Election of Republican Black Senator in South Carolina brings out all the Democrat Racists

Oct 30, 2006

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ruh roh, this guy is....trouble.


Black GOP Senator Blasts Democratic 'Race-Baiting'

"The lowest common denominator of fear and race-baiting is something that the other party has tried to do, and the voters said 'No.' They rejected this,"

"The voters continue to repudiate that approach to politics," he added.

"If you look at [Gov.] Bobby Jindal in Louisiana — a person of color. Look at my governor, Nikki Haley — a person of color. And now myself. The South has made so much progress. And the best thing that folks like Mr. Rangel can say is that he's going to harken back to a 100 years ago, or 70 ago. Let's talk about tomorrow,"

"South Carolina voters vote their values and their issues — and not my complexion," Scott said. "This is a great sign for what's happening throughout the South, but certainly a fantastic sign for the evolution that has occurred in South Carolina."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/tim-scott-blasts-democratic-race-baiting-2014-11#ixzz3IJSbGQ99


New member
Jan 9, 2009
The next thing that needs to be addressed is the abolishment of the Black Caucus. If that is not racist what is.

[h=2]Scott on ‘F’ Grade from NAACP: ‘It’s Because I Believe That Progress Has to be Made’[/h]


November 6, 2014 - 7:39 am

The first African-American senator to be elected from the South since reconstruction made dual history Tuesday as Tim Scott (R-S.C.) won the seat to which he was appointed after Jim DeMint’s retirement.
Scott is also the first black senator to be elected in both the House and the Senate.
“South Carolina voters vote their values and their issues and not my complexion. This is a great sign for what’s happening throughout the south. But certainly, a fantastic sign for the evolution that has occurred in South Carolina,” Scott told MSNBC this morning.
His win versus Democrat Joyce Dickerson was overwhelming: 61 percent to 37 percent.
Scott, who has long promoted his “opportunity agenda,” said one of his focuses now will be school choice.
“I’m very interested in creating a foundation of education for those folks in the middle-income arena as well as kids living in poverty, kids like myself who perhaps live in the wrong zip code going to underperforming schools,” he said. “I’d love to give parents the tool of choice. When parents have choice in education, I think their kids have a better chance of success. Had it not been for education, I would not be sitting here today. I think of education as the gateway to the American dream. I want to open that gate wider for kids living in poverty, wider for folks in middle income American who are sandwiched. Think about it, the folks who are taking care of their parents and their kids, they need access to a better education system that sometimes they cannot afford. Why not give more parents choice?”
“That would lead to revolution,” Scott added.
The senator responded to the “F” grade that the NAACP gave him on its legislative scorecard.
“Well, let’s just ask ourselves if we look back over history when the Congress was controlled by the Democrats for 40 consecutive years. If we look at the result of that control what has happened in black America? We saw greater poverty. If we take the statistics from 1970s to the 21st century, what we see very clearly is that poverty’s gone from 11 percent to 15 percent. These are classic examples that the policies of the left have not worked,” Scott said.
“I will tell you that if I have an F on the NAACP’s scorecard, it’s because I believe that progress has to be made, and the government is not the answer for progress.”
Scott’s score from the NAACP was 11 percent for 2013, while his South Carolina colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) got 25 percent. Lawmakers were scored on whether they voted with the official NAACP position.
Fifty-nine percent or lower equals a failing grade on the “Civil Rights Report Card,” which scored votes on reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, Obamacare repeal, private school vouchers, union dues, greenhouse gas emissions, voter ID, subsidized phone service, the UN Arms Trade Treaty, increased gun background checks, an assault weapons ban, food stamps, student loans, immigration, the Employee Non-Discrimination Act, the 2014 budget and various confirmations of Obama nominees.
Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the NAACP, said yesterday that Tuesday’s election “was not about who won but rather the citizens who lost the right to participate.”
“This first election post the Shelby v. Holder decision resulted in problems in every single state previously protected by the Voting Rights Act,” Brooks said. “For 49 years, these states were singled out because they had a history of discriminating against American voters. The Election Protection Hotline we manned with other concerned organizations fielded over 18,000 calls yesterday, many in those same states previously protected by the VRA.”
There was no NAACP statement on Scott’s historic victory.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

[h=1]It is all still about race: Obama hatred, the South and the truth about GOP wins[/h][h=2]All the conventional wisdom you'll hear tonight is wrong: Republican gains are really proof of age-old ugliness[/h]
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You don't even really need to read the article...the headline says it all. Quite possibly the dumbest piece of journalism I've ever seen, which really says a lot.

