The guys that I can't stand on FOX are the Hannity-O'reilly types, that talk over everyone and are just hateful people. When guys talk about fringe in the GOP they're usually not talking about guys like Hannity, they're talking about the libertarians. The old white guys of the party are shrinking though, in another 10 years the Neo-conservatives will be the fringe like they should be.
you know what's funny, how many people don't know the difference between news and opinions
opinionated talk show hosts that hold themselves out to be opinionated talk show hosts are not a problem when it comes to the news
it's the people that hold themselves out to be objective unbiased reporters as they spew their own personal agenda that are the problem
it's the Dan Rather make it up, or Walter Cronkite, who at least was man enough to admit he was biased, that mold public opinion for the democrats. It's the likes of Brian Williams, it's the headlines of NYT, WP & almost everything else in print. They even sold the world that Obama was a brilliant orator for heaven's sake. It's CBS & ABC & NBC that are biased beyond reasonable doubt. It's the double standards they all have. It's the likes of a debate moderator like Candy Crowly working with Obama's team to intentionally misrepresent what Obama was saying in the days following our Ambassador getting murdered on foreign soil, it's allowing only left wing media personalities to moderate debates
it's all so one sided and biased and controlled, the left complaining is just plain asinine
the left can't stand one dissenting voice, pathetic