven't you seen what Palestinian children are taught? Who they name town squares after? The genocided Palestinians would all be shaheeds blown straight to paradise in the great Islamic victory over the pigs and monkeys. With respect Fletcher, you really don't get this region and the irrational thinking of people who value death over life. See Below:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Former Pentagon Analyst: Regime Change in Iran Is the Only Answer - Oren Kessler (Jerusalem Post)[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif] Harold Rhode, who served for decades as an analyst of the Islamic world's culture and politics in the office of the U.S. secretary of defense, knows all of the Middle East's four major languages: Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew. A university student in Iran in 1978 on the eve of the Islamic Revolution that ousted the Shah the following year, Rhode has obvious affection for Iran's culture and people, but pulls no punches in denouncing the tyrants who now run its government.

"I believe regime change is the only answer," he said in an interview. Any successor regime would be preferable to the current theocracy. "One can't think of anything more extreme." Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, he continued, "hated the people who are now in power. He kept them away from government because he feared they would lead Iran to its destruction."

He said there was no reason to publicize the West's next move by talking about it unnecessarily. "You don't want to show your cards to the Iranians; you want to use your cards to win."
According to Rhode, Iran's current leaders "believe that if they provoke a conflagration, their hidden imam, the mahdi, will return to save them. So Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD - that we used effectively with the Soviets is an incentive and an inducement, not a deterrent."

"There's unfortunately no such thing as a win-win situation in the Middle East. Confidence-building measures are interpreted as weakness. You talk after you've won; if you do so beforehand, it is seen as weakness." "In the languages of the Middle East, the concept for compromise doesn't exist - at least not as we understand it....Instead, one who compromises is said to have brought 'aib, or shame, on himself. That's why the Middle East is always in a state of tension," he explained.

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif] See also The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior - Harold Rhode (Institute for Contemporary Affairs-Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)

See also Ex-CIA Spy in Iran: History of Failed Negotiations Shows Iran Won't Deal - Reza Khalili (Christian Science Monitor)

The way i understand it is simple. The ME is a shithole. Any person that want to raise a family and have a life free from worry should move from there. Israel is never going to stop having enemies so stopping Iran from having a nuke will do nothing. I say let them all have a finger on a button. Let them play chicken. Your cite is correct. There is no win win situation in the ME. So lets do something we have never done before and see if it works... lets pick up our ball and go home. Let them have nukes and agree to not use them, those that dont participate will be looked upon as such that that do and violate will bring the whole region down on them. Lets exercise a little Darwinism over there. The rest of the world has figured it out, seems as though the ME and many parts of Africa refuse to become civilized. Put their fate into their own hands. Lets keep our hands clean.

Aug 6, 2006
Well I already thought that post and others detailed the reasons why Iran cannot be allowed to acquire the bomb. But in your eyes I fell short.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Well I already thought that post and others detailed the reasons why Iran cannot be allowed to acquire the bomb. But in your eyes I fell short.

I think the premise is wrong. I dont think its any nations right to tell another what they can and cannot pursue. If i was running Iran i wouldnt be taking this down either, would you? We act as if the world is obligated to listen to what we say because we are the richest and most powerful, i wonder if many in the world see us just as much a bully as they do a beacon of hope?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I think the premise is wrong. I dont think its any nations right to tell another what they can and cannot pursue. If i was running Iran i wouldnt be taking this down either, would you? We act as if the world is obligated to listen to what we say because we are the richest and most powerful, i wonder if many in the world see us just as much a bully as they do a beacon of hope?

We do not feel that the world is obliged to listen to what we say but someone has to question certain things even from the outside looking in. I am an OU fan and I criticize the Texas program all the time because they overpay Mack and under achieve. I would like to see them return to the top again. They are not obliged to listen to me and maybe I do not bring up anything they have not considered already. Same applies to the Middle East. I know millions of people are trapped in their home countries and don't like it. They have their internet taken away, they are suppressed and they do not agree with their political leadership. I know that the leaders in Iran do not give a shit what is posted on any US forums because they care about us less than they care about their own people.

So far I have heard rhetoric about why Iran "probably" would never nuke Israel or anyone else. Why the fixation on nuclear capability. When a country turns the corner and becomes a threat is when they shuck the rules and go rogue. That defines Iran under it's currrent leadership, a country gone rogue. Anyone naive enough to think they "know" what these people are not a threat, well, then you probably thought Obama was actually going to "change" something. People like me and others are open minded to all the possibilities including the most extreme ones. Like I keep saying, did you see 9-11 coming. Niether did I, but my eyes are now open to all possibilities and I take nothing for granted when it comes to predicting behavior from the Middle East. Better safe than sorry.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
So, we've gone from at least supporting one batch of fundamentalist Muslims (Sunnis) to basically declaring war on both sects ...

