F**k you Nancy Pelosi!


Jan 8, 2015
ha ha, you don't know more than 3000 railway workers were on strike last month fucking your exports?

and, yes your unemployment just went up....biggest job loss month in 1.5 years

you don't have one fucking medical device or software company making anything that an American uses on a daily basis

and the only thing your PM could teach Trump is to mix a highball, wax a snowboard, or wear blackface … and the best thing is YOU REHIRED HIM and expect things to get better.

your taxation policy makes TAXES as the family's #1 expense with nearly 45% of income to taxes, 5% more than essential living need (housing, clothes, food), but at least you get shitty "free" healthcare with doctors that can't pass the American boards.

But at least you've got the Stanley Cup …. errr…. never mind. Because of your tax policy no superstar will play up there so your country hasn't seen their cup since your balls dropped.

But at least you have Jessica Yaniv

A lot of what you say is just false, but I'm tired of this argument. I don't hate Americans, I have US friends, they are embarrassed about the current state of your government. I see you lining up here to buy affordable insulin and all other prescription drugs. You have no middle class, only rich and poor. But like the others, you see all your worst qualities reflected in your moron president, like looking in a mirror of hate and blaming "the other".
Have at it, you're a third world country in all respects but your military, and where has that gotten you? There's no helping you.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
A lot of what you say is just false, but I'm tired of this argument. I don't hate Americans, I have US friends, they are embarrassed about the current state of your government. I see you lining up here to buy affordable insulin and all other prescription drugs. You have no middle class, only rich and poor. But like the others, you see all your worst qualities reflected in your moron president, like looking in a mirror of hate and blaming "the other".
Have at it, you're a third world country in all respects but your military, and where has that gotten you? There's no helping you.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself ? Not us.. We might have some problems here. , but still better off then any other country in the world.. Our President is trying to fix the problems of past inept Presidents.

Are you a member of the squad ? Sounds like it. Again what crimes were you referring too in your earlier squad like tantrum ?

Nov 16, 2007
Ok retard. People of your ilk glorified Hitler.
You sheep believe and listen. If he’s Hitler, why aren’t you being bussed to the gas chamber? You aren’t. You are being marched to the workforce. I know it sucks fagfuck, but that’s how you succeed in life. You are as stupid as the party you follow. Straight up. Fuck you Sal. The wall would’ve kept your family out of this country.

Nov 16, 2007
How was your sons’ transgender operation? Because of OBAMACARE, we can’t afford colonoscopy. Which is what your boy gave us. You will probably die from anus cancer. Fuck you senior Sal dick drip.

Sep 21, 2004
How was your sons’ transgender operation? Because of OBAMACARE, we can’t afford colonoscopy. Which is what your boy gave us. You will probably die from anus cancer. Fuck you senior Sal dick drip.
Lol..... you got me pegged . Right on bro. Keep the hate going. Long live the king.

Nov 6, 2015
You sheep believe and listen. If he’s Hitler, why aren’t you being bussed to the gas chamber? You aren’t. You are being marched to the workforce. I know it sucks fagfuck, but that’s how you succeed in life. You are as stupid as the party you follow. Straight up. Fuck you Sal. The wall would’ve kept your family out of this country.

+1 & a shitty capper to boot!

Jun 4, 2018
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself ? Not us.. We might have some problems here. , but still better off then any other country in the world.. Our President is trying to fix the problems of past inept Presidents.

Are you a member of the squad ? Sounds like it. Again what crimes were you referring too in your earlier squad like tantrum ?
Hab's is delusional , he is a liberal moron & wishes he were an American citizen .

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
A lot of what you say is just false, but I'm tired of this argument. I don't hate Americans, I have US friends, they are embarrassed about the current state of your government. I see you lining up here to buy affordable insulin and all other prescription drugs. You have no middle class, only rich and poor. But like the others, you see all your worst qualities reflected in your moron president, like looking in a mirror of hate and blaming "the other".
Have at it, you're a third world country in all respects but your military, and where has that gotten you? There's no helping you.
this is no argument this is a burial of a socialist. as usual, bring out facts and stats and liberals run and hide

not a single thing i said is untrue...so you resort to little bitch shit like your feelings and your beliefs, and your friend's embarrassments. blah fucking blah

if you honestly can't see Trudeau is the least prepared leader of a 1st world country, you're an imbecile. he has no military experience, no private sector experience...the blackface's sum total of pre-politics was bartender and snowboarder. and you wonder why your country has no entrepreneurs? you have no motivation. your paying nearly .50 of every 1.00 on a paycheck for the govt to provide services that your country is too lazy to actually allow private sector companies to produce best-of-breed pharma, devices, teachers, military.

