Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
WEF/WHO and the Davos mindset are essential to understand because this is the mindset that governs our world here in the West. Vast amounts of our leaders, even down to lower levels, ascribe to the globally homogenized and technocratic vision of the world.

Do not overlook this.

It is globalism vs nationalism.

We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.

The nation-state remains the true foundation of peace, harmony and prosperity.

now you're coming around to what I've been saying

this is a war between Davos (american uniparty, nato, the EU, london bankers, royalty, Blackrock the old money, LIBOR) and the Fed (Powell, major american banks, SOFR) with BRICS alignment which includes Middle East energy.

The Fed have Davos on the ropes. They refuse to buy into Climate Change (see Powell
's response on how the Fed will engage with the Climate Conspiracy) and have booted almost all old Rothschild/Windsor/City of London money and influence out. The EU is dangerously close to splintering, which will be complete by 2025, and the energy crisis in Europe has just begun which will hasten the EU collapse, continue pushing offshore money into America (aka: The Fed and stronger dollar) which will push bond rates up (again, add more investment in The Fed) and crush the Euro.

Davos, the Uniparty, and Blackrock peaked a year ago (maybe it was more like mid 2021) and are now in a death spiral. Blackrock lost nearly $2T in the first half of 2022 trying to buy up assets that have now dipped in value. Their CEO just came out yesterday and said he expects inflation to drop dramatically and he cannot be more wrong. The Fed controls inflation and has every intention of keeping it high, perhaps even push it back >7%, so the CEO was just posturing and threatening. He even came out yesterday and blamed The Fed for not helping to push their ESG agenda for socially conscious investing. He knows this is survival mode and that's why you're seeing climate change being pushed more bizarrely every day as if this fails, and The Fed will make sure it fails, then all that is left is WW3

As i said months ago, I will repeat. The Fed knows they're pulling Davos apart but they also now that if they get on pure survival mode then their only recourse is WW3 so watch for things like troop buildup in Poland. Blackrock is a key to all of this and as they fall apart, we win. By "we" i mean American exceptionalist, BRICS alignment, India and China getting cheap energy from Russia and the Middle East while Europe freezes and dismantles. At this rate the only thing that the Great Reset will bring in 2030 is the end of Davos. as you put it Nationalism vs Globalism

and yes I know The Feb and major US banks are only slightly less evil than Davos but they have no interest in The Great Reset. Their Great Reset is kicking Davos and the old guard to the curb and letting Europe bleed out. so when you read articles like this, be happy, it's not going to be an easy transition but Europe must go down, quickly...

BlackRock Profit Falls 23%​

Firm’s assets under management increase to $8.6 trillion after three quarters of declines​


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Blackrock is a key to all of this and as they fall apart, we win. By "we" i mean American exceptionalism, BRICS alignment, India and China getting cheap energy from Russia and the Middle East while Europe freezes and dismantles. At this rate the only thing that the Great Reset will bring in 2030 is the end of Davos. as you put it Nationalism vs Globalism
I can also restate this as Global Capitalism (The Fed) vs Global Communism (Davos) as they are intertwined with nationalism and globalism

Capitalism's survival depends on Powell keeping his boot on Davos' neck. As odd as it might feel you have to root for The Fed, increased interest rates, and a rapid decay of EU and Europe as a whole

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
While I look forward to the historic implosion of the EU communist experiment, I think it's a stretch to say I'm rooting for the Fed, or any central bank.

With fractional reserve banking, one falls they all fall.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
WEF's new "Global Collaboration Village" in the Metaverse can be trusted because Interpol is on board, says Klaus Schwab.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

WEF explains how mRNA protein technology will be used to mutate the DNA of human cells​


Oct 29, 2021
now you're coming around to what I've been saying

this is a war between Davos (american uniparty, nato, the EU, london bankers, royalty, Blackrock the old money, LIBOR) and the Fed (Powell, major american banks, SOFR) with BRICS alignment which includes Middle East energy.