The body parts of their men, women & children all pretty much look the same once the U.S. military has blown them to bits, so hardly a point to quibble

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
im a pacifist........but it looks like we dont get to pick that one...

In fact, "we" (that is specifically You and I) can honorably live our lives that way and let our fellow Americans choose for themselves to join us or to instead cheer for one or another form of undue violence.

It remains fascinating to observe how my friends & neighbors choose

Jul 23, 2006
If you go back throughout history and look at what has happened when economies start to fail and financial problems occur, you will see WAR is not far off.

It is just a matter of time before something occurs be it real or manufactured.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
....every 4 years when the chief heaves the water cooler through the window you guys come rolling out with the Ron Paul savior nonsense....then after that wears off and you guys are back under nurse ratchetts care you then make every single post as confrontational and smarmy as possible......get fucked asshole

Giving this one a solid "9" on the Awesome scale

ps....who is the chief......lol.................(ck)

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

Exactly - these people do not think like us. It is basic to understand they have a different mind set. They have customs and traditions that are centuries old. They do not accept us, they hate us, and they think about no one but themselves. They would rather clone a camel than manufacture a sports car.

Clearly then the most enlightened position we can take is "Kill Them All Just To Be Sure!"

ps...I hear that "Iranian website" alef is like the Iranian Facebook. All the Iranians who matter spend most of their time on that website and they follow all the instructions without question

Aug 6, 2006
Barman admits to never watching or reading the news, getting all his 'info' from lefty websites, and posts half the time like he's a fly on the wall at the Pentagon and the other half like he's the Iranian Minister of Propaganda. Now here come the 9/11 fruitcakes nodding in agreement that we're going to "manufacture" another war.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Barman admits to never watching or reading the news, getting all his 'info' from lefty websites, and posts half the time like he's a fly on the wall at the Pentagon and the other half like he's the Iranian Minister of Propaganda. Now here come the 9/11 fruitcakes nodding in agreement that we're going to "manufacture" another war.

I laughed out loud when i read this. Not too shabby and i would even bet the resident barkeep did as well. You might be delusional in some of your FP views but at least you got a sharp wit Cappy

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Clearly then the most enlightened position we can take is "Kill Them All Just To Be Sure!"

ps...I hear that "Iranian website" alef is like the Iranian Facebook. All the Iranians who matter spend most of their time on that website and they follow all the instructions without question

You are the worst at putting words in people's mouths, "Kill them all just to be sure." You say all violence is "undue" and that is your word not mine. So you say there is no justification for war, much less killing, or are you just "unduly" preoccupied with innocent non-combatants like yourself. Must be nice to sit back and be the judge and jury and in the end sit back and let someone else stand up for someone else' rights, even those who are not sitting smugly in the confines of the US. It is curious that you know anything at all about the Iranian Facebook and I know nothing. What year camel do you drive?

Aug 6, 2006

Being more trusting of America's foreign policy intentions than you are or espousing the "hit them before they hit you" philosophy ≠ delusion. But yeah, sometimes we need to open a window and let some comedy in here.

Sadly I think a regional war is coming to the ME. Hizb'allah has God knows how many missiles pointed at Israel from Lebanon. It's just a matter of who strikes first. No matter how it plays out the US will be involved. We are not going to allow Iran to choke off the world's oil supply. As far as Iran's nuke program goes I think it's better the US with its superior bunker busters and artillery cripple it rather than Israel delaying it for 3-6 months with a strike of their own.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Barman admits to never watching or reading the news, getting all his 'info' from lefty websites, and posts half the time like he's a fly on the wall at the Pentagon and the other half like he's the Iranian Minister of Propaganda. Now here come the 9/11 fruitcakes nodding in agreement that we're going to "manufacture" another war.

Apt description of Barman I might add.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

New member
Oct 20, 2005

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
well since we're in Oscar season please allow me to be the first rx pollster to congratulate Scott L on posting the most useless short video ever to grace our fair forum (Michelangelo's 37 min of a fully dressed Palin won't be beat for full length contribution)



I would post a contribution of "The Day After Tomorrow" so we could all tremble in fear anticipating an ecological catastrophe. But it seems that those who wish to be fearful already have their hands full with other Imaginary boogeymen

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