Drama On The Rx

Dec 11, 2006
You've got a tough job, Hache. My hat goes off to you. I think you do a great job all things considered.

Some of us still enjoy the forums.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
He did divide the country by race.
I had the inside proof of it all.

I was in the staffing business for decades before it existed and when Obama provoked it.

I can see why most minorities would like to be white - instead of what they may be - if they feel that racism is whats stopping them to be successful.

But FIRST you have to want to be a law abiding, productive person, that wants to work for an honest living.
Once that character is developed in your mind, the racism will vanish.
Success doesn't start with skin color. Nor does it prevent success.

Working in a long career, in which I helped people get a good job, many minorities were of the mindset that because they were not white, they had little chance to succeed.

I showed them how wrong they were and explained what they were qualified for and convinced them to change that thought process.
I pulled the mass majority of minorities out of that rut and showed them how to gain skills and education and to be involved with learning a trade or business that they would like to work in.

Our problem of racism, is only there because its a political tool to divide all into thinking its the fault of the white race.
I provided many fortune 500 companies and more with people who were minorities that became great employees and had good jobs.

The first thing they needed - was to believe that they were "capable" of doing as well as anyone else. That was what we programmed into every person we placed and to every company that we served.

Our interview processes and placements were from all kinds of fields. We placed Laborers, Secretarial, Legal and many Medical positions at all levels, even including dentists/doctors.

We 'neutralized' the RACE game and provided good results for all involved. Both the employee and the employer.

It takes a lot of examples to change someones mind about racism, but none of it is in the media. The media is the rocket that got all the racism going. They followed Obamas agenda.

Success must come from opportunity to succeed and to the desire to do whats right for yourself.

The people talking here is these videos are the problem, doing this for attention and starting friction.
The political landscape in this country has used media to start every issue with racism. Mostly by liberal networks who fuel the brainwashing of minorities.
Thats what is wrong with the world.
I was waiting for you to finally start talking about Obama and the reasoning for why he is to blame for “race wars” and not the division trump was spewing. And then you finally said your point in all of it…. “The media.” ?. You’re another guy who wants America to be like Russia I see. Blaming the media. The media is ESSENTIAL to democracy in this country. Do you not understand that? Of course they have their agendas that grow, but the agendas are based off public perception and what the public WANTS to see. There is a perception that people like you clearly believe is that the network programs the audience. It’s the exact opposite. The audience actually programs the network. And that’s why you see conspiracy theories on Tucker Carlson every night. Because he’s trying to appeal to 4chan type mother fuckers aka the RX.

But would you prefer an authoritarian government where ALL information comes from the White House? Like it does in Russia. Putin kills reporters who talk bad about him. That’s common knowledge. Trump looks up to Putin and he would love to mimic something similar here. Haha you really don’t know. The media is essential to democracy in this country. I’m sorry but it is. That was literally just put to the test. And in Russia they think they were invaded by NATO, so that’s why Putin had to respond to Ukraine lol. This is the shit they believe because Russia controls the news.

Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.

So take the media out of it because you know now that it’s useful. Once you do that you really have no angle at all lmao. Obama was head and shoulders a better president than trump. Anyone who doesn’t hate America will tell you that. Y’all cry so much about the border crisis but Obama had the best border ever and then trump inherited that. Y’all really don’t know shit ?.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
doubt anyone cares
You and the people who aren’t anti American SHOULD care. Unless you love maga land and what this forum is now, that’s the only way you wouldn’t care that I get banned for “people riding him” about banning me fucking nonsense. Or that I cuss ppl out. Okay well stop lying about me and talking like you know me.

Ima just start making shit up. Yo patsfan I heard you got one eye and wear an eye patch. You got a glass eyeball and a wooden leg. That’s the word on the street. I think you admitted it once too.

Hache logic.