The Fed have Davos on the ropes. They refuse to buy into Climate Change (see Powell
's response on how the Fed will engage with the Climate Conspiracy) and have booted almost all old Rothschild/Windsor/City of London money and influence out. The EU is dangerously close to splintering, which will be complete by 2025, and the energy crisis in Europe has just begun which will hasten the EU collapse, continue pushing offshore money into America (aka: The Fed and stronger dollar) which will push bond rates up (again, add more investment in The Fed) and crush the Euro.

Davos, the Uniparty, and Blackrock peaked a year ago (maybe it was more like mid 2021) and are now in a death spiral. Blackrock lost nearly $2T in the first half of 2022 trying to buy up assets that have now dipped in value. Their CEO just came out yesterday and said he expects inflation to drop dramatically and he cannot be more wrong. The Fed controls inflation and has every intention of keeping it high, perhaps even push it back >7%, so the CEO was just posturing and threatening. He even came out yesterday and blamed The Fed for not helping to push their ESG agenda for socially conscious investing. He knows this is survival mode and that's why you're seeing climate change being pushed more bizarrely every day as if this fails, and The Fed will make sure it fails, then all that is left is WW3

As i said months ago, I will repeat. The Fed knows they're pulling Davos apart but they also now that if they get on pure survival mode then their only recourse is WW3 so watch for things like troop buildup in Poland. Blackrock is a key to all of this and as they fall apart, we win. By "we" i mean American exceptionalist, BRICS alignment, India and China getting cheap energy from Russia and the Middle East while Europe freezes and dismantles. At this rate the only thing that the Great Reset will bring in 2030 is the end of Davos. as you put it Nationalism vs Globalism

and yes I know The Feb and major US banks are only slightly less evil than Davos but they have no interest in The Great Reset. Their Great Reset is kicking Davos and the old guard to the curb and letting Europe bleed out. so when you read articles like this, be happy, it's not going to be an easy transition but Europe must go down, quickly...

BlackRock Profit Falls 23%​

Firm’s assets under management increase to $8.6 trillion after three quarters of declines​

I would not doubt you will see large retirement accounts being managed by them get pulled out from them starting soon. They already have lost some due to their stance. These retirement accounts can't take the chance of losing large amounts of people's money.

EU is on the verge of being toast soon with the policies being pushed, not all members are willing to go down with the ship and even the ones who do are flip flopping as they know they will have trouble.

The WEF probably going to target the internet either taking it down or trying to whitewash the info that is out there exposing them. People have finally started to wake up and are not taking this lightly anymore. They see the truth about the WEF now. WEF is now going to try and control the narrative so people can't get the truth about them anymore. All you have to do is listen to how they are talking in Davos now.

WW3 is pretty much all they have left and they are pushing it really hard if you have been paying attention. They are all in on Ukraine, they need to try and take out Russia at all costs as Putin and Russia are not their friend. This could get ugly as the WEF politicians of the West are going to try and fight WW3 and the people of their countries are not on board with it, the majority are not.

Oct 29, 2021
While I look forward to the historic implosion of the EU communist experiment, I think it's a stretch to say I'm rooting for the Fed, or any central bank.

With fractional reserve banking, one falls they all fall.
Things are going to be bleak for the people for a while. People really need to try and prepare as best they can for what I think is coming within the next couple of years.

Oct 29, 2021
WEF's new "Global Collaboration Village" in the Metaverse can be trusted because Interpol is on board, says Klaus Schwab.
This is scary, WTF is Interpol doing with the WEF?
Are they going to be suppressing the truth now?
Whitewashing the internet or shutting people down?
Shutting down the internet?

