Facebook Bullshit.


Sep 17, 2010
Biden is now -161
Trump was -135 about 4-5 weeks ago
24 hour propaganda will do that, Flynn, Russia, Manafort, Daniels/Avenatti, Cohen, Ukraine, impeachment, Chinese virus, Floyd/BLM... not one moment was missed by the Dems, they will stop at nothing.
It must be understood, how underinformed and even stupid most voters are, and the demographics are shifting more and more to the Dem side.

Nov 10, 2007
Biden is now -161
Trump was -135 about 4-5 weeks ago
24 hour propaganda will do that, Flynn, Russia, Manafort, Daniels/Avenatti, Cohen, Ukraine, impeachment, Chinese virus, Floyd/BLM... not one moment was missed by the Dems, they will stop at nothing.

and it means nothing you do know that? the scare crow hilary was a cinch. how did that go? you people need to chill on polls and stop being sheep and lemmings.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
If you gotta think about it, maybe what Exploited said is correct?

It is a rout, history just moves slow when you are living in it.

I just mentioned our elected leaders.. If someone wants to go from A-Z with what the left had gained fine. Not arguing whether they've gained or not or how much.. Probably have to add what Trump's done with Judges. Big gain in 3 1/2 years with 2 SC and 200 federal judges..

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Biden is now -161
Trump was -135 about 4-5 weeks ago
24 hour propaganda will do that, Flynn, Russia, Manafort, Daniels/Avenatti, Cohen, Ukraine, impeachment, Chinese virus, Floyd/BLM... not one moment was missed by the Dems, they will stop at nothing.
It must be understood, how underinformed and even stupid most voters are, and the demographics are shifting more and more to the Dem side.

Got +450- 500 on Trump during summer of 2016.. 10/1 day of election was available.. Odds mean nothing. Just people foolishly betting the wrong horse

Jul 14, 2007
I just mentioned our elected leaders.. If someone wants to go from A-Z with what the left had gained fine. Not arguing whether they've gained or not or how much.. Probably have to add what Trump's done with Judges. Big gain in 3 1/2 years with 2 SC and 200 federal judges..

Isn't this the whole point of politics? Who cares what donor zombies occupy the house, senate during the short-term.

How did that big gain in the SC work out the last few weeks? Perhaps another issue for another time but you seem to just be cheerleading the football game aspect of politics. My side is winning, rather than looking at the big picture.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Isn't this the whole point of politics? Who cares what donor zombies occupy the house, senate during the short-term.

How did that big gain in the SC work out the last few weeks? Perhaps another issue for another time but you seem to just be cheerleading the football game aspect of politics. My side is winning, rather than looking at the big picture.

I'm just pointing out where the left hasn't gained ground. Even SC decisions aren't going to go 100% in anyone's favor.. We've also had decisions go our way.

You might dismiss who occupies whichever house .. I'm not..I guess its a football game for me. I might dismiss Obamas bathrooms. Or some other worthless left agenda .What % of people really care about that gain ?

Maybe its your turn to point out the left's gains ..

We can leave out the media.. Even though we all know who controls most of it.. But we also know , the trust in media is at a all time low. So what does that all mean in THE BIG PICTURE.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Look what they put on everyone's home page, and there is no way to get rid of it:


Dont forget about my THREAD 3 days ago,,, SAMSUNG ANDROID hates white people,,, my android calender deleted ALLLLLL HOLIDAYS on my godam calender??

YET,, MAGICALLY,,, JUENTEENTH and black history month was recorded,,,

fk em all

Jul 14, 2007
I'm just pointing out where the left hasn't gained ground. Even SC decisions aren't going to go 100% in anyone's favor.. We've also had decisions go our way.

You might dismiss who occupies whichever house .. I'm not..I guess its a football game for me. I might dismiss Obamas bathrooms. Or some other worthless left agenda .What % of people really care about that gain ?

Maybe its your turn to point out the left's gains ..

We can leave out the media.. Even though we all know who controls most of it.. But we also know , the trust in media is at a all time low. So what does that all mean in THE BIG PICTURE.