I cannot imagine going to work every morning knowing that half my day is spent working for a socialist govt in hopes that they will give some money back to me in the form of watered-down services. that's insanity

and i don't give a fuck if you hate america, i certainly don't hate canada...hell, i don't think of canada. you're meaningless. I appreciate you birthing Mario Lemieux but that's about it.

go wax Yessica's balls and don't worry about anything going on down here.

Jan 8, 2015
this is no argument this is a burial of a socialist. as usual, bring out facts and stats and liberals run and hide

not a single thing i said is untrue...so you resort to little bitch shit like your feelings and your beliefs, and your friend's embarrassments. blah fucking blah

if you honestly can't see Trudeau is the least prepared leader of a 1st world country, you're an imbecile. he has no military experience, no private sector experience...the blackface's sum total of pre-politics was bartender and snowboarder. and you wonder why your country has no entrepreneurs? you have no motivation. your paying nearly .50 of every 1.00 on a paycheck for the govt to provide services that your country is too lazy to actually allow private sector companies to produce best-of-breed pharma, devices, teachers, military.

I cannot imagine going to work every morning knowing that half my day is spent working for a socialist govt in hopes that they will give some money back to me in the form of watered-down services. that's insanity

and i don't give a fuck if you hate america, i certainly don't hate canada...hell, i don't think of canada. you're meaningless. I appreciate you birthing Mario Lemieux but that's about it.

go wax Yessica's balls and don't worry about anything going on down here.

This is my last answer to you, I don't spend my days arguing loudmouths with keyboards, in real life you'd be a fuck of a lot more polite to me.
*The CN railway strike didn't affect a goddamn thing other than propane deliveries to Quebec. And it's been over and done with for weeks.
*Last months unemployment was up, what does that mean? Nothing. Continuous growth since 2009 and everybody is hiring.
*I can't stand Trudeau. But you want to compare him to your idiot? Fine. Trump is a draftdodging coward from a rich family, claims to be self made but always used daddy's money and still operates under huge debt loads, just like the monster deficit he's running now. Too scared to release his grades from his "quality education" or his tax returns showing his "business genius". A shitty reality tv personality who cheated on his bimbo wife with a porn chick months after she gave birth to his kid. Has not fulfilled 1 campaign promise other than giving a huge tax break to the rich and wealthy, which you, dear keyboard warrior don't belong to. Inherited a booming economy from Obama and is running it in the ground, look where your bonds are going and you know recession is hitting next year. Has deminished the standing of the US in the world again. Is an intellectual nitwit who can't even string together a sentence, has no knowledge of the most basic economic principles or geography for that matter. Lies on a daily basis, usually while throwing tantrums like a 6 yr old. You can have him.
*Tax rates in the US used to be 90% for the rich, under Eisenhower, a Republican president, and during one of the most prosperous times in US history, so don't worry about our tax rates. I'd rather live where health and dental care are affordable for all instead of the select few. Our infrastructure is sound and we won't miss out on opportunities in the green economy because we're not the only G8 country to pull out of Paris.
*You've never been anywhere, so much is obvious from your tirade, cherry picking "facts" when it suits you. And it will take more than you to hurt my feelings.
I'm done here.

Jun 4, 2018
What hab's forgets to mention is how many Canadians cross the border for healthcare .... a lot

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This is my last answer to you, I don't spend my days arguing loudmouths with keyboards, in real life you'd be a fuck of a lot more polite to me.
*The CN railway strike didn't affect a goddamn thing other than propane deliveries to Quebec. And it's been over and done with for weeks.
*Last months unemployment was up, what does that mean? Nothing. Continuous growth since 2009 and everybody is hiring.
*I can't stand Trudeau. But you want to compare him to your idiot? Fine. Trump is a draftdodging coward from a rich family, claims to be self made but always used daddy's money and still operates under huge debt loads, just like the monster deficit he's running now. Too scared to release his grades from his "quality education" or his tax returns showing his "business genius". A shitty reality tv personality who cheated on his bimbo wife with a porn chick months after she gave birth to his kid. Has not fulfilled 1 campaign promise other than giving a huge tax break to the rich and wealthy, which you, dear keyboard warrior don't belong to. Inherited a booming economy from Obama and is running it in the ground, look where your bonds are going and you know recession is hitting next year. Has deminished the standing of the US in the world again. Is an intellectual nitwit who can't even string together a sentence, has no knowledge of the most basic economic principles or geography for that matter. Lies on a daily basis, usually while throwing tantrums like a 6 yr old. You can have him.
*Tax rates in the US used to be 90% for the rich, under Eisenhower, a Republican president, and during one of the most prosperous times in US history, so don't worry about our tax rates. I'd rather live where health and dental care are affordable for all instead of the select few. Our infrastructure is sound and we won't miss out on opportunities in the green economy because we're not the only G8 country to pull out of Paris.
*You've never been anywhere, so much is obvious from your tirade, cherry picking "facts" when it suits you. And it will take more than you to hurt my feelings.
I'm done here.