Yeah…you should care when good people get banned and other “ghosts” don’t after saying they’d like to put all blacks in a camp with electric fences surrounding them. His words but dumbass hache says I’m the racist lmfaoooo. He literally said I’m a racist because I call out someone else for being very racist. I guess you can’t call anyone out cus that’s gonna make hache have to do work.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I understand it might be a bad position for you hache
Whethee it is in you control I have no clue but the same posters that whined about others are silent like cowards as I can see because it is someone they don't like And apparently they called for him to be banned
You know why most of these guys are probably back here. Because of me
I more than anyone pushed and started threads about censoring
More importantly other ghosts have come back
Other posters have done worse and are back
No one even said why he was banned before
Never an answer
I appreciate you questioning him. I deserved a one day ban yesterday honestly. But hache is all over the place you can’t take anything this guy says seriously anymore. I seriously can’t. He’s an embarrassment to this forum I 100000% mean that. It’s shameful how he’s behaving and all he does is deflect and say no it’s you, you’re the racist, you’re the problem. Guy needs to look in the mirror. Genuinely feel sorry for his kids and wife with that type of mindset.

Jul 14, 2007
You and the people who aren’t anti American SHOULD care. Unless you love maga land and what this forum is now, that’s the only way you wouldn’t care that I get banned for “people riding him” about banning me fucking nonsense. Or that I cuss ppl out. Okay well stop lying about me and talking like you know me.

Ima just start making shit up. Yo patsfan I heard you got one eye and wear an eye patch. You got a glass eyeball and a wooden leg. That’s the word on the street. I think you admitted it once too.

Hache logic.

Yeah…you should care when good people get banned and other “ghosts” don’t after saying they’d like to put all blacks in a camp with electric fences surrounding them. His words but dumbass hache says I’m the racist lmfaoooo. He literally said I’m a racist because I call out someone else for being very racist. I guess you can’t call anyone out cus that’s gonna make hache have to do work.

I have no clue what you're talking about, the offshore forum is all picks threads now. There is no MAGA or politics or whatever there. Just vlad with the QB race stuff I guess but the rest is all picks and bringing the subs to the OS. Don't think too many people even read it anymore.

Too much politics, MAGA or w/e is more a critique from previous iterations of the offshore. But those days kinda over.

(BTW fwiw I don't know why it quoted both those posts I replied to, I was just replying to bozzie that I doubt anyone cares if MagKing/Greenbacks get a few dollars for power posting...Didn't mean for Ex post to be in there)

New member
Dec 31, 2022
And I guarantee he was lying about “ppl riding him” about me being back lol. MAD lies. NOBODY did that. ? the same way nobody cares last night is the same reason why nobody was riding him ? what a moron thinking I can’t see through that. Everything hache says is a lie it’s insane.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I have no clue what you're talking about, the offshore forum is all picks threads now. There is no MAGA or politics or whatever there. Just vlad with the QB race stuff I guess but the rest is all picks and bringing the subs to the OS. Don't think too many people even read it anymore.

Too much politics, MAGA or w/e is more a critique from previous iterations of the offshore. But those days kinda over.

(BTW fwiw I don't know why it quoted both those posts I replied to, I was just replying to bozzie that I doubt anyone cares if MagKing/Greenbacks get a few dollars for power posting...Didn't mean for Ex post to be in there)
Exactly. That is what I am talking about. Just Vlad with the QB stuff. And this brain dead mod hache who literally defends the guy and says that I AM the racist one????? How the fuck does that make sense? For saying Vlad is racist for having those same viewpoints for every black qb. How does that make me racist? You are a rational guy here. Explain that to me and why this hache guy has gone senile?

New member
Dec 31, 2022
That’s grounds to have to step down if you ask me. He’s lost his mind clearly. And his intent is to make this a safe haven for that type of talk. Like I said not even Elon Musk allows that type of speech. You know I’m right. Hache would welcome QAnon here.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
And you say all these people post picks yada yada I see the same ones in the pick sub forums liking these stupid ass misinformed delusional posts hache or whoever the fuck is saying on here. So don’t try to make it like oh yeah there are so many members they all just pick games. All of them same lames are liking some of the worst takes/posts I’ve ever seen on here.