I didn't dismiss it, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't really changing the trajectory of America moving left in so many different ways. Whether that is mass migration, globalization, size/scope of federal govt, welfare state, culturally w LGBTQNBANFLUFC or whatever, media, higher ed, entertainment and now increasingly (and most problematic) corporate activism.

Not trying to be a negative nelly or anything either, but seems pretty hard to ignore at this point. It is a slow bleed though.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I didn't dismiss it, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't really changing the trajectory of America moving left in so many different ways. Whether that is mass migration, globalization, size/scope of federal govt, welfare state, culturally w LGBTQNBANFLUFC or whatever, media, higher ed, entertainment and now increasingly (and most problematic) corporate activism.

Not trying to be a negative nelly or anything either, but seems pretty hard to ignore at this point. It is a slow bleed though.

I will concede that if we don't win this election and keep at least the Senate , its over. That might align Pats with what you're posting here. But my belief is if we can get great election results , we can set up the next couple of decades alot more favorable. Trump in particular imo , will take no prisoners in a 2nd term. No reason not too. With the right situation , a shift can take place

Jul 14, 2007
I will concede that if we don't win this election and keep at least the Senate , its over. That might align Pats with what you're posting here. But my belief is if we can get great election results , we can set up the next couple of decades alot more favorable. Trump in particular imo , will take no prisoners in a 2nd term. No reason not too. With the right situation , a shift can take place

Agree, every victory matters and can add up to something. Big picture just looks bleak right now.

Rather bleed slow than bleed fast if those are the only two options as well.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Agree, every victory matters and can add up to something. Big picture just looks bleak right now.

Rather bleed slow than bleed fast if those are the only two options as well.

Pats , Im assuming you're doing ok for yourself .. Can't complain myself either. What do you do or will do if these elections go the Dems way in Nov ? Will you make any kind of adjustments with possibly how fast things can go bad here ?
Feb 6, 2007
I will probably get off FB after the election. 100% if Biden somehow pulls this off.

Facebook will be the least of your worries if Biden wins. I wouldn’t bother coming back here
Feb 6, 2007
Isn't this the whole point of politics? Who cares what donor zombies occupy the house, senate during the short-term.

How did that big gain in the SC work out the last few weeks? Perhaps another issue for another time but you seem to just be cheerleading the football game aspect of politics. My side is winning, rather than looking at the big picture.

Because he’s a trump cheerleader. That’s all he is. Can’t fix stupid

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
No private business should ever be allowed to do anything to Life Black Voices. The government must stop them from doing that.

Sep 17, 2010
A lot has changed since 2016 when Trump won by an upset, here are a few:
-the media/press/Hollywood/academia, but more than ever, FaceBook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are on full ambush 24/7... a key is that they do NOT report stories that are against their narrative like Biden threatening $1B with Ukraine
-Hillary was one of the most disliked (personality wise) candidates in 100 years
-Hillary and Dems ignored 6 swing states, Trump eeked wins in all of them, this time Dems will swarm in those states
-Dems now have TONS of things to lie about with all that has occured with Trump to numerous to list (like the Charlottesville LIE)
-BLM is a huge force and if not stopped, will affect the election
-Dems are united, and will stop at nothing, think how far they went with Russia, Kavanagh, Ukraine, impeachment, and now keeping the economy shut down with the virus, and expoiting the Floyd death-----repeat, they will stop at nothing
-GOP has not done dick in 3.5 years, a few put on a show but then do nothing, GOP is not focused, not sure they havent sold out or given up
-Biden is an idiot but is pushed by the constant media Big Brother propaganda as someone who can get us back to normal
-Kamala Harris will probably be the VP pick, and if they win Biden will be out in 6 months and she will be the most ruthless President in our history, a nightmare

Hope Trump bombs China and reneges on debt & freezes their assets and gives all adults in USA $100K from that pool... or proves spying-sedition and arrests Comey-Brennan-Lynch-Hillary-McCabe-et al so that even the low information dumb brainwashed Democrat base can understand. Of course I doubt either will occur. Hope I am wrong, hope Trump wins, I sure do not want open borders and government healthcare and 50% federal taxes + 20% sales tax for the middle class...