We had 8 years with a fool that could speak.. what did that get us ? besides letting other countries take advantage of us....enjoy your tax rate fool ...and for the 3rd time , What are Trump's crimes ? we don't know what they are , but you sure mentioned crimes ? please inform us

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
This is my last answer to you, I don't spend my days arguing loudmouths with keyboards, in real life you'd be a fuck of a lot more polite to me.
*The CN railway strike didn't affect a goddamn thing other than propane deliveries to Quebec. And it's been over and done with for weeks.
*Last months unemployment was up, what does that mean? Nothing. Continuous growth since 2009 and everybody is hiring.
*I can't stand Trudeau. But you want to compare him to your idiot? Fine. Trump is a draftdodging coward from a rich family, claims to be self made but always used daddy's money and still operates under huge debt loads, just like the monster deficit he's running now. Too scared to release his grades from his "quality education" or his tax returns showing his "business genius". A shitty reality tv personality who cheated on his bimbo wife with a porn chick months after she gave birth to his kid. Has not fulfilled 1 campaign promise other than giving a huge tax break to the rich and wealthy, which you, dear keyboard warrior don't belong to. Inherited a booming economy from Obama and is running it in the ground, look where your bonds are going and you know recession is hitting next year. Has deminished the standing of the US in the world again. Is an intellectual nitwit who can't even string together a sentence, has no knowledge of the most basic economic principles or geography for that matter. Lies on a daily basis, usually while throwing tantrums like a 6 yr old. You can have him.
*Tax rates in the US used to be 90% for the rich, under Eisenhower, a Republican president, and during one of the most prosperous times in US history, so don't worry about our tax rates. I'd rather live where health and dental care are affordable for all instead of the select few. Our infrastructure is sound and we won't miss out on opportunities in the green economy because we're not the only G8 country to pull out of Paris.
*You've never been anywhere, so much is obvious from your tirade, cherry picking "facts" when it suits you. And it will take more than you to hurt my feelings.
I'm done here.
1) i wouldn't be anymore polite to you. Little Trudeau queers like you don't scary me. I'd be as abrasive as possible to incite your scrawny little Antifa ass to sucker punch me. i hate crazy liberal socialists. you're a stain on this planet sucking off the tit of what real people in your country are creating while you're super-sizing fry orders. you've been so indoctrinated into calling your services "Free" that it completely escapes you that half a family paycheck goes to pay for these garbage services. Your healthcare system cost an estimated $2B in lost wages last year because of people waiting for these great, ahemm, free services they already paid for.
2) *Last months unemployment was up, what does that mean? Nothing. ..... nothing? guessing Far Side comics and Sci Fi graphic novels are pushing the edge of your intellectual capacity so let me show you what your Economics folks says it means:

November report paints a grim picture, BMO economist Robert Kavcic wrote in his analysis of the numbers.
“[This] is pretty much as bad as it can possibly get.”​
The steep job losses could reflect a retrenchment after several months of outsized employment gains that didn’t entirely jive with more modest underlying economic growth, several economists noted.

come back when a canadian team wins a stanley cup :)

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Up in nhl, nfl, and college fb. But, that's ok. It just proves what a liar and low life you are and why you're one of the forum fools here.

He just spews meaningless shit. Choking on cock he is , a pathetic life , he’s been humiliated on every forum under every name, to big a pussy to go back to his nba thread. Can’t pick his nose

New member
Apr 5, 2006
Who gives a fuck what somebody from Canada thinks? You guys have a wealth of problems up there that you need to figure out. Nobody outside of Canada cares about Canada. It’s small economic force and benefits us none.

Sep 6, 2014
do nothing schumer really who votes for him -all he does is put down all the rebublicans in every way .im an independent but lean conservative.i vote both ways but this dem field is way out there.

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