Been tracking for over a week. Very Nice. Read your mlb post and the reactions by some just shows their misunderstanding without really studying your system or backtracking.
Been tracking for over a week. Very Nice. Read your mlb post and the reactions by some just shows their misunderstanding without really studying your system or backtracking.
I need to find a cutoff point towards the end of the season. I'm going to keep tracking but I would tread lightly as end of season usual a time where teams already in post season slack off some times. So I would continue to chase around this time until a chase clears then stop after our fades now are down to 3 but I will personally continue with only the Florida chase until it clears out. Hope everyone enjoyed this ... Seems to be a solid "system" if you want to call it that.
Again I'll continue tracking only for purposes to see if this should be the cut off point. GL the rest of the way
So I went back to the beginning (I had actually started the chase as a 5 game chase where it took a big hit) so I went back and re-calculated everything by each game of each chase. The 5th game which we lost back in the beginning gave us a huge swing in payout where the 5th loss would have been a 1Unit loss instead of the 12U loss...I also did this through spreadsheet which did all the adding for me so I may have been off somewhere adding on my own. ANYWAY here's what I've got from this year's back track with a 4 game chase from the beginning.