Hey Ace,
I've been following you for quite some time now. Out of all the people who post on all these forums, you are truly unequaled in terms of your handicapping skills and money management advice. I am a finance guy who plays w/ spreadsheets and data a lot. I've always wanted to create a file that can go thru the data to come up w/ a "Best Bet". For example, I'd input the teams and lines on a spreadsheet, push a button, and voila...I'd get an answer for a best bet, similar to what you have on the first page w/ ur line vs. book line. I know how I want to set it up. I just don't know all the criteria I should be looking at and how to assess value to certain stats to come up w/ "your" line. Would you be able to teach me this or guide me through it? What I want to do is have it set up and ready for next season. I was also planning to use the data from this season as a test as well. For example, I'd go back to week 7 and input all the data up to that point and see if the best bet the program spit out would have won. Any help would be greatly appreciated.