My point was you have to take risks when gambling, obviously, right? To expect a 100% success rate is of course insane. So, if you end up ahead by winning 1 out of 7 bets, were those 6 bets you lost really failures? No, they were part of a succession of bets in an attempt to hit only 1. I knew that 5.9 million was probably a little bit too low, but, thought it was worth a shot since I had a good feeling the film wasn't going to do that great. Maybe a bad play, but, those opportunities don't come along often. Hell, it says right there in my first post "This movie's got a good chance of being in the 4-8 million dollar range imo." I stated from the offset that it could go over 6 by up to 2 million, now, was I wrong? Anyone could have taken that information and made a play on the under 10 million at WSEX and cleared the line by over 3 million dollars.
[This message was edited by Oren1 on February 23, 2004 at 03:26 AM.]