<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by
Codeine is one of the most effective pain killers known to man...so much for holding his stomach all weekend.
It would in fact be a very good way to do it.
So much for that conspiracy theory.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Michael Scott responds:
Provide your source. "Mr_MJ" is not a viable source. Just cause "Mr_MJ" says so is not fact. We are using opinions and thieories in this thread and backing them up with facts. Your post shall be discredited from this argument until you provide a source that states Tylenol taken with Codeine does not cause stomach pain.
Mr Scott, did you yourself provide a viable source to substantiate your accusations?
No, you did not, making this response of yours priceless.