If you dare to click on the page and perform a ctrl+F search for Tim Scott...strangely, that name doesn't come up. Probably because it completely destroys the last strawman card dimocraps have to play...race. R's were behind Scott's historic election in :::gasp::: a southern state. That's pretty much checkmate on the premise of this idiotic, racist drivel.

Yep, Republicans are the party of angry old white men. That's why they elected fellow angry old white men like Mia Love and Tim Scott to office.

Just an FYI to the dims who are lurking and not posting, your beloved patriarch Karl Marx just happened to be an old white guy himself.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

It is all still about race: Obama hatred, the South and the truth about GOP wins

All the conventional wisdom you'll hear tonight is wrong: Republican gains are really proof of age-old ugliness

- - - - -

You don't even really need to read the article...the headline says it all. Quite possibly the dumbest piece of journalism I've ever seen, which really says a lot.

If you dare to click on the page and perform a ctrl+F search for Tim Scott...strangely, that name doesn't come up. Probably because it completely destroys the last strawman card dimocraps have to play...race. R's were behind Scott's historic election in :::gasp::: a southern state. That's pretty much checkmate on the premise of this idiotic, racist drivel.

Yep, Republicans are the party of angry old white men. That's why they elected fellow angry old white men like Mia Love and Tim Scott to office.

Just an FYI to the dims who are lurking and not posting, your beloved patriarch Karl Marx just happened to be an old white guy himself.

Likewise this should be a message to the angry old white men that they need to wake up or retire. Unlike the dem apologists on here it is on us as fiscal conservatives to watch the Republicans like a hawk now that they have more control. They better get with the program and I hope the new blood will revitalize the party. Unfortunately politics is all about control and power. Hopefully some dem's and libertarians will join in and try to find ways to compromise, something Obama cannot and will not do. If done properly and there are still some Dem's who want to cut ties with Obama things could begin to turn around. Here is hoping things will change (is that what Hope and Change are really about).

New member
Jan 9, 2009
It is time to expose the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus for what they really are. They do not represent all blacks only liberal blacks. Organizations like these promote and prolong racism. This country has come a long way. It has elected a Black President among many other things. What if there was a NAAWP or a Congressional White Caucus. It is time to get rid of organizations like these which exist for political purposes only and do not encompass blacks who are not liberals. Where is the outrage. The word racism should never be allowed into the conversation as long as organizations like those two still exist.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Tex., has said:
The Congressional Black Caucus is one of the world's most esteemed bodies, with a history of positive activism unparalleled in our nation's history. Whether the issue is popular or unpopular, simple or complex, the CBC has fought for thirty years to protect the fundamentals of democracy. Its impact is recognized throughout the world. The Congressional Black Caucus is probably the closest group of legislators on the Hill. We work together almost incessantly, we are friends and, more importantly, a family of freedom fighters. Our diversity makes us stronger, and the expertise of all of our members has helped us be effective beyond our numbers.

[h=3]Black Republicans in the CBC[edit][/h]The caucus is officially non-partisan; but, in practice, the vast majority of African Americans elected to Congress have been members of the Democratic Party. Prior to 2011, no Republican had maintained membership in the Congressional Black Caucus. Only six black Republicans have been elected to Congress since the caucus was founded: Senator Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, Representative Gary Franks of Connecticut, Delegate Melvin H. Evans of the Virgin Islands, Representative J. C. Watts of Oklahoma, Representative Allen West of Florida, and Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina.
In 2011, Allen West joined the caucus and became the first ongoing Republican member in the group's history, while fellow Black Republican Tim Scott declined.[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] Prior to winning her race to become the first black, female Republican, Mia Love had indicated she would join the caucus.[SUP][6][/SUP]

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
libtard nation pulls out all stops to ascertain they don't lose their African American stranglehold. They have to fight, they have to be mean, they have to ignorantly call such conservatives Uncle Tom's, they have to attack attack attack. They have to send out their race baiting black attack dogs to do their work because it's those people that have credibility in black communities.