Jul 14, 2007
yeah I dunno, just saying I don't see much politics discussion in the OS. Or MAGA takeover or whatever

I see like 12 CBB picks threads, some news threads by the paid posters

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I see a forum on life support ran by nazis who hate America. That’s what I see honestly. They might as well have nothing but far right extremist stories on the main forum like 4-5 years ago because after I saw head mod Hache defend a blatant racist and then call me racist AND then make a guy named magaqueen a mod tells you everything you need to know about what and who is accepted here.

Dec 13, 2007
Being critical gets threads moved sadly.
The fact this thread ended up the the rubber room says something about the lack of strength of the mods..I felt like we were getting someplace with transparency about the member payment system and who the unknown "remote" mod is...

oh well

Jan 18, 2017
I felt like we were getting someplace with transparency about the member payment system and who the unknown "remote" mod is...

oh well
Looks like we won't get a answer on either of those questions. Hache has conveniently ignored the questions. @Bozzie

Dec 18, 2017
I was waiting for you to finally start talking about Obama and the reasoning for why he is to blame for “race wars” and not the division trump was spewing. And then you finally said your point in all of it…. “The media.” ?.

Too bad you blame everything on Republicans - when its what the democrats are the ones doing it.

Nice how you avoided all tyhe media lies about Russian election interference that Hillary the whore said for the 4 years while Trump won.

CNN lost lawsuits for lying .That cost them 22 million last month. MSNBC is next.
MSDNC spends 20 of 24 hours a day talking about how Trumo is going to jail. They've lost every time.
Their own ratings have depleted badly because the leftists that followed them walked away from all the lies.
FOX and Newsmax continue to grow.

Obama was the last person in office to create radical inflation. Look it up. Biden did the same thing in one day.
Your stupidity on Russia is fact. Trump controlled him and China.

Bidens corrupt dealings(Soon to Be Proven by Congress and the House) - got his family millions of mystery dollars for the whole family from CHINA and Russia and no one went to work for it.
Drug absorbing sponge Hunter, and his Lap top, was all true and the entire left media lied about it, along with the FBI for 3 years..
There is so much wrong with your brainwashing that it sounds like you are plagiarizing words off a teleprompter from a Biden camp.

I can only conclude that you like Murderers and all those mysterious deaths from 58 Clinton asscociates...that last one - who was found July 2022, with a cord around his neck and a gunshot wound to the chest "was another suicide"...
He was going to do a deposition about "Jerry's Island" (Not Gilligans) just a few days BEFORE he was to testify. LOL

I can see that nothing you say, is about 5 straight years of left media saying how Trump and his family was guilty of everything they made up - but has never been charged with any crime that proved to be more than just an accusation.

The Russian Dossier was total fraud PAID for BY Clintons and the radical left and all the Media on the left ran with it. Not one retraction when they were exposed for lying ..

Obama was the asshole that extended Unemployment benefits for a year and a half because he destroyed the job market all by himself shipping jobs oveseas (AND there was NO PANDEMIC). The truth is in LABOR participation. Not in the lack of unemployment benefits paid out..

Racist Obama Gave GM/Cjrysler 17.4 Billion in bailout money, and gave consumers 5000.00 for trading in old gas guzzlers... all to create a mess.
Sound familiar?
Biden did the same thing giving billions to build electric cars...LOL Which will never be an economic success. Only another failure like everything else he is doing.
More WAR is on the Horizon.

Obama Yo' Mama, Did nothing for the blacks, except give them cell phones to stay home - as I watched the unemployment market grow faster than the China Virus.

Im under the impression you are an alias.
Who comes here to be nothing but to start shit in the first 60 days on a forum.?

Based on what you barf out, Im sure you wont be getting any facts behind your false accusations... JUST LIKE THE LEFT MEDIA...


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