The WEF knows they have to try and control the narrative as the truth is out about them and what they are trying to do to the masses. They need to lie even more than they have been
I would expect to see a full Goebbels like assault from the media and WEF

Oct 29, 2021
These POS in Davos are hiring up all the escorts/prostitutes they can for their visit.
I would not doubt many of them brought children with them on their private planes and are all locked down in private at their hotels/houses/etc

You know there are many pedo's in this group, there is not a doubt about that.
How many brought their own escorts with them?
How many brought underaged or children with them for their needs?

These sick mother fuckers need to be taken down.

Listen to how they talk, they talk like they are the chosen ones to fix the world
and are doing something special and are the good guys.
Meanwhile everyone else thinks they are all fucked in the head and want to rid the earth of them

Sep 20, 2017
Elon calling out all the WEF bullshit!


View attachment 57523
Elon is wrong. And no the answer isn't to bring people from dumps ro America and Europe. But , yes, we are overpopulated
Context matters though
That does not mean kill off billions because we are
Stop foreign AID and these dumps will not breede like rats
The same thing that happens in nature with animals
Hell, we kill off the animals to maintain populations and specifically state we need too
BUt, yeah, we aren;t overpopulated lol

Oct 29, 2021
Elon is wrong. And no the answer isn't to bring people from dumps ro America and Europe. But , yes, we are overpopulated
Context matters though
That does not mean kill off billions because we are
Stop foreign AID and these dumps will not breede like rats
The same thing that happens in nature with animals
Hell, we kill off the animals to maintain populations and specifically state we need too
BUt, yeah, we aren;t overpopulated lol
The earth is not over populated, Is this your opinion or are you citing anything of substance?

Have seen a few things on this, studies, etc. Not over populated, that is the opinion of some.
The one's who believe that are all psychotic, mentally ill, megalomaniacs tying to take over the population.

Sep 20, 2017
The earth is not over populated, Is this your opinion or are you citing anything of substance?

Have seen a few things on this, studies, etc. Not over populated, that is the opinion of some.
The one's who believe that are all psychotic, mentally ill, megalomaniacs tying to take over the population.
What does that even mean not overpopulated?
Because there is room?
Goodluck giving 8 billion people quality of life similar to that of America for example
You think it is a coincidence the majority of the world lives in relative poverty?
Just because much of what these psychos say is wrong doesn't mean everything is.
More importantly as I said context matters
What they want to do about overpopulation might be an issue but there is no doubt about it

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
What does that even mean not overpopulated?
Because there is room?
Goodluck giving 8 billion people quality of life similar to that of America for example
You think it is a coincidence the majority of the world lives in relative poverty?
Just because much of what these psychos say is wrong doesn't mean everything is.
More importantly as I said context matters
What they want to do about overpopulation might be an issue but there is no doubt about it
but when we were 1.7 billion people in 1900 nearly 70% of them lived in poverty, approximately 1.2 billion of them. We're now >8 billion people and less than 800m (sub 10%) are below the poverty line. Seems like one key metric of overpopulation would be a massive increase in poverty due to lack of resources yet with 5x more people on the planet than 120 years ago the total number living in poverty has shrunk considerably.

what metric(s) should we use to understand overpopulation effects? it certainly can't be percentage of people living the "american quality of life" because I don't even know what that means nor do our 500k homeless people here. and they're not homeless because America has too many people it's because of drugs and mental disease. But by using "relative poverty" you've just moved those goal posts big time because it's not about affording necessities (absolute poverty) it's keeping up with the Jones'

Sep 20, 2017
We don't have endless reosurces. And if you want people for the sake of people regrdless of quality of life whatever. Go for it lol
If those resources are endless lets go fix those countries, right? Resources are not an issue so.....get to it. Maybe we shold just all share reources since they are so abundant. Hmmm...sounds like something everyone hates

Mostly western advancements have allowed for the poverty levels to not significantly increase
And talking about poor people in America compared to the rest of the world there is a quite a difference when talking about quality of life here that is what I meant

