It is all still about race: Obama hatred, the South and the truth about GOP wins
All the conventional wisdom you'll hear tonight is wrong: Republican gains are really proof of age-old ugliness
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You don't even really need to read the article...the headline says it all. Quite possibly the dumbest piece of journalism I've ever seen, which really says a lot.
If you dare to click on the page and perform a ctrl+F search for Tim Scott...strangely, that name doesn't come up. Probably because it completely destroys the last strawman card dimocraps have to play...race. R's were behind Scott's historic election in ::

:: a southern state. That's pretty much checkmate on the premise of this idiotic, racist drivel.
Yep, Republicans are the party of angry old white men. That's why they elected fellow angry old white men like Mia Love and Tim Scott to office.
Just an FYI to the dims who are lurking and not posting, your beloved patriarch Karl Marx just happened to be an old white guy himself.