Why are you hating on Ace when your grammer is horrible? If you are writing to a person, use a comma. Well done, Ace. Beginning a sentence with the coordinating conjunction but is rarely considered proper form. What does, "t tilts be so bad," mean? "Every time" is two words, unless your name is Britney Spears. I can't even understand your last question. Okay, not OK. I hardly ever call people out because it's an internet forum, and I understand the common vernacular use, which I also use, but some people just deserve to be called out.
I know 44.5 was available, even though I didn't take it. I didn't take it because I thought it was a bad play, and I put my money on the line. It's not Ace's fault if you lose, even if you get down at his number.
Thanks for your plays, Ace. Congratulations on a big week. I hope you know there are a lot of people that really appreciate all that you do. All these degenerate squares are going to come out of the woodwork when they lose because they took a different number than you posted, even though you won big.