Ever been addicted to drugs?


Sep 21, 2001
The Halcion is not really addictive (well, maybe it is) - it just made me feel do deary and out there - the Xanaz is addictive - I was taking about a tombstone throughout the day (2mg) - if I did not take Xanax and a door slammed around me it would send chills through me spine - well, anyways when I knew I was addicted I had just finished studying for the Florida Bar - this whole routine made me relax and sleep perfectly - regardless, I knew I was addicted and needed to stop - so I decided to take less and less - after 3 weeks I just felt fine taking nothing - I waned myself off of it - from time to time I take some Benadryl, a Xanaz and some red wine - acually, I can't remember the last time I took xanax - regardless, I could never get addicted to anything, gambling, drugs, etc., when I believe it is harming me I would just stop - I think people who get addicted to anything to the point where it fucks up there life are people with alot of excuses - you need to wake up and say I am done and be done - to me there is a differece between being addicted and really liking something.

New member
Sep 20, 2001
oldirtyku said:
Smokin sherms is the shit crackers...

so true, i will say that pcp is the best drug out there BUT DAMN is it hard to score, mexicans out here in the o.c. would give it to you one day and just take your money and tell you too get lost the next.
im glad though as i would be living on the streets buy now if i was able to score this drug as often as i wanted to.
GREAT HIGH.:103631605

Oct 2, 2006
Yes... Cocaine Had Me By The Balls For Years. I Was Never One To Do It All Night Till Its Gone. Well, I Did A Few Times But Always Because I Was With People That Just Would Not Stop. I Was One Of Those Guys That Did A Line In The Morning Before My First Cup Of Coffee Then Another Around 1pm After Lunch, Another Cpl Lines Before I Left The Office Around 5. Then I Would Meet Friends For 2-3 Drinks And Then Go Home And Have Dinner With Family And Go To Bed Then Do It Again The Next Day. Did This For 15 Years...

The Center Of My Nose Is Gone. It Is Growing Back. I Stopped On My Own. Thank God. Just Got Tired Of It And It Got Where It Was Just Not Fun Anymore..

My New "crutch" Is Vicodin.. I Take 1-2 A Day.... Never More Than 2. They Give Me A Bad Head Ache If I Take Anymore Than That....

I Have A Torn Rotator Cuff So They Help The Pain And Give Me Energy.... Hell, A Valium Gives Me Energy... Coke Buts Me To Sleep... Serious.. Strange...

Shaman; Prophet; Seer
Sep 21, 2004
Seymour said:
The Halcion is not really addictive (well, maybe it is) - it just made me feel do deary and out there - the Xanaz is addictive - I was taking about a tombstone throughout the day (2mg) - if I did not take Xanax and a door slammed around me it would send chills through me spine - well, anyways when I knew I was addicted I had just finished studying for the Florida Bar - this whole routine made me relax and sleep perfectly - regardless, I knew I was addicted and needed to stop - so I decided to take less and less - after 3 weeks I just felt fine taking nothing - I waned myself off of it - from time to time I take some Benadryl, a Xanaz and some red wine - acually, I can't remember the last time I took xanax - regardless, I could never get addicted to anything, gambling, drugs, etc., when I believe it is harming me I would just stop - I think people who get addicted to anything to the point where it fucks up there life are people with alot of excuses - you need to wake up and say I am done and be done - to me there is a differece between being addicted and really liking something.

Great story. Thanks for sharing. Xanax is fiercely addictive and hard to break free from. Pretty good you could do it on your on. Take care.
Jan 19, 2006
deucedeuce said:
Meth for several years, took a while to get away from it

Meth is bad shit.. Really bad I would recommend no one try it if they haven't already.. The one drug I can say is definitely addictive..

I have tried cocaine and never felt much from it.. Kinda weird..

I never smoked crack but I heard it is good.. Anyone here ever try Crack and if so how does it make you feel?

Nov 29, 2004
passingthewind said:
I tried mushrooms once, and pissed myself. Never again, pissed all over the couch, all over myself. Was not nice. Nothing worse than waking up in cold piss, which basically means you have been sleeping in your piss for awhile.

Why doesn't this surprise me? Edit....uncalled for
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As Above, So Below
Oct 6, 2005
passingthewind said:
I tried mushrooms once, and pissed myself. Never again, pissed all over the couch, all over myself. Was not nice. Nothing worse than waking up in cold piss, which basically means you have been sleeping in your piss for awhile.

Was trippin on some shrooms one night, totally zoned in on Saturday Night Live for some reason. Stood up, dropped my pants and sat back down on the chair. Girlfriend at the time asked me wtf I was doing. Told her I had to take a monster dump. She points toward the hall with her thumb, says "The toilet's that way 'hon." Nice girl. We laughed so hard I nearly dropped load running down the hall with my pants around my ankles.

That was a close one.


New member
Dec 7, 2005
Shrooms? I probably took them a half a dozen times over several years. Maybe they weren't very good or I didn't take enuf, but I never felt out of control in a bad way or did any random dumps or anything like that. And shrooms were always followed with several bowls.
Looking back, the only time that really sticks out is when me and a buddy went into a convienience store and started laughing so hard we couldn't stop. Everytime we made eye contact we would double over in laughter. The guy at the counter thought it was pretty funny too.
A few years back I scored some shrooms thinking I would give them another try. They are still in my freezer. I don't know if my constitution can handle that stuff anymore.

New member
Sep 11, 2005
deucedeuce said:
Meth for several years, took a while to get away from it
Wow, you are lucky to get off that. According to an awareness group (mothers against meth or something like that), the first time you do meth it's like having 30 orgasms. Is it really that good? I heard it's one of the most addicting drugs, if not the most addictive.
Feb 20, 2002
gynecologist said:
I never smoked crack but I heard it is good.. Anyone here ever try Crack and if so how does it make you feel?

Never tried it & never will. Because I often see crackhead SWs
& how fucked up they are. 99% of them tell me to never do it.

Have also read online how it makes one irrational, which is a
bad combo for gambling & life in general.

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