This is how people like the Rev Al Sharpton become rich, they're paid to keep the black community in line. Sharpton in America is like Arafat in the ME, paid to ascertain peace never has a chance

If 33% of black america started to vote republican, democrats would never win a national election (2008 being the one and only possible exception). It's that important for democrats to keep the black vote under control. It's the democrats that keep them poor and angry and under their thumb and they do so by design.

More proof that winning the battle of ideas is just not part of their agenda. The truth just don't matter to them, and they've mastered the game of deception enabled by the mass media who's emotionally connected to their trumped up causes.

Jul 4, 2012
Sen Scott: [h=3]I Got An "F" From NAACP Because I Believe Liberal Policies Failed[/h]
SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): Well, let's just ask ourselves as we look back over history when the Congress was controlled by the Democrats for 40 consecutive years. If we look at the result of that control what has happened in black America. We saw greater poverty. If we take the statistics from 1970s to the 21st century, what we see very clearly is that poverty has gone from 11% to 15%. These are classic examples that the policies of the left have not worked.

I will tell you if I have an "F" on the NAACP scorecard it's because I believe that progress has to be made and the government is not the answer for progress. I was a kid growing up in poverty. I had a mentor who was a Chick-Fil-A operator who taught me that the brilliance of the American economy happens through business ownership and entrepreneurial spirit. So whether you own the business or not, success is possible if you, a, have a good education, b, have a strong work ethic. For the average person who can work, these two key components come together and form a foundation. That is the way that you eradicate poverty.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sorry, What? The Huffington Post Says Mia Love Enjoys WHITE PRIVILEGE


Mia Love, the former mayor of Saratoga Spring, Utah, won her race for Utah’s 4th congressional district Tuesday and will now be the first black Republican woman (and first Haitian-American) to sit in the United States Congress.

The heads of leftists have been exploding ever since Love’s victory as they attempt to come to grips with how a black woman could champion bedrock conservative principles such as fiscal discipline, limited government and personal responsibility. (RELATED: The 16 Most Epic Democratic Underground MELTDOWNS Over The 2014 Republican Rout)

The most fascinating treatise about Love — thus far — comes via The Huffington Post where Darron Smith, a desperately confused blogger with a Ph.D. in education, accuses Love of benefitting from a form of “white privilege.”

Smith, who is somehow on a first-name basis with Love as he writes, lauds Love as a super-duper minority member: black, a woman and a Mormon to boot.

He can’t understand, though, how Love doesn’t agree with his own political ideology. Because she disagrees with him, he declares that the principles she espouses go against her interests — because of the color of her skin and the sexual organs she possesses.

“Love’s political convictions show a strong support for values that do not necessarily represent her interests as a member in any of these oppressed groups,” Smith writes. “For example, blacks are not doing well with respect to education, economics and health outcomes, while women still trail behind in salary and significant positions of power, and conservative politics are not typically known to aid these groups in such key issues. These actualities of Mia’s existence seem to be diametrically opposed to her values that are grounded in a white, male, Christian context.”

Smith then lays down his blogger coup de grâce:

“She appears publicly unhampered by the daily grind of white racism that affects other racial minorities within the United States,” he proclaims. “Unlike most of them, Mia gets to walk through the hallowed doorways of white institutions controlled by elite, powerful men. She is allowed to pass through in her black, female body with the understanding that she must not see, speak or openly advocate for anything related to race or gender — an unholy compromise. Hence, she might look black, but her politics are red. This is one way white privilege is reproduced at the legislative level of government.”

