Without getting into a long drawn out argument with the "Geritol Genie" I was simply using his post at another forum to take an educated guess at his age...If you read the previous posts in that thread I am a genius and baited him into it...My logic is simple that he claimed to clean out classmates in a game played 47 years ago...If he isn't at least to the retirement age I spoke of it is not my fault...
It is the "Geritol Genie's" for lying to make himself look like a bigshot...He brags about using a line that was totally opposite of what it was and "cleaning out classmates"...I could ask 50 people in the "know",what the line even was on that super bowl and they would not know...But yet "Geritol Genie" would lead you to believe that he knew the line...So if he is not at least retirement age(62 which would be 47+15) 'Geritol Genie" would expect you to believe he was a kindergarten bookie that cleaned out his classmates to the tune of maybe 3 dollars American...
He immediately went into a tirade about wanting to bet posters of his age,when all that was proven by his own lying post is that he was at least 62 or a kindergarten bookie...
I stand by everything else I have ever said about him and I have no doubt that he is a lonely old man probably living in a rent controlled apartment without anyone to talk to and that is why he is on here at 3 in the morning in the politics section trying to find someone,anyone to argue with...Check his posts,there have been days where he posted every hour for more than a day...Sad pathetic,wretched weirdo that has no life...And if you notice in that same thread I (correctly) I must say predicted that he would actually stop posting that night and log out and that is exactly what happened...Stupid mother fucker...
So which is it "Geritol Genie" are you at least 62 year old man or were you a kindergarten bookie...Worthless piece of shit!