But if it isn't a big deal go live in the places that are ovepopulated, eat bugs and live that lifestyle
Maybe you want overpopulated apartment ghettos and navigational problems and the rest
You may not think there is ovepopulation but you don't live in the parts of the world that deal with the negative impacts
You go turn those countries into some place you want to live and let me know
Then we can work even more on increasing populations
Unless your plan is to stop population growth in the 3rd world and increase it America, Europe and parts of Asia....then we can see how that works out when we double triple or quadruple those populations
I'm not for itAnd you would have to find a way to do it with native populations as to not destroy the countries
GL with that

Most people don't want to hear it but if you are worried about the fate of countries or the world worry more about demographics, history and culture. Elon sounds like he is pushing a pyramid scheme. The more people you have the more you need and it never ends because you will always need more. Largely sounds like some economic zone proponent pushing mass immigration for jobs

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
reading b/w the lines in WEF's Global Risks Report 2023

The global cost-of-living crisis threatens to undermine the net zero agenda, “potentially leading to dire planetary and societal consequences”. As a result, “the risks of a slower and more disorderly transition” to net-zero has “now turned into reality”.

Translation: We’ve lost control and now we can’t stop people making survival of themselves and their societies a priority before our bug eating agenda. Still can’t understand why these pesky people would be more concerned about making sure they are warm during winter and use fossil fuels, nuclear, instead of hopelessly inefficient, expensive and unreliable wind farms.

Another interesting line:

“Indeed, with 1.2°C of warming already in the system, the compounding effect of a changing climate is already being felt, magnifying humanitarian challenges such as food insecurity.”

Someone should let Klaus and friends know that with more Co2, crop yields will increase. Also take Canada for example. Canada could gain 4.2m square kilometres of farm land if things get a bit warmer here.

No wonder the UK government has to look into sinister ways to try and change behaviour under the guise of climate change. Who would willingly go along with this when all that is happening here is we get better, less cold and bitter winters and warmer summers? Can’t think of a citizen of these often grey lands who wouldn’t prefer a bit better weather. We could also grow different kinds of crops here that we couldn’t before.

This next one is a positive, even if every effort has been made to spin it negatively.

“Failure of climate change mitigation only featured in the top five risks over the next two years in one economy, Zambia, whereas the Failure of climate-change adaptation was a top-five risk in 16 countries, such as the Netherlands, where it ranked first. The diversion of attention and resources towards adaptation may further slow progress on global-warming targets in the economies that remain the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

Translation: People are learning to adapt with the climate rather than guilt shaming and self destructing themselves to try and go along with our insane doomsday prophecies.

Rejoice, it appears Klaus and friends are losing control, the great reset is failing. Now, we still have work to do to ensure it fails, stay tuned for upcoming action against The Climate Con. The UK resistance to this agenda got off to a brilliant start this year and we have only just begun.

Sep 20, 2017
Yes they want control
Yes, they have nefarious reasons for claiming overpopulation
They have nefarious reasons for just about everything though

Oct 29, 2021
What does that even mean not overpopulated?
Because there is room?
Goodluck giving 8 billion people quality of life similar to that of America for example
You think it is a coincidence the majority of the world lives in relative poverty?
Just because much of what these psychos say is wrong doesn't mean everything is.
More importantly as I said context matters
What they want to do about overpopulation might be an issue but there is no doubt about it
There are or would be more than enough resources for everyone if people like WEF got out of the way. I am not talking about space, you ignorant asshole, moron!

More than enough, sorry you are closed minded. Need to educate yourself, need to really look at things more closely as to what is causing issues. Like most people you only scratch the surface.
Have done a lot of research on this, talked with a few academics who have studied this.

People like you, Exploited are the problem, you talk about the issue but never even looked at it
Like most people completely ignorant and does not want to look and work to make things better

The reason for the poverty is people like Soros, Schwab, Gates, big corporations, etc
That is the main reason for poverty, people raping these countries, people bribing and stealing the politicians to do what is in their best interests. The people do not matter to them.

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