“Mia and others like her are seemingly out of touch with the political realities of African Americans and what remains at stake for them,” the blogger concludes, hastening to add that “t would be a mistake to assume that all black people are monolithic and share the same political inclinations.”

Smith also suggests that the Republican Party — but not the Democratic Party — exhibits a “pattern of using blacks to further white interests.”


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Scott's simple brilliance: self reliance, education and work, A winning combination

it my world, that's so much more important than "the war on women" and "know your enemies" and "they want to starve school children" and "let sick people die".

they can't win the battle of "ideas" because

(1) they're all bullshit all the time
(2) they don't have any new ideas, just the same old failed liberal policies repackaged (how many ways can you take from Peter to pay Paul?).
(3) and it's not really about new ideas, it's about applying 238 year old ideas. Self-reliance, education and hard work is all you need as long as you have "the freedom to pursue happiness".
Sep 21, 2004
November 13, 2014
[h=1]Black Democrat Lawmaker Calls Ohio Democrat Party a Plantation[/h] By Patricia L. Dickson

A black Democratic member of the Ohio State House of Representatives decided to wait until after the midterm elections to file a lawsuit against his own party. State Rep. John E. Barnes, a Cleveland Democrat, has filed a defamation lawsuit against the Ohio Democrat Party and its chairman alleging discrimination.
In his lawsuit, Rep. Barnes claims that white lawmakers in the party get better treatment than blacks and that he was punished for raising the issue of racism within the state Democrat Party. Barnes claims that he faced retaliation and discrimination from the state Democrat Party because he refused to join the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus in the Ohio House. He mentioned in the lawsuit that his reason for not joining the OLBC was that he feared that the membership would harm his reputation, because many of the members had been convicted of felony and misdemeanor offenses in the last three years.
Can anyone honestly blame him for making that decision? He claims that his refusal to join the OLBC coupled with his decision to cooperate with Republican governor Kasich angered party chairman Chris Redfern and key leaders of the Democratic caucus in the House, and in turn he was retaliated against by being passed over for any committee leadership positions.

The interesting part about Rep Barnes's lawsuit is that he alleges racism and discrimination within his own Democrat Party. He stated the following at a press conference: Barnes told reporters, “This behavior on particular members … African American members … African American members have to go through another door and the white members go through another door and they expect you to stay in a box of despair.” He said, “They expect you to stay in a box where your voice is minimized in the process. Enough is enough.”
“There are people who would probably turn over in their graves if they knew about the treatment and the efforts to create a plantation-style management of black public officials in the state of Ohio,” said Barnes. “I understand what the focus is, that you want to have people together so you can manage them like they’re on a plantation. That’s just unacceptable. It’s insulting to my intelligence. It’s insulting to the people who honor me with the opportunity of serving a community and serving in the Ohio House of Representatives.”
You can’t have a process where you tell people, ‘You’re black, you go over here.’ It’s almost telling me I have to go in the back door of a restaurant. I’d use some other terms but they won’t let me,” Barnes said, glancing at his attorney.
“I don’t have time for petty party politics,” Barnes said in Monday’s press conference. He said he waited until this week to file the lawsuit so it wouldn’t hurt his party in the election. “I don’t have time to sit around and focus on ignominious peace – peace for the sake of peace – when I have people in my district who are unemployed, hungry, don’t have an opportunity – and we stand and argue about nothing and get nothing done. I will work with whomever’s in office pursuant to the Ohio Constitution, Article II,” he said.
“Now, I’m a Democrat. Make no mistake about it. But at the same time, I believe that part of being a Democrat is the freedom to place a color on the quilt that reflects your thinking, because that makes up the body of what this process is about,” said Barnes.
Referring to the OLBC’s “plantation mentality,” he said, “I don’t know why these people think that compromise is dishonorable. I don’t believe that compromise in a democracy is dishonorable.”
I am amazed that Rep. Barnes has experienced the level of racism and discrimination within the Democrat Party that he alleges and yet remains a proud and loyal member. If this does not prove that liberalism is a mental disorder, what will?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...emocrat_party_a_plantation.html#ixzz3J3swYBfk
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