Nov 16, 2008
A lot has changed since 2016 when Trump won by an upset, here are a few:
-the media/press/Hollywood/academia, but more than ever, FaceBook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are on full ambush 24/7... a key is that they do NOT report stories that are against their narrative like Biden threatening $1B with Ukraine
-Hillary was one of the most disliked (personality wise) candidates in 100 years
-Hillary and Dems ignored 6 swing states, Trump eeked wins in all of them, this time Dems will swarm in those states
-Dems now have TONS of things to lie about with all that has occured with Trump to numerous to list (like the Charlottesville LIE)
-BLM is a huge force and if not stopped, will affect the election
-Dems are united, and will stop at nothing, think how far they went with Russia, Kavanagh, Ukraine, impeachment, and now keeping the economy shut down with the virus, and expoiting the Floyd death-----repeat, they will stop at nothing
-GOP has not done dick in 3.5 years, a few put on a show but then do nothing, GOP is not focused, not sure they havent sold out or given up
-Biden is an idiot but is pushed by the constant media Big Brother propaganda as someone who can get us back to normal
-Kamala Harris will probably be the VP pick, and if they win Biden will be out in 6 months and she will be the most ruthless President in our history, a nightmare

Hope Trump bombs China and reneges on debt & freezes their assets and gives all adults in USA $100K from that pool... or proves spying-sedition and arrests Comey-Brennan-Lynch-Hillary-McCabe-et al so that even the low information dumb brainwashed Democrat base can understand. Of course I doubt either will occur. Hope I am wrong, hope Trump wins, I sure do not want open borders and government healthcare and 50% federal taxes + 20% sales tax for the middle class...

...and Kamala Harris is a two bit whore who started her political career on her knees with a mouthful of Willie Brown's cock

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
A lot has changed since 2016 when Trump won by an upset, here are a few:
-the media/press/Hollywood/academia, but more than ever, FaceBook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are on full ambush 24/7... a key is that they do NOT report stories that are against their narrative like Biden threatening $1B with Ukraine
-Hillary was one of the most disliked (personality wise) candidates in 100 years
-Hillary and Dems ignored 6 swing states, Trump eeked wins in all of them, this time Dems will swarm in those states
-Dems now have TONS of things to lie about with all that has occured with Trump to numerous to list (like the Charlottesville LIE)
-BLM is a huge force and if not stopped, will affect the election
-Dems are united, and will stop at nothing, think how far they went with Russia, Kavanagh, Ukraine, impeachment, and now keeping the economy shut down with the virus, and expoiting the Floyd death-----repeat, they will stop at nothing
-GOP has not done dick in 3.5 years, a few put on a show but then do nothing, GOP is not focused, not sure they havent sold out or given up
-Biden is an idiot but is pushed by the constant media Big Brother propaganda as someone who can get us back to normal
-Kamala Harris will probably be the VP pick, and if they win Biden will be out in 6 months and she will be the most ruthless President in our history, a nightmare

Hope Trump bombs China and reneges on debt & freezes their assets and gives all adults in USA $100K from that pool... or proves spying-sedition and arrests Comey-Brennan-Lynch-Hillary-McCabe-et al so that even the low information dumb brainwashed Democrat base can understand. Of course I doubt either will occur. Hope I am wrong, hope Trump wins, I sure do not want open borders and government healthcare and 50% federal taxes + 20% sales tax for the middle class...

Most of the issues you bring up have negatives for Biden and pluses for Trump.. But we've been over it before. I see you don't list 2018 anymore.. I think you finally realize that Russian Collusion hoax agenda probably cost us seats. We should see some of those seats reversed red

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Look what they put on everyone's home page, and there is no way to get rid of it:


switch to mobile mode...I never see any of that unless I deliberately navigate to it

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Have to think over that one.. Maybe military to start. Seems like outside of Obama , we've still been able to maintain the military strength

A dubious milestone given the USA has not been attacked by a foreign military since 1